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Positional play and poker tracker


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Just finished 20,000 hands on 0.50/1.00 nl full ring tables and some of my sats are either worrying or need explaining. I am losing 0.42bb in the big blind and 0.11 bb in the small blind. I think the latter may just about be a pass mark but the Big blind figure, by my reckoning would be better if I folded blind every time and never saw a flop. I have lost $2281 in the bb in 2732 hands. Second worry is that in all other positions bar the cut off I am showing a profit surely the cutoff should be my second most profitable position? Poker tracker has me down a playing less hands in the CO than the button or one before the CO. I take it this must have something to do with players leaving the table when due to post blinds?

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Re: Positional play and poker tracker

I am losing 0.42bb in the big blind and 0.11 bb in the small blind. I think the latter may just about be a pass mark but the Big blind figure, by my reckoning would be better if I folded blind every time and never saw a flop. I have lost $2281 in the bb in 2732 hands.
Does 0.42bb mean 0.42 big bets (as in limit poker: i.e., 0.84 big blinds), then? :unsure
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Re: Positional play and poker tracker You have an option in the preferences tab to switch between Big Bets and Big Blinds :ok There are 2 big blind figures - one including posted blinds and one excluding.... which one are you quoting? If it's including, then anything better than -1 is better than folding every time (and better than -0.5 in the SB) In my (relatively small) Boss sample - the cut off is my only losing position too :loon I'll grab a screenshot and put it up :ok

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Re: Positional play and poker tracker

There are 2 big blind figures - one including posted blinds and one excluding.... which one are you quoting? If it's including, then anything better than -1 is better than folding every time
Though if you fold every time you can, you'll still get a walk occasionally. It would only need to happen about one time in nine to bring your loss down to 0.84 big blinds. I don't understand why glceud's figures show him playing fewer hands in the CO. I don't see why players leaving when they're due to post the blinds would cause this: if you're due to be CO and the player due to be BB leaves, then you're still CO, aren't you?
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Re: Positional play and poker tracker

I don't understand why glceud's figures show him playing fewer hands in the CO. I don't see why players leaving when they're due to post the blinds would cause this: if you're due to be CO and the player due to be BB leaves, then you're still CO, aren't you?
Just thought it must be to do with the fact that I either wait for the bb to come round when opening a table, unless I have the opportunity to blind in the cutoff(the button is never offered) PT must record this as a BB not taking the position into account. Considering you do get the odd free flop in the BB and you do flop the nuts sometimes my figures must make me the worst BB player in the universe. GaF you've posted one more Sb than Bb, thought you could only get away woth that in drunken home games.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Positional play and poker tracker OK rip me to threads time Had a look at my positional stats and the cards dealt and far and away the biggest loser is AA What am I doing wrong? FullTiltPoker Game #5106959429: Table Low Bridge - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:45:51 ET - 2008/02/03 Seat 1: Sojus ($19) Seat 2: mag80 ($46.35) Seat 3: d-bug1122 ($56.95) Seat 4: glceud ($101.85) Seat 5: Jake Thrust ($93.45) Seat 6: pallavicini ($60) Seat 7: huw22 ($115.95) Seat 8: xincubusx123 ($137.10) Seat 9: THE RIFLEMAN ($134) d-bug1122 posts the small blind of $0.50 glceud posts the big blind of $1 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to glceud [Ad Ah] Jake Thrust folds huw22 calls $1 xincubusx123 has 15 seconds left to act xincubusx123 folds THE RIFLEMAN folds Sojus folds mag80 folds d-bug1122 calls $0.50 glceud raises to $4 huw22 calls $3 d-bug1122 folds *** FLOP *** [8s 8d 3h] glceud bets $9 huw22 raises to $20 glceud calls $11 *** TURN *** [8s 8d 3h] [4c] glceud checks huw22 has 15 seconds left to act huw22 bets $24 glceud calls $24 *** RIVER *** [8s 8d 3h 4c] [2h] glceud checks huw22 bets $46 glceud calls $46 *** SHOW DOWN *** huw22 shows [6h 8h] three of a kind, Eights glceud mucks huw22 wins the pot ($186) with three of a kind, Eights *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $189 | Rake $3 Board: [8s 8d 3h 4c 2h] Seat 1: Sojus didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: mag80 (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 3: d-bug1122 (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 4: glceud (big blind) mucked [Ad Ah] - two pair, Aces and Eights Seat 5: Jake Thrust didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: pallavicini is sitting out Seat 7: huw22 showed [6h 8h] and won ($186) with three of a kind, Eights Seat 8: xincubusx123 didn't bet (folded) Seat 9: THE RIFLEMAN didn't bet (folded)

