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Did i play this hand poorly?


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my first post.. how shud i have played this guys? ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 278810006 ***** NL $0.05/$0.10 Texas Hold'em - Friday, November 23, 19:49:48 GMT 2007 Table Magnesium 14 6-max (Real Money) Seat 2 is the button Total number of active players : 5 Seat 1: garnek ( $3.50 ) Seat 2: ojos ( $5 ) Seat 3: wongster ( $78.85 ) Seat 4: dolph ( $6.18 ) Seat 5: Alfernator ( $6.35 ) Seat 6: Pcscrazy99 ( $0 ) wongster posts small blind [$0.05] dolph posts big blind [$0.10] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to wongster [ 7h, Td ] Alfernator raises to [$0.20] garnek folds ojos folds wongster raises to [$0.35] dolph folds Alfernator calls [$0.15] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6h, 9h, 8s ] wongster checks Alfernator bets [$0.40] wongster raises to [$0.80] Alfernator calls [$0.40] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2h ] wongster bets [$0.60] Alfernator goes all-in Alfernator raises to [$5.20] wongster calls [$4.60] ** Showdown ** wongster shows [ 7h, Td ] Alfernator shows [ Th, Qh ] ** Dealing River ** [ Ts ] ** Hand Conclusion ** Alfernator wins $12.16 from main pot with a Flush ************ Game 278810006 ends ************ He raised me preflop me preflop. then i reraised him.. i basically had nothing 7h Td. So then i flopped the straight. 2 hearts on the board and im first to act. 1)Im thinking should i slow play him? to max bet alot from him because i bet pre flop so he probaly thinks i have pictures or something high. At this point i also hope he hit his top pair. or has pockets in his hand and hit the flop 2)Also im thinking wat are the chances that he has suited cards that will ALSO be the same suit as the 2 cards taht are worrying me As you can see.. i lose. because he hit the flush. how else shud i hve played thanks wongster (betfair)

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Re: Did i play this hand poorly?

I think to be brutally honest you played this awfully. Firstly I probably fold preflop, you have a weak hand out of position to a raiser. However if you do want to try and steal as you have a read/stats on the op that show his min-raises are often folded to a reraise, raise more make it at least $0.80 to go. Although like I say you should probably just fold. On the flop you hit the nuts, fantastic. You check, let him bet, cool. But now raise more! There are two cards to a flush there and someone can easily hit a higher straight, make it like $2 to call. On the turn 3 to a suit come up, now this depends on how your opp has played, has he been raising all in on bluffs often? At these stakes most ppl will say "call" and "unlucky" that he hit his flush on you. But from his small bet, call on the flop there's a strong chance of a draw. I would call his all in sometimes but fold a lot too, its player dependent, basically he's reppin the flush - does he bluff a lot at scarecards like this? More to the point you played the earlier streets badly and allowed this. If you're gonna raise, you need to be raising more, min raises just let ppl draw out on you cheaply, make them pay big to draw. Rob

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Re: Did i play this hand poorly?

my first post.. how shud i have played this guys? He raised me preflop me preflop. then i reraised him.. i basically had nothing 7h Td. So then i flopped the straight. 2 hearts on the board and im first to act. 1)Im thinking should i slow play him? to max bet alot from him because i bet pre flop so he probaly thinks i have pictures or something high. At this point i also hope he hit his top pair. or has pockets in his hand and hit the flop 2)Also im thinking wat are the chances that he has suited cards that will ALSO be the same suit as the 2 cards taht are worrying me As you can see.. i lose. because he hit the flush. how else shud i hve played thanks wongster (betfair)
I'm with Rob, you played this dreadfuly. You reraised preflop with nothing. It's an insta fold in that position, you can sometimes limp with this kind of hand agaisnt a lot of callers, but heads up it's suicide. Then you flop a straight, with two hearts on the board. Wonderful (if undeserved) flop for you. you have a choice, either take it down or pot build and hope a third heart doesn't hit. You select option A, which is valid (only valid thing you did in the hand), the 40c raise on the flop is only about 1/4 of the pot. It's never going to induce a fold. You need to lead out with a pot sized bet if you want to take it down. But pot building is fine :ok Then the third heart comes out, you bet out, he pushes. It's an insta fold. He's also drawing to a higher straight than you btw, what would you have done it a J had came out instead of the heart adn he pushed ? Are you calling that as well ? You need to raise harder to make his draws unprofitable. Sometimes he'll still chase them, that's when you make money, but you let him into the hand cheaply and he raped you.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Did i play this hand poorly? You should not have re-raised PF, you should have folded no one else was in so you had no odds for event a call here. What is going on with your table BR? - if you had managed to amass 8 times your table limit i am putting you down as a serious gambler here. Nothing wrong with the check-raise here but the amount is never sufficient here to put a drawing hand off. At any stage in the proceedings did you consider what he might be holding? The only savvy part of your play I can see is the flop check and tbh I would have bet in this position to build the pot rather than CR.

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