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GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 452-591 ColU (10/10 days)


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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 123-184 ColU (2/10 days) Hehe - yes - on focus and concentration, you've probably worked out how to get an edge on me :sad I do find Freerolls quite hard to focus on now - but believe me, I want to keep my 100% prop bet record going, so I'll come with a strong run as I get more worried ;)

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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 123-184 ColU (2/10 days)

Hehe - yes - on focus and concentration' date=' you've probably worked out how to get an edge on me :sad I do find Freerolls quite hard to focus on now - but believe me, I want to keep my 100% prop bet record going, so I'll come with a strong run as I get more worried ;)[/quote'] I definitely have home field advantage over you GaF. I mainly play freerolls, I've been playing them on these sites for a few months so I've got to know how the games play. I certainly didn't offer you a level playing field. ;) I know you will scrap like a good-un to keep your unbeaten record, I know I would in your place, like you, I'm a competitive sod. My test is going to be to keep attacking, I know I can't try to just sit on my lead because you'll eat me up if I do. I'm enjoying this. :ok
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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 245-284 ColU (4/10 days)

Uh oh' date=' I'm in Trouble, ColU's come along and burst my bubble.....[/quote'] :rollin:rollin:rollin Nice one mate. 18th for me tonight on Playboy for a whopping $2 and, even more important, some lovely BPP points for our prop bet. ;) Halfway stage reached. Next week settles it. :hope
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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 271-385 ColU (5/10 days)

Out in 362nd :loon
Lovely jubbly. :nana Ooops, :$ sorry GaF, I do of course mean: very unlucky old chap, damn poor negative variance you suffered. :sad Nah, foook it: :cow:cow:cow:cow:cow:cow :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana :cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers :beer:beer:beer:beer:beer
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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 271-385 ColU (5/10 days) :loon Has anybody given thought to the poor other halves who have to cope with the heights of bliss and depths of despair caused by this ongoing struggle between two outstanding intellects? My nerves are shredded and I've run out of Valium! What is a girl to do ? :loon

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