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Classy Plays - CheckRaise Bluff


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Are you particularly proud of the way you played a hand? Is it a text book example to others of how to make a check-raise bluff? Then post the hand history and thoughts and let us see :ok We dont care about results - whether you win or lose the hand is of no significance, whether you make money/chips or lose, makes no difference to the strength of your play - we dont want your bad beats here ;) Note: By posting your hand here you are inviting feedback, annalysis and comment from others

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Re: Classy Plays - CheckRaise Bluff Nice idea Gaf?. :ok

We don't care about results - whether you win or lose the hand is of no significance
I also think that results based hand discussions is something we should be getting away from, but surely check/raise bluffs are only good ones if you pulled off the bluff (i.e. win the hand)? I can't think of any instances where I've pulled this off, got my hand caught in the cookie jar and thought, "I did that well". EDIT:Unless it sets you up for a play that pays off later on?
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Re: Classy Plays - CheckRaise Bluff Agreed - can't think of many scenarios where your bluff is called and it was a good play - ultimately your judgement on what the other player would do is at fault - so maybe when you bluff it is a more results orientated scenario than other plays :ok

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Re: Classy Plays - CheckRaise Bluff i did a good check raise bluff in one of last months pl league games:ok unfortunately i haven't got the hand history but i did show it :)and luckily i can remember my side of the hand but i can't remember the opponent :wall,hopefully they may remember it. i am on the bb with 83 blinds were on 25/50 i think 2 limpers and the sb call flop comes 7 10 j rainbow sb checked ,as did i ,the 1st limper then bets pot size ,limper2 folds, so does the sb. at this point i decided the opponent probably has one of aj ,a10,kj or k 10 so i decide to raise but only to 500 chips .i thought that the just over min raise would look stronger than the big check raise ,look like i had 89 and wanted a caller. the opponent took a lot of time then said "you have me beat"then folded,so i thought i'd show it and said "maybe not" i was very pleased with this hand and i'd love to know if my read was correct on the other player,hopefully they will remember it:hope

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