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Re: Positional play and poker tracker FullTiltPoker Game #5253599469: Table Silver Penny - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:06:58 ET - 2008/02/14 Seat 1: lipstickk ($151.50) Seat 2: joeblak ($81.55) Seat 3: drevil23432 ($44.50) Seat 4: giveusakiss ($94.40) Seat 5: Theman200050 ($225.10) Seat 6: glceud ($58.50) Seat 7: Junior71 ($36.50) Seat 8: turkish99 ($31) Seat 9: crazytimy ($100.50) Theman200050 posts the small blind of $0.50 glceud posts the big blind of $1 The button is in seat #4 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to glceud [As Ah] Junior71 calls $1 turkish99 calls $1 crazytimy calls $1 lipstickk folds joeblak calls $1 drevil23432 folds giveusakiss calls $1 Theman200050 has 15 seconds left to act Theman200050 calls $0.50 glceud has 15 seconds left to act glceud raises to $7 Junior71 calls $6 turkish99 calls $6 crazytimy calls $6 joeblak: nice squeeze joeblak calls $6 glceud: oh dear giveusakiss folds Theman200050 folds *** FLOP *** [2d 7d 3h] glceud has 15 seconds left to act glceud bets $51.50, and is all in joeblak: allin Junior71 calls $29.50, and is all in turkish99 folds crazytimy raises to $93.50, and is all in joeblak folds crazytimy shows [4d 3d] glceud shows [As Ah] Junior71 shows [6h 6d] Uncalled bet of $42 returned to crazytimy *** TURN *** [2d 7d 3h] [3c] *** RIVER *** [2d 7d 3h 3c] [9c] crazytimy shows three of a kind, Threes glceud shows two pair, Aces and Threes crazytimy wins the side pot ($44) with three of a kind, Threes Junior71 shows two pair, Sixes and Threes crazytimy wins the main pot ($122.50) with three of a kind, Threes glceud is sitting out Junior71 is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $169.50 Main pot $125.50. Side pot $44. | Rake $3 Board: [2d 7d 3h 3c 9c] Seat 1: lipstickk didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: joeblak folded on the Flop Seat 3: drevil23432 didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: giveusakiss (button) folded before the Flop Seat 5: Theman200050 (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 6: glceud (big blind) showed [As Ah] and lost with two pair, Aces and Threes Seat 7: Junior71 showed [6h 6d] and lost with two pair, Sixes and Threes Seat 8: turkish99 folded on the Flop Seat 9: crazytimy showed [4d 3d] and won ($166.50) with three of a kind, Threes

