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APAT European Event - On Sale 7pm


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Re: APAT European Event - On Sale 7pm Just got back:ok I made day 2 very short just 6 bb's I wanted to shove last hand lastnight but the TD called time just as we were about to go. Shoved 1st hand today no callers 3rd hand no callers and 5th hand no callers. Fook me I have chips now slow down I might even make the money people are dropping like flies. Then I move tables and kop for consecutive BB's and the blinds go up. So I shove again no callers :eyes then my next shove with 33 gets called by AK :nana. Credit to the dealer she didn't let me sweat out to the river she put two kings down on the flop :lol. Finished 36th ish in the end 6 short of the money but early enough to beat the traffic on the M6. Jarjar was still in when I left and Danarama was pissed also Mr V's mate 'Deadly' Daz Sutton had cashed. Great tourney, Thanks APAT :clap

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Re: APAT European Event - On Sale 7pm

then my next shove with 33 gets called by AK :nana. Credit to the dealer she didn't let me sweat out to the river she put two kings down on the flop :lol.
A 3 is still good (Full House v Trips ;) ) Well done mate - sounds good :ok
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Re: APAT European Event - On Sale 7pm

Unlucky Brian' date=' nearly cashed m8, what was the standard like?[/quote'] A lot better then the previous 2 I have been in but they are winnable. Not sure why more Pler's dont play these, there was 8K added on this one :eek Blonde poker and poker.co.uk forums had big contingents there and then there was me and Alex :(
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Re: APAT European Event - On Sale 7pm Final table and Jon Garret is massive chip leader. No offence to the guy but he will struggle to win this, I was on his table for about 7 hours yesterday and it was him who knocked me out today (I'm not bitter honest) he has had a fantastic run of cards for two days but good luck to him if he pulls it off :ok My money is on Scott Thacker probably one of the best players I came up against in the two days. Allan Peers is a good player as well - he had about as many chips as me this morning :eyes

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Re: APAT European Event - On Sale 7pm :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol cant believe he got away with it, the lighting is bad in there surely he thought they were off suit ?? Gareth Ower pushes on the button into Jon Garrett Garrett wakes up in the BB with ts.gifth.gif Gareth sheepishly turns over, hand in cookie jar... 7h.gif2h.gif flop 7s.gif7d.gif 7 4h.gif and King Fish doubles up

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Re: APAT European Event - On Sale 7pm

OUT in 14th Alex bradbury, pushed with K8 ran into Josh Sugarman with AK in the BB VERY WELL DONE ALEX! :)
Thanks Graeme, thanks all........ It was a great weekend...... thoroughly enjoyed myself. I played on the Saturday and hovered around the 13k mark for a few hours, not picking up any decent hands but making a couple of bluffs to take a couple of smallish pots which kept me going. I was quite surprised how quickly people were going out. The first person out (who was at the table next to mine) was the classic AA v JJ..... no help on the flop and it was time for the famous clapping to begin..... that exit was closely followed by one of the (not very many I thought) lady players in the tournament. Some chap on my table then looked at me and said "You can push all-in now love, you won't be the first woman out"....... lol :ok ....... Anyway, towards the end of the day - about 35 people left - I'm still on about 20k and can't do anything at all, but I'm thinking that I only want to come back for day two if I have a semi decent stack, so I begin to push with a few marginal hands, picking up mostly blinds because of my rockish reputation.... lol A big hand for me was when I picked up AK in the BB (2K - 4K). It folded round to the button (Woody) who raises to 8k, SB calls and I reraise all-in for about 23k. Woody folds and the SB thinks about it before calling and he turns over KQ - a lovely A on the flop and the pot is mine and I'm up to about 65k. I make a couple of other plays over the course of the next hour but cannot get above 70k and am quite happy when the 21st person goes out as its midnight and we've been playing since 2.30pm so I'm very tired but also relatively happy with my starting stack for the final day. Day two was a day of rest for us but we went and railed Mike Chapman and James Newman who were part of our group who travelled up for the event. Dan spent the evening playing cash games with Matt (Donk) Dale while they were both very drunk..... :lol Finals Day 44 people came back for the final, because instead of Day 2 stopping when they got to 20 like we did, they had to stop at exactly the same time as we did regardless of how many were left. I was totally surprised at how quickly people started going out. I know the shorter stacks need to push, but there was literally someone going out almost every hand and on our table we spent most of the first half an hour constantly clapping......... :clap I kept a look out for Brian who was very short stacked, but stealing lots of blinds..... hoping he would make the money for the lone two PL-ers left in, but unfortunately I think he went out in about 35th or 36th place - very unlucky when his 3's didn't hold up.........but very well played for getting to the 2nd day though and making some good plays before going out. My stack was immensely feeble and I lost my BB with Ben (Waltiepies) raised it from 4k to 16k - now I know he could be raising with absolutely anything, but I also know that I've got 3-6o and would need to get very lucky to win, so I fold. 21 players left and we play hand for hand ..... and it goes on forever!!!! Walty has once again raised (to 20k I think) - I look down to see AJo and ponder over what to do - I have about 40k at this stage...... Well I'm thinking that I have to go all-in and if I bubble I bubble, I open my mouth to say the magic (all-in) words when all of a sudden people start clapping on the table next to ours and the bubble has burst...... :) So I proceed to go all-in and Walty calls (KQ I think), I'm ahead and luckily an A on the flop makes my hand hold up. I'm now up to 105k..... And that was the last hand I played for the next two hours (apart from 3 pushes all-in to steal some blinds...... My cards dried up completely and it was a case of stealing from the rich to give me some chips to pay my blinds. I really did go card dead after that and did not see a picture card for an hour and a half..... seriously. Anyway, I really needed to be pushing as I was very much the short stack, but refused to push with the 7-2, 6-4, 5-2 I was constantly getting. When down to 14 and K8 appeared, it looked like AA to me so I pushed with about 35k and got called by AK - and the rest is history.....:( Still, I was walking away clutching a little slip of paper which the cashier kindly exchanged for £600 - all in £50 notes..... lol We then stayed on the rail Mike "Monster" Chapman who came a fantastic 3rd in his first Apat event.... awesome result Mike :loon So........ I just want to say a big thanks to everyone on here for the support..... cheers guys, really appreciate it :notworthyand another thanks to everyone who helped put the event on, especially Des who was permanently running about making sure everyone was ok. The casino staff and dealers who were awesome - lovely casino they have up there, much better than the dross they have in Bristol (Gala excluded because they still haven't bloody opened yet)!!! Already looking forward to the next one....... Cheers all, Alex
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Re: APAT European Event - On Sale 7pm

Well done Alex and awesome display :clap:clap:clap Do you think the £600 covered Dan's bar bill :lol
lol..... maybe - just..... I'm not sure it covered all the cash games though. As I was working hard to get 14th, Dan was playing omaha (a game that he has never played before) with Matt, Woody, Phil and a few others from the group we went with - he kept turning his cards over at the end and and saying "have I got anything"?....... lol :rollin:loon Thanks for your support everyone, really appreciated......:clap:clap:clