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PL Players Club


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Re: PL Players Club

If we can build up some winnings and a pot, then we would love to use the prize pool and expand it to be more frequent/cover more players :ok In general, staking someone for a 50/50 split is pretty large negative expectation, even if they are a class player with a significant edge - that edge cannot normally be enough - however the value added in this poker trillion game probably does give us an opportunity to build a fund,a nd have a positive ev :ok
i think this is a great idea in principle but as you have pointed out gaf ,with a 50/50 split its gonna be awfully tough to get a profit out of it. after all i'm sure nobody wants this to run out in 3 months time if the first 3 buyins end up as no cashes:pukeno matter who plays it is always possible. i would love to see this grow into something really big that not only helps players move up to higher stakes games and the chance of a nice big win:)but also strenghens the great spirit of the lounge:nana:nana:nana. which is why i thought of another idea which i think has some big pluses but also a couple of negatives(which hopefully someone might be able to think up a way round:hope) what about a fund that will buy in 50% and take 50% profit. i think this would have a real chance of growing to a point where it could be helping a lot of players instead of maybe 12/24 a year and could turn a really healthy profit. it would be helping players gain entry into a higher buy in than they can normally afford that has good added value ,but not put to much pressure on each player. i know from personal experiance that playing a lot bigger buy in games than your used to can effect your game ,and as dodger said you will be under a bit of extra pressure playing for everybody else anyway . i myself would feel a bit less worried playing for half my money, half someone elses ,than all someone elses. doing it this way you could maybe have 4 buy in levels $10/$20/$50/$100 each month a 50/50buy in is offered in a value added tourney at each level, which shouldnt be to difficult to find a decent tourney at each level in a month:hopeduring the month put a poll up asking which level you want to buy in at, whoever gets highest bpp in each poll is offered a seat ,if declined next in line gets it etc. i think this would actually give a fairer chance to those who cant regularly buy in for $10 because they cant play all the focus games and so are less likely to be able to be top . i could see a point in the not too distant future where you could 50/50buy in 5 people a month at each level:loonafter all in most value added games the field is usually large and having 5 players in is no bad thing ,and it gives more people the opportunity to gain and contribute:ok maybe if the bankroll really took off you could give a free seat to the players who come first in each level with 50% of any win going back in the kitty, but only once its a bit safer to do so. the only bad points i can think of is a little extra work putting up the poll and working out who comes top of each poll,and working a good system of moving the money around between the lounge and the players and back again. after all it seems a lot of successfull pros stake /offer shares with each other so there must be something to it;) anyway my little poker eutopia might just be a crazy impossible pipe dream but i'm hoping someone might say its possible and even workable and maybe even makes some sense:hope
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Re: PL Players Club Ok Uber :ok You've identified one of the biggest concerns/problems - sustainability.... Two issues to achieving sustainability - bankroll management and positive ev (from the 50% cut). First off - positive ev - we're totally reliant on heavy added value for that if we pay full buy in, and only receive 50% of profit. I think the PokerTrillion games (at the moment) have enough added value per player that we can have a positive expectation on the buy in. (even only getting 50% of profit back). Obviously that wont last for ever, and eventually we'll probably be selecting lower added value games, which will leave us without positive ev. However if we get a good run from the money, and give people new opportunities, then it is still worthwhile even if it is doomed to eventually go bust.... If it's worthwhile, then I think we have a great chance of securing extra funding from PL to replenish this when needed.... Secondly - Bankroll management - we have £200 to start off with - we are investing about £83 of that in the first game - one player one game - and then we'll probably go for the same in the second month!! Crazy bankroll management - and higher than we probably would have done - but it's "crazy" (great) added value too, and a chance for positive ev. The probability is that the first 2 staked players wont cash. The probability is that we will look to replenish funds with a gift from PL for the third month. The probability is that we will get another gift ;) Eventually we will get a result, and a big boost to funds....then we can look to giving away weekly buy ins, and maybe even multiple weekly buy ins. For as long as I perceive that there is positive ev from the PokerTrillion game with 50% of profit, we will probably stay there. Once I perceive the value to be negative ev, then we will have to look at it again and probably find a different tourney (with a cheaper buy in). For the moment though I perceive the value of PokerTrillion to be too large to ignore, with the knowledge that extra funding will probably be available when necessary if we go bust ;) Onto your proposal - in theory it's great :ok I think it would work for a lot of players on PL, however there is one major drawback - and I think it is losing one of the major advantages of the original proposal. We want to give people an opportunity to play a game that they wouldn't usually play. If we only stake them 50% then they have to pay the other 50% - that will be a "no" for a lot of players on here - for example - with the Trillion game - if PL pays €50+(€5 and we expect the player to pay €50+€5 - then there are a lot of players who wouldn't do it. Of the players who would pay €50 - I suspect the vast majority would be prepared to pay €100 with the value added - and if they have positive ev which I think most of us should have with such an overlay) , then they probably should pay the full buy in themselves....if PL pays the full buy in, then there are a far higher range of players who should play for PL, instead of themselves (even if they're prepared to pay the €109 themselves)