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Re: Positional play and poker tracker FullTiltPoker Game #5213818318: Table Silver Penny - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:17:47 ET - 2008/02/11 Warriors08: you should have bet the turn Seat 1: topper6 ($147.05) Seat 2: JORDAN914 ($102.65) Seat 3: Glimmergirl6 ($18.25) Seat 4: KhamsyN ($80.05) Seat 5: john1226 ($98.50) Seat 6: glceud ($53.55) Seat 7: Warriors08 ($163.85) Seat 8: hammarskjold ($18.50) Seat 9: UnSmart ($143.65) KhamsyN posts the small blind of $0.50 john1226 is sitting out glceud posts the big blind of $1 The button is in seat #3 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to glceud [As Ac] john1226 stands up Warriors08 calls $1 Litha adds $100 hammarskjold folds UnSmart folds topper6 folds JORDAN914 folds Glimmergirl6 folds KhamsyN folds glceud raises to $5 Warriors08 has 15 seconds left to act Warriors08: the way j are hitting i should call Warriors08 calls $4 *** FLOP *** [Kc 9c Th] glceud bets $10.50 Warriors08 has 15 seconds left to act Warriors08 calls $10.50 *** TURN *** [Kc 9c Th] [Qc] glceud has 15 seconds left to act glceud checks Warriors08 has 15 seconds left to act Warriors08 bets $10 glceud calls $10 *** RIVER *** [Kc 9c Th Qc] [Ad] glceud checks Warriors08 bets $28 glceud has 15 seconds left to act glceud: oh dear glceud calls $28 *** SHOW DOWN *** Warriors08 shows [Js 5d] a straight, Ace high glceud mucks Warriors08 wins the pot ($104.50) with a straight, Ace high glceud is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $107.50 | Rake $3 Board: [Kc 9c Th Qc Ad] Seat 1: topper6 didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: JORDAN914 didn't bet (folded) Seat 3: Glimmergirl6 (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: KhamsyN (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: john1226 is sitting out Seat 6: glceud (big blind) mucked [As Ac] - three of a kind, Aces Seat 7: Warriors08 showed [Js 5d] and won ($104.50) with a straight, Ace high Seat 8: hammarskjold didn't bet (folded) Seat 9: UnSmart didn't bet (folded)

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Re: Positional play and poker tracker FullTiltPoker Game #5353194026: Table Durham - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 7:54:52 ET - 2008/02/22 Seat 1: hamhank ($40) Seat 2: drp07 ($33.70), is sitting out Seat 3: DocW ($56.80) Seat 4: Rodrigo-A1 ($109.20) Seat 5: glceud ($39) Seat 6: Tomm Bombadil ($49.10) Seat 7: Hellebek ($41.05) Seat 8: ssubear03 ($27) Seat 9: kkw54 ($39.10) Rodrigo-A1 posts the small blind of $0.50 glceud has 5 seconds left to act glceud posts the big blind of $1 5 seconds left to act hamhank posts $1 The button is in seat #3 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to glceud [Ah Ad] Tomm Bombadil folds Hellebek folds ssubear03 calls $1 kkw54 raises to $5.50 hamhank has 15 seconds left to act hamhank folds DocW has 15 seconds left to act DocW folds Rodrigo-A1 folds glceud raises to $10 ssubear03 folds kkw54 calls $4.50 *** FLOP *** [Kh Qc 9h] glceud bets $22.50 kkw54 raises to $29.10, and is all in glceud calls $6.50, and is all in kkw54 shows [Qs Ks] glceud shows [Ah Ad] Uncalled bet of $0.10 returned to kkw54 *** TURN *** [Kh Qc 9h] [5h] *** RIVER *** [Kh Qc 9h 5h] [Kd] kkw54 shows a full house, Kings full of Queens glceud shows two pair, Aces and Kings kkw54 wins the pot ($77.50) with a full house, Kings full of Queens glceud is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $80.50 | Rake $3 Board: [Kh Qc 9h 5h Kd] Seat 1: hamhank folded before the Flop Seat 2: drp07 is sitting out Seat 3: DocW (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: Rodrigo-A1 (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: glceud (big blind) showed [Ah Ad] and lost with two pair, Aces and Kings Seat 6: Tomm Bombadil didn't bet (folded) Seat 7: Hellebek didn't bet (folded) Seat 8: ssubear03 folded before the Flop Seat 9: kkw54 showed [Qs Ks] and won ($77.50) with a full house, Kings full of Queens

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Re: Positional play and poker tracker

In the bb 12 times out of 21' date=' just over 57%. Aces aint what they used to be.[/quote'] Well assuming you've played them as aggressively as the hands you've shown, you know that run just cannot continue........
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