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PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added - now with "Celebrity" Bounty


PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added - now with "Celebrity" Bounty  

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Re: PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added Nice one PL and PokerTrillion.:clap:clap:clap Looks like i will have to use my cousin's computer again, soon he will have the 3 user error code.:\ Does anyone know why boss have this rule in the first place? I can't see the point and surely it must be a negative for all the new sites who sign up to boss knowing that there potention customers are being restricted or at the least be inconvienced by the rule.:@ Rant over.

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Re: PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added Sorry to hijack the thread temporarily, but with the new links and leagues PL are having with Trillion and PokerKings, aswell as the ongoing relationship with Virgin, is the realtionship with Paradise at the very least on the backburner?

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Re: PokerTrillion exclusive PL MTT with €500 added No we are okay gaf we wouldn't forget it senility is not contagious:tongue2

No I'm a bit behind on this at the moment I'm afraid :$ As you say though - plenty of time :ok (registration isn't open yet' date=' so you'd all forget the password anyway :tongue2)[/quote']
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