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Re: PL Players Club this may be off subject but what about having a private sat to the trillion game and work something that way rather than busting stack incouple of buy ins if site will allow . not saying we will lose but best to protect bankroll

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Re: PL Players Club

this may be off subject but what about having a private sat to the trillion game and work something that way rather than busting stack incouple of buy ins if site will allow . not saying we will lose but best to protect bankroll
Not sure I totally understand.....is this what you're suggesting (and correct me if I'm wrong)... Rather than... 1xMonthly Buy in of €109 to PokerTrillion, we pay, for example, 10 x €11 buyins per month to a private PL sat - others may buy in and 1 in 10 get a seat? I'm not sure that really reduces the risk :unsure and for the same money the club may not get a player in the trillion game (or may get multiple players) :unsure
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Re: PL Players Club Great idea!!!! I was on vacation for over a week and then i log into the forum and i saw this offer.... speechless It may not have an EV+ if we speak mathematically..... but, i have seen a lot of great players in this forum, hell..... when i joined this forum a while ago i instantly saw a lot of familiar names from final tables i've been, some people i knocked out in HU's and some people that have outplayed the living s*** out of me :rollin. So, i guess, in the long run, we will have a biiiiiiiiiiiig fund to spare backing up PL'ers. I personally think this is the forum with the best players in the medium stakes (if we dont count 2+2 or pocket 5s, but theyre HUGE, so... i guess this is the NUTZ :dude) Thank you very much and best regards

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Re: PL Players Club Wow, nice to see some "genuine" injection to the game from a poker forum .... nice one PL. I dont know yet what the BPP table (new to PL) is but I will look further into some posts ... any clues welcome !

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Re: PL Players Club Hi and :welcome to PL. A brief summary for you - Each day we hold a "focus game", BPP points are awarded to each player that votes to play in this game in the daily thread, dependant on their finishing position. The more focus games participated in = more points on the table. BPP = Best Poker Player - the person in No.1 position in the table. :ok

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Re: PL Players Club Oh fcuk - any accountants on PL? lol - first of all - congrats Hen - who has confirmed he is available to play the trillion treat this Thursday :ok Now - I cant get my head around how to display this - I want to keep a set of accounts here - updated to show how we're doing/what the balance is, and also so that people can see where the clubs funds are held - will mostly be with me and PL, but also for short periods of time with the players.... But the real problem - the clubs funds are held in GBP, the transfer (with Pokerstars) will be in US$ and the buy in will be in EUR - how do I deal with this? I'm not worried if I get a small exchange rate loss (or gain) with movement in exchange rates. I think that the same should apply to players - i.e. we will transfer EUR110 worth of US$ to the player, then a few days later transfer any winnings back using the same exchange rates, even if exchange rates have moved (so the player may have to pay back slightly more or slightly less than 50%) Maybe the players club should operate in USD or EUR to try and reduce the number of currencies involved :unsure

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