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England v Paraguay

Guest surebetdmg

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Guest surebetdmg

Last night (while fairly drunk) I placed a £25 bet on England to win tomorrow @ 4/7 with Bluesq. This morning, I logged into my BlueSq account to find that it was empty. Checking my 'unsettled bets' I discovered that I had accidently put £250 (all of my betting money) on England. I know this sounds stupid, and you're probably thinking 'What a wally...', but what should I do? Should I do nothing, and just hope that England win? (I could win £142!!) or should I borrow some money of a friend and put £120.77 on the draw at 9/4 and £65.42 on Paraguay. That way I only loose £43.69, as opposed to the potential £250. Any advice much appriecated. PS - does anyone think that if I emailed Bluesq and explained, they would let me cancel £225 of the bet, leaving only the £25 I origionally intended?

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Guest brendanuk111

Re: England v Paraguay


Still haven't answered your question? Then e-mail us with your query and our dedicated staff will be happy to help. We will attempt to answer all e-mail within 2 hours during help desk hours. If you are a registered user please include your username in all correspondence. Please also include your bet receipt number if you have a question regarding a specific bet. Please direct your e-mails to the relevant address: General Questions:
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Email system The helpdesk is manned 7 days a week: Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 19.00, Saturday: 10.00 - 18.00, Sunday: 11.00 - 17.00, (all times are London local time)

Worth a try :)

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Guest Statistician

Re: England v Paraguay The other day I was placing a bet on Man U v Depo, a correct score 3-1, ladbrokes brought up a 3-2 thing on my 3-1 bet I immeditely cancelled...If I'd have had 2more beers I wunt have noticed. gutted like a fish.......... leave it!!!! be!!!

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Guest arfster

Re: England v Paraguay I would attempt to cancel it. Yes, Paraguay are awful in friendlies, yes they suck away, yes they don't give a monkeys about this game, yes England have a few players who should be out to impress. Butttttt, 4/7 is a shitty price. England could lose all fluency after a nervy start. Paraguay could fluke one, or Santa Cruz (damn good striker) could surprise them. You never know.

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Guest surebetdmg

£142.86 I left the bet standing. And thank God I did. If I had emailed Bluesq and cancelled it I would have kicked myself so hard after the game! I must say that it does make the game a hell of a lot more fun when you've got a lot of money on it. (Probably for some of you, £250 isn't a lot of money, but it certainly is for me). Anyway, thankyou for your help.

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Guest azton

Congratulations But a piece of advice for you - actually the usual advice : Dont bet for more than you can afford to lose. Excitement is not the same as fun if you lose...

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Guest Big Ron

Re: Congratulations Well done with your bet. England went ahead early doors after Owen had gone empty at the second post. Spotters badge for Gerrard, what a great pass.

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