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20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 4


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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 4 Not great cards Gaf but on hand 26 you had KJo and folded, was that because the BB was short stack and you didn't want to take the risk of him coming over the top and then having to fold or something else? I'm just wondering what hand you're waiting for to play as you say your M is very low it seemed like a good opportunity to raise pre flop and hope to take the blinds at least.

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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 4 The reason I folded was position - UTG+1 I just have too many players to go through.... I view my only options at this stage as all in or fold and I cannot contemplate all in with KJo with 5 players to act after me. If I were on the button and noone had opened I'd almost certainly be shoving.... You'll start to see through the next few levels that by the time the blinds are this big, I value position/fold equity/first in vigourish far far more than my cards and UTG + 1 just doesn't do it for me!!!

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Re: 20070806 Virgin PL STT - Level 4 Hand 19 - Good shove by Damo, I had no reason to risk over a third of my stack with 8's with 3 people still to go and BA with a short stack in the BB. I did think but it was the wrong situation to call IMO. Hand 21 - Not sure if Damo should have shoved here in this situation in this situation, he has an UTG min raiser and 5 people behind him, he is not desperate with 1500 yet. It works out for him the raiser folds but then I think he made another mistake by showing his hand. Hand 22 - good steal IMO Hand 23 - Again Damo I dont like the shove, you need a minimum hand to be shoving with and A rag is not one for me but more importantly is the position, a terrible one to be shoving from seems like you are shoving because the blinds are approaching but you are not that desperate yet. A minimum raise may have had the same result here and you are not risking your tourney life. You also showed your hand again :eyes Hand 25 - stop n go on flva, easy target :ok Hand 26 - yep poor limp my me guess I know him so well and I didn't want to double him through :$ Hand 27 - Strange move by Karl maybe the all in straight away might of worked, good call by Jolly

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