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Classy Plays


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Are you particularly proud of the way you played a hand? Is it a text book example to others of how to use a certain technique? Then post the hand history and let us see :ok We dont care about results - whether you win or lose the hand is of no significance, whether you make money/chips or lose, makes no difference to the strength of your play - we dont want your bad beats here ;) Note: By posting your hand here you are inviting feedback, analysis and comment from others Any other threads that should be here? Classy Plays - Squeeze Play Classy Plays - Semi-Bluff Classy Plays - CheckRaise Bluff Classy Plays - Stop and Go Classy Plays - Great River Calls Classy Plays - Inducing a bluff/trapping Classy plays - Using position Classy Plays - Great Lay Downs Classy Plays - Great Bluffs

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Re: Classy Plays :sad:sad:sad:sad:sad:sad I Lost all my best played hands with the rest of my stuff on friday. Great timing Gaf ;). Some amazing plays in there as well i have to say ;) Look forward to seeing peoples hands, good idea :).

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Re: Classy Plays

Cheers Nade :ok I did wait till you lost your database deliberately :tongue2 What other techniques are in our arsenals? :unsure Thought I was going to have loads of threads, but my mind just went blank :unsure
'Great river calls' could be one, 'Inducing a bluff' ? or Classy Traps Late position play: Could be many sub categories under this, but maybe - 'pre flop re-raise to bluff post flop' ? , Limping with value and hitting big ? :unsure
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Re: Classy Plays Any chance of a 'great bluffs' thread? As i just made a great bluff ;) but it doesn't fit into any of the threads. No rush though if you want to think about or discuss the merits of a great bluffs threads as it's up to you.

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Re: Classy Plays No reason not to put it up - will do it now .... BUT I'm a little unsure how we distinguish between a great bluff, and a numptie just shoving and praying (as I said in one of the other threads) ...... maybe needs more than one hand to be posted, and your comments/thoughts - to show the history that led you to make the decision, that made it more than a shove and pray.....

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Re: Classy Plays I'm unsure what we're trying to prove here! I'm pretty certain that we've all (at one time or another) had an entry for each category - are we supposed to post HH to brag or to help the weaker players? :unsure If it's to help them I think you'd be as well posting hands from the Pros! I'm very reluctant to post any Bad Beat stories and I feel this could just be Bad Beats with a different heading! Anyone understand what I'm saying? No? I thought so! :lol TQM

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Re: Classy Plays It's not a bragging thread, and it's certainly not a bad beat thread.... It is to try and help us to think about our game, techniques we use, techniques others use... maybe give us ideas, maybe change the way we think about situations.... What I think makes this better than using Pro's hands, is that it can be interactive, we can question peoples plays, we can ask them more about their thought processes - even if at the end of it we dont agree, it can help us understand how others are thinking (not specifically the person in particular, but others, generally). These hands are also more applicable to the level we play at - a pro, against a different level of opponent is probably playing differently to the way we should be against the opponents we face... It's not specifically for weaker players, but I imagine, further down the line, it could become a good resource for new players....

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Re: Classy Plays Totally agree with Gaf, not just to tow the line but from first hand experience. The strategy threads on here were so helpful for me as many different people offered their own thoughts on hands and plays, and when i didn't understand something i'd ask and many people would reply - giving reasons to why they did certain things during hands and it helped immensely, just as i think these threads will do for most people. Can i just ask Gaf, why you're not in Brum? Don't you want a day off? .. :unsure

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Classy Plays Just a general comment - I confess I haven't gone through most of the posted hand histories ..... I think it helps if you can highlight the relevent parts - maybe something like this - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showpost.php?p=936202&postcount=2 I think we need the whole hand history in case we want to delve deeper....

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