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Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December


Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December  

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December After two lost battles to better hands (1010 v AA and JJ v QQ) I knew its not going to be my night. With 75 in SB flopped nuts (468). Croc and I end up all in on that flop and he gets his flush :\. Good luck to all left :ok.

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December out 17th,,pushed as sb with a/10 and come against croc`s a/k has been a good night to a certain extent,i see woodie finished straight after me,doh...wasted my chips he did :lol:lol:lol

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December :clap:clap a big thank you to PL and paradise totally enjoyed it :clap:clap would just like to say a merry xmas and a happy new year to all at PL as that was my last PL game for a while.I,ve got a lot going on at home so wont be around much for a while gl to all of you at the tables :ok:ok:ok:ok:ok:ok

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December out in 13th. Called an allin with AQ after being card-dead for 20 hands or so - never hit v 33 put me down to 2300 and QT did nothing against a called 97 gl those still left. Well done mods for arranging this so well. No partycrashers or nuttink

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December Well i managed to limp into the prize money after being mortally wounded by dropping 2/3 of my stack in a coin flip with Red_Fear. I didn't stick around too long last night, so was nice to get a bit further tonight. Thanks to all involved on both the PL side and Paradise for sticking with it after the problems experienced the other week.

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December Thanks for putting this together guys and well played all. Took a chance early on to knock Fenners out but apart from that I thought I played as well as I have for ages. Ran into a hand when 4 left after deciding to play for the win but I still think the play was 95% right.

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December Well good game all! and thanks to Paradise and PL for this :) I didn't make the money (far from that actually) on a bad played hand by me... but was short stacked anyway after a bad beat... :)

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December Just wanna add my Thansk to PL and Paradise Great Game Thought id go the agressive route for a change, and was there or there abouts for a while. Knew my luck couldnt hold forever though Havent had as much fun for ages

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December Yep thanks PL and Paradise :ok I had a strange game where I didn't play due to Laptop problems for the first 30-40 mins. Then I was getting horrendous lag on my connection forcing me to miss a few big hands. I was then crippled when my AA ran into Woodie's monster. I had to build back up from 1.5 big blinds and was just happy to make the FT. Then a few quick double ups courtesy of the Aberdeen mafia :tongue2 saw me through. Great heads up Croc, especially final hand :lol :clap I'm not really a Christmassy guy (bah humbug) but I wish you all well. I'm off on holiday on boxing day for a week, so have a good new year as well :cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers

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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

Then a few quick double ups courtesy of the Aberdeen mafia :tongue2 saw me through.
Well done Bri :clap - There's an Aberdeen Angus Bull's Head winging it's way to your Bed as I type. :lol:lol Enjoyed both the Christmas tourneys this week, thanks to PL and well done to all for playing it in the right spirit. :ok (and I don't mean Vodka TQM)
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

Yep thanks PL and Paradise :ok I had a strange game where I didn't play due to Laptop problems for the first 30-40 mins. Then I was getting horrendous lag on my connection forcing me to miss a few big hands. I was then crippled when my AA ran into Woodie's monster. I had to build back up from 1.5 big blinds and was just happy to make the FT. Then a few quick double ups courtesy of the Aberdeen mafia :tongue2 saw me through. Great heads up Croc, especially final hand :lol :clap I'm not really a Christmassy guy (bah humbug) but I wish you all well. I'm off on holiday on boxing day for a week, so have a good new year as well :cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers
Meant to say Brian well done, clearly my luck has rubbed off on you. :) Well Played
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

Meant to say Brian well done, clearly my luck has rubbed off on you. :) Well Played
Thanks mate - I'm still waiting for your boyish good looks to rub off on me though. By the way, you'll never win a PL game they are too tough for you ;)
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

Yep thanks PL and Paradise :ok I had a strange game where I didn't play due to Laptop problems for the first 30-40 mins. Then I was getting horrendous lag on my connection forcing me to miss a few big hands. I was then crippled when my AA ran into Woodie's monster. I had to build back up from 1.5 big blinds and was just happy to make the FT. Then a few quick double ups courtesy of the Aberdeen mafia :tongue2 saw me through. Great heads up Croc, especially final hand :lol :clap I'm not really a Christmassy guy (bah humbug) but I wish you all well. I'm off on holiday on boxing day for a week, so have a good new year as well :cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers
well played matey - :clap:clap:clap I enjoyed watching the FT. Have a good holls. :ok
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Re: Paradise PL Exclusive Christmas Freeroll - Rescheduled Tuesday 18th December

Thanks mate - I'm still waiting for your boyish good looks to rub off on me though. By the way, you'll never win a PL game they are too tough for you ;)
Sounds like a challenge to me, i will make it my new years resolution. :D
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