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PL Exclusive @ Centrebet - $500 and PS3 added


PL Exclusive @ Centrebet - $500 and PS3 added  

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Re: PL Exclusive @ Centrebet - $500 and PS3 added Forgot this was tonight. I'm going to have to miss it I'm afraid. The mighty Green Army are marching tonight to 'Boing' the Baggies out of town and celebrate the homecoming of the God that is Sturrock! Good luck all and enjoy my playstation!

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Re: PL Exclusive @ Centrebet - $500 and PS3 added Hi all - i'm new to the site and would have loved to play in this:) Unfortunately, Blackburn are at home so I am going to forfeit sitting in a warm house, drinking beer with the chance to win a prize and instead sit in the rain:wall

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Re: PL Exclusive @ Centrebet - $500 and PS3 added Dear Dave, Thank you for your email. The IP you have given us is flagged by our system as an AOL UK IP address. Therefore, you should not have any problems registering an account with this IP address. Can we ask that you please try registering an account again and if you have any issues can you please let us know exactly what the error message says that you are receiving. Kind Regards, Andrew H Centrebet Poker Support [email protected] www.centrebetpoker.com :wall tried again and same message :cry and its my birthday!:cheers

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Re: PL Exclusive @ Centrebet - $500 and PS3 added

I have a feeling when i reg. with centrebet they'll ask me to prove my identity with all that passport malarky which means i'm out as i don't have a scanner' date=' but we'll see.[/quote'] You dont need a scanner Nade. Do you have a digital camera or a phone with a camera. If you do a .jpg will suffice. If you dont.......well it will be a better tourney without ya anyway!!! :tongue2
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Re: PL Exclusive @ Centrebet - $500 and PS3 added I haven't been asked for any ID - took 30 seconds to make my first deposit - the advantages of Neteller :ok (I'm guessing if you use credit cards, you'll have a few hoops to jump through - down to the credit card companies, not the poker site)

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Re: PL Exclusive @ Centrebet - $500 and PS3 added As AOL user had the same problem :wall. Opened acc yesterday and made deposit. Got poker running with small tech problems, buts ok. Went to book today, cant log in cause of AOL. Went to poker, logged in no problems, But could not transffer cause of the same problem. Had to send proofs and stuff and I knew I wont be able to manage today. Rang my brother, he logged in to book and transffer money to poker. Sorted. Will send proofs in few days though. Arek31 on there.

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