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GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 452-591 ColU (10/10 days)


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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 271-397 ColU (6/10 days) Nothing of the sort if i get to 98 years old hope my memory is 90% as good as gafs:moon

When I logged on today I thought- no dont be a bitch and say that he needs a reminder to reg. :wall
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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 271-397 ColU (6/10 days) 144th. Deja vu. Last night, for the whole first hour, I had absolutely nothing playable. Start the second hour with about 950 chips, get AK on the button, two limpers, I push, one call, flop a K and then lose to runner runner flush. Tonight, exactly the same. Groundhog day. :wall:wall:wall

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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 344-492 ColU (8/10 days) Nooooooooooooo. Leg 9 of our challenge is on Bet365 tonight at 7pm. The Flush mag Prague freeroll is on VC tonight at 8pm. Both are iPoker, so can't be played at the same time. So if I'm still in the Bet365 at 8pm I have to choose which one to continue playing. Let me think, a chance of a long weekend in Prague playing poker and drinking Budvar with Morls, BJ, Swampy, et al, or trying to beat GaF again. Which is more important? Hmmmmmmmm. Well that took all of one nanosecond. Beating GaF. :tongue2

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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 428-505 ColU (9/10 days) ColU still going - in last 8 - I was out in 29th Well done mate - deserved winner - I never came close to even mounting a challenge - you ruled the roost from start to finish :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 428-505 ColU (9/10 days)

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol That's one smug grin - I'll be after you for a rematch ;)
Hmmmm. But how can I keep an edge on you? I know, we'll go for Play Money tournaments next time. :rollin
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