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GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 452-591 ColU (10/10 days)


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Well, I'm unbeaten at the moment - some would argue unstoppable, but not me - almost, but not quite..... ColU's deluded himself into believing he can change that :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :tongue2 Prop Bets - I'll give anyone on PL even money against me!!! Bet Size: $100 Each (donated to winners favourite charity) Escrow: Pocket Lady Prop Bet: As defined in thread above - a 7 day challenge based on best 5 BPP scores from list below Start Date: As confirmed by PocketLady (probably tonight) Will track progress (unofficially - Pocket Lady is judge and jury!!) here - good luck ColU :ok <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

7.30pm Tuesday 19th Feb – Playboy $200 freeroll. COMPLETED.

8pm Thursday 21st Feb – Chan Poker Player CHANce freeroll.

7pm Sunday 24 th Feb - Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7pm Monday 25th Feb – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7.30pm Tuesday 26th Feb – Playboy $200 freeroll.

7pm Sunday 2nd March – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7pm Monday 3rd March – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7.30pm Tuesday 4th March – Playboy $200 freeroll.

7pm Wednesday 5th March - Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee. 7.30pm Thursday 6th March – Playboy $200 freeroll. We've discussed by PM and both agreed to a start tonight :ok I think Sam has received ColU's funds already - will transfer mine shortly :ok
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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 0-0 ColU (0/10 days) This is soooo funny. For all of us who thought GaF was a perfect being that never made a mistake; enjoy: Originally Posted by ColU_FC GaF? What will your aliases be on >Bet365, Playboy, Charlie Chan and PokerPlex? I'm ColU_FC or a close derivative on all of them. Originally Posted by GotaFancy?(BPP) On Playboy and PokerPlex it'll probably be something like "ColUDown" :tongue2 Cant recall my others - I'll PM you before the start :ok Tonight Matthew I will be Telepe :ok Originally Posted by ColU_FC I can't see a Telepe in the >Bet365 game. :unsure Originally Posted by GotaFancy?(BPP) Arent we Nordicbet tonight? :$ Originally Posted by ColU_FC You berk. :lol:lol:lol We'll sort this out later. Originally Posted by GotaFancy?(BPP) :wall :wall :wall :$

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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 0-0 ColU (0/10 days)

Bet Size: $100 Each (donated to winners favourite charity)
For avoidance of all doubt - the bet size is $100, it will be donated by the loser to a charity chosen by the winner. The above description could be taken as meaning that both the loser and the winner will donate $100 each to a charity chosen by the winner. This is not the case.
Prop Bet: As defined in thread above - a 7 day challenge based on best 5 BPP scores from list below
It's a challenge based on 10 games that have been preselected and agreed. The best 5 BPP scores will count. Also senility can only be used once as a 'get out of jail free' card.
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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 0-0 ColU (0/10 days) The series will now be as follows: 7.30pm Tuesday 19th Feb – Playboy $200 freeroll.

?pm Thursday 21st Feb – Charlie ;) Chan Poker Player CHANce freeroll.

7pm Sunday 24 th Feb - Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

9pm Monday 25th Feb – PokerPlex $500 freeroll.

7.30pm Tuesday 26th Feb – Playboy $200 freeroll.

7pm Sunday 2nd March – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

9pm Monday 3rd March – PokerPlex $500 freeroll.

7.30pm Tuesday 4th March – Playboy $200 freeroll.

7pm Wednesday 5th March - Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee. 9pm Thursday 6th March – PokerPlex $500 freeroll.

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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 93-89 ColU (1/10 days) GaF, PokerPlex have changed their $500 freeroll from being truly free to needing 1MPP to enter. The MPP needs to be earned on the day of the freeoll. I'm sure that as you have only just downloaded PokerPlex for this challenge that you don't need the bother of doing this. Therefore, I propose a change in our schedule as follows. Please indicate whether you are agreeable. 7.30pm Tuesday 19th Feb – Playboy $200 freeroll. COMPLETED.

8pm Thursday 21st Feb – Chan Poker Player CHANce freeroll.

7pm Sunday 24 th Feb - Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7pm Monday 25th Feb – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7.30pm Tuesday 26th Feb – Playboy $200 freeroll.

7pm Sunday 2nd March – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7pm Monday 3rd March – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7.30pm Tuesday 4th March – Playboy $200 freeroll.

7pm Wednesday 5th March - Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee. 7.30pm Thursday 6th March – Playboy $200 freeroll.

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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 93-89 ColU (1/10 days)

I'm not able to get into the tournament server on Chan - only the cash one - anyone else having trouble? :unsure
I was having trouble with Mansion this morning and tried Chanpoker and that worked. Tried it this afternoon to reg for the freeroll and its still okay for me. :ok
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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 93-89 ColU (1/10 days)

I'm not able to get into the tournament server on Chan - only the cash one - anyone else having trouble? :unsure
It's fine for me to. If you can't register we will cancel tonights game and add another game at the end of the schedule. I'm determined that you'll have no excuses when I beat you.;)
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Re: GaFs Prop Bet 5: GaF 93-89 ColU (1/10 days)

GaF, PokerPlex have changed their $500 freeroll from being truly free to needing 1MPP to enter. The MPP needs to be earned on the day of the freeoll. I'm sure that as you have only just downloaded PokerPlex for this challenge that you don't need the bother of doing this. Therefore, I propose a change in our schedule as follows. Please indicate whether you are agreeable. 7.30pm Tuesday 19th Feb – Playboy $200 freeroll. COMPLETED.

8pm Thursday 21st Feb – Chan Poker Player CHANce freeroll.

7pm Sunday 24 th Feb - Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7pm Monday 25th Feb – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7.30pm Tuesday 26th Feb – Playboy $200 freeroll.

7pm Sunday 2nd March – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7pm Monday 3rd March – Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee.

7.30pm Tuesday 4th March – Playboy $200 freeroll.

7pm Wednesday 5th March - Bet365 $500 No lose tourney, $10 entry fee. 7.30pm Thursday 6th March – Playboy $200 freeroll.
Agreed :ok
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