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The most annoying things in poker


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Re: The most annoying things in poker

I was at a table a few nights ago where someone was saying 'cheers' every hand he won. I made two bad calls against him and badbeat him both times. I made sure I thanked him with a polite 'cheers' both times:lol
A couple of days ago I tried a steal from the cut-off, and then folded to raise and a reraise. A guy who wasn't even in the hand made a comment in the chatbox about how I was an idiot for raising then folding. I typed "Who are you?" He replied, "I'm the bloke who's gonna teach you how to play poker!" :loon A couple of hands later I flopped the nut flush and raised. He reraised, I put him all-in and he called. Before the River hit I was already typing "Where can I sign up for those lessons you mentioned?" :tongue2
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Re: The most annoying things in poker

hmmm I often say cheers when some chap goes bonkers trying to knock me off a made hand with no idea of what I have despite me betting and raising him/her and especially if they have been 'rude' in the chatbox. can't remember saying it to you tho Paul :$:$:$ hmmm, might need to reconsider this one as well - it appears I am not left with much to say :lol:lol:lol Damo
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Re: The most annoying things in poker OK...let the ''Victor Meldrew'' juices stew over this, take a deep breath and dive into this with fearless conviction... I am not texting messages to my girlfriend (OK, I ain't got one, but that's besides the point) or trying to talk in code. I'm playing a friendly game of poker with some other PLers. I guess we can all speak English, although those from Newcastle may have more problems than others...so why, oh why do we type ''nh'', ''gg'', ''wp'', ''ty'', ''wtf'' ??? What on earth is wrong with typing a few words like ''Top play'', ''Unlucky mate'' (m-a-t-e NOT m8, please) or ''you jammy little git''...at least it would show that you had thought of what you were posting and not just joining in the lemming dive off the English language cliff. I get drawn into it myself, but I hate doing it, so maybe PL (oops, Punters Lounge) could make a stand and ban the use of this crap during our own games. I feel so much better now for having got that off my chest, but I don't seriously expect anybody to take any action, although it strikes me that the use of text writing is frowned upon on the forum, so why not likewise in forum games? Anyway...that's it folks. TTFN

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Re: The most annoying things in poker i hate people that give you a hard time, after you beat them and they were behind for almost the entire hand. I took a guy for a buy in with trip 4s against his pocket aces, he never raised preflop, I was in the BB made my set on the flop and flat called him all the way, with a check raise on the river. He went crazy and called me (and my mother) every name under the sun. In terms of the other stuff, I don't do any form of chat 99% of the time.

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Re: The most annoying things in poker

i hate people that give you a hard time, after you beat them and they were behind for almost the entire hand. I took a guy for a buy in with trip 4s against his pocket aces, he never raised preflop, I was in the BB made my set on the flop and flat called him all the way, with a check raise on the river. He went crazy and called me (and my mother) every name under the sun. In terms of the other stuff, I don't do any form of chat 99% of the time.
Ive just been abused by a whole table for this!!!! :\:\:\:\ Knobs!!! nicefloptn7.jpg
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