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Virgin Festival in Newcastle


Virgin Festival in Newcastle  

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Re: Virgin Festival in Newcastle Alas i am nearly back to my normal self, it was a fantastic weekend and a lot of fun. My tourney was a strange one as i was pretty quite on day 1 so i cant understand why i lost my voice on day 2 ( relief for all at my table) My highlight of day 1 was AA v KK late on which doubled me through. I finished day 1 with 44500 which was about average Day 2 i spent on runadrums table the whole time so i decided to dump some chips to him to give him a fighting chance :). I played ok but never really had the stack to play my game, went out with AQ v 88 i( think) and missed. Dont know what happened as it looked as if i had bubbled only to find out that 2 players went out at the same time on the other table and i sneaked into 25th place and the much needed cash. Along with everyone else i found it great to meet up with faces old and new, i found it tough to get the time to speak to everyone. And a big apology to McG for the mistaken identity (Bare in mind im blind as a bat) but i should have known that wasnt Avongirl hehe. Thanks to Virgin for another great event and it was great to see everyone having fun, the way it should be.

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Re: Virgin Festival in Newcastle What a great weekend, arrived in Newcastle on Friday in time to register for the evenings freezeout, managed to get through half the field before being punched out. Main event on saturday started very well with me gleaning 7000 chips out of another player on the table, me thinks this is a good start. Also had Virgin bounty Lucy on my table, dealt a pair of ducks and called to see flop, flop came 10, 2 , 4, I bet in 1000 into a 600 pot and was called by Bounty???, turn was a king so again I bet out 2000 and got called again??? river was a king, thinking my trip 2's were good I bet another 2000 for value, got called and was shown AJ. My god this woman called my 1000 bet to the flop with just 2 over cards and then sucked the remaining cards out to beat me, I guess I got that wrong????? :wall Having suffered the beat on the trip 2's a few hours later had a sinlar hand where I flopped trip 10's again bet strongly and was called, perhaps I should have pushed as the same person once again called the flop bet with basically nothing and drew the straight out on the river. :wall Now short stacked made the lunch break afetr which I retruned practically card dead, waited my chance and then puhsed with half decent cards and finally knocked out. :cry Time in tournament 7 1/2 hours, oh well move on for another game. Excellent experience and a wonderful opportunity to meet all the Pl's, a most enjoyable and well managed weekend by Virgin, will be back again in the future. :cheers

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Re: Virgin Festival in Newcastle Nice casino, good poker (not from me :lol), lots of beer, and a great bunch of people - all round a great weekend :ok Good to meet everyone, already looking forward to the next one - lets see if we can get a few more PLers there :hope And special thanks to Carolyn (Mrs Uber) for the lift :clap:clap:clap - I can understand now why shes won kart races :loon:loon

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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Festival in Newcastle

Also had Virgin bounty Lucy on my table, dealt a pair of ducks and called to see flop, flop came 10, 2 , 4, I bet in 1000 into a 600 pot and was called by Bounty???, turn was a king so again I bet out 2000 and got called again??? river was a king, thinking my trip 2's were good I bet another 2000 for value, got called and was shown AJ. My god this woman called my 1000 bet to the flop with just 2 over cards and then sucked the remaining cards out to beat me, I guess I got that wrong????? :wall Having suffered the beat on the trip 2's
I'm a little tipsy so forgive me Gaz, would'nt that hand have given you the full house ??????
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