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Qualifying for BS Bubble:


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Noticed the bubble tournament in the diary, so shoved a fiver in (haven't played there for a while) with the sole intention of getting into this bubble freeroll. But, as is said by those in the know, the best laid plans... To qualify for BS bubble: 6:20 am 10 cent game 6 player, need 3rd place: 3 players left, player in 3rd place folds and I'm heads up with chip leader. I hold 9J spades, board shows 4h 5h Ac, leader goes all in and I happily follow him...straight into the bubble tournament on first attempt. He shows J3 hearts and the last two cards don't help him.:( I won the game for 42 cents when I just didn't want to...it's harder to bubble than you might think! 6.40 am 10 cent game 10 player, need 4th place: 1st hand AA, maybe it's easier to do this from a strong early position so... all in, lost to a flush.:\ 6.42 am 10 cent game 6 player, need 3rd place: completely sat out and had a bath...finished 2nd for 18cents...ah well!:wall 7.05 am 10 cent game 6 player, need 3rd place: Fold AA early...that just doesn't feel right at all! Anyway, 4 left in I've got nowt...leader and struggler go all in...YES!!!...struggler wins, I don't beat leader for rest...out in 4th!...NO!!! 7.15 am 10 cent game 10 player, need 4th place: 10 cent game 6 player, need 3rd place: Nice one, out in 4th place, till I realise it was the 6 player and the ten player was already down to 3...BUGGER!!! :wall:wall 2nd for 30 cents. 7.35 am 10 cent game 6 player, need 3rd place: I have never taken so much stick in my life: omg; wtf; looser u bet j4???; fkoff fishface. Ah...but it was worth it...out in :cow:cow3rd place!!!:cow:cow Total cost 7 x 12 cents = 84 cents less 90 cents winnings (oops!) So, profit of 6 cents and a place in the Bubble tournament. Fun, but not as easy as I expected as you are forced to do things that are contrary to your nature.

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Re: Qualifying for BS Bubble:

I have never taken so much stick in my life: omg; wtf; looser u bet j4???; fkoff fishface.
:lol:lol I've had that myself before when trying to qualify for the bubble. I have to grin to myself for example when I've called an all in with something like T4o against someone's AA or KK and they've given it the biggun in chat calling me a numpty etc I just grin and reply "perfect :-)" They must be thinking "what the fcuk?!" :lol
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Re: Qualifying for BS Bubble: I used to qualify for the bubble using the 10 cent games but like the rest of you found that in trying to come third I'd come 2nd or 1st :rollin. Also I always felt even more cheeky than usual when sending the email after qualifying in a 10cent game, so I upgraded to the $1 games - results still much the same - all that it means is that I make 10 times as much in qualifying :ok.

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Re: Qualifying for BS Bubble: :sad:sad:sad:sad It's just not my week! :cry However, in case I'm at fault yet again, I'll just state that there are 50ish pre-entries for this game and I'm not one of them. :cry (sent my email etc...this has happened before and they registered me the next month but I really tried to get in this one)

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Re: Qualifying for BS Bubble: On 29/08/2007 wrote: Hi BSDodger here Bubbled in Jakarta 84663201 3rd in 6 player game. Should qualify me for the bubble freeroll this month. Thank You ----------------------------- 08/09/2007 08.26 AM The email was sent on 29th August. I do not understand why I have not qualified for the bubble freeroll. I'm now going to look an idiot on the punters lounge forum as I made a big thing of the qualifying process... ----------------------------------- Response (V Ly) - 08/09/2007 08.55 AM Many thanks for your email regarding this months bubblers tourney. I can confirm that your details have now been added to the (August) bubblers tournament due to be held tomorrow at 15:00 GMT. I apologise if you never received confirmation about this from your earlier email. Moving forward, should you require any assistance now or in the future then please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for choosing Blue Sq. Vanessa Customer Service Team Bluesquare Poker ------------------------------------------------- :clap:clap:nana:nana:nana:clap:clap

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Re: Qualifying for BS Bubble: I'm registered ... 53 at moment - so $20 value for virtually nothing and since at least a third normally forget the field will effectively be about 35 - lets see if Punters Lounge can take most of the prizes - there are as far as I can tell at least 8 of us in there :hope:hope

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