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Matchday 3 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker


Matchday 3 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker  

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Re: Matchday 3 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker I would like to apologise to all my team for being a stooopid **** and not following my own advice - taken out by Mr V - completely misread him - didn't play the hand like I thought he would at all :unsure

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Re: Matchday 3 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker

P.S. Yum Yum.... :lol
sfgisodkgfisdfgbiskdnbsdfvbndskvbnsdk ds dsj,dfb ksdj bgskb dskfbsjhlbkj bsdlkf vjc bsdz\c\b fjdsFkhsf\ b\hsbvhd fvbhk\vb\dfvbsdzjvcbfzjdsmczbdbamdsfs\jhf d\hfbvfj\ vkbzdkjvbhdsfvjhzjfhfzhd vzvhzhj nfvj hvf s vzfj vbfjslhvs vhilb vsh vhslz bvkxlhxcvjkzs bkszdbvkh,; fb kdbhdfngb jdf bhdjfzv xhnb vdfjxvhb dxfvbdjvb zhdjbvf vbzfv bk\vb zldhb vkzh bvnjz vbhzk vvjzf vdfv :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Matchday 3 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker I have to apologise for runadrum's no-show tonight, but in a scandalous attempt at team rigging, I drove our car off the road on the way home, puncturing both front tyres and very probably wrecking the suspension and radiator. Just arrived home, by way of recovery truck. Both completely uninjured, although if there had been a wall in front of me rather than open grass it could have been a different story. :loon You see, he should have said he was unavailable tonight like I had. :lol

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Re: Matchday 3 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker

I drove our car off the road on the way home' date=' puncturing both front tyres and very probably wrecking the suspension and radiator. Just arrived home, by way of recovery truck. :lol[/quote'] Glad your both unhurt - :ok Do you change the 'Hawk-Eye' tag to 'Bats -Eye' now :unsure
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Re: Matchday 3 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker Thanks for the concern guys. As accidents caused by speed go it was fairly sedate, at a sort of Y junction where straight on was over a kerb (which did the damage) onto a widening level grass verge. Started to try and change one wheel from which we could hear air was escaping when Helen spotted the other front was completely flat, so that was the end of that. Shouldn't be too too expensive for either us or the insurers, it's just all the hassle that goes with it. :ok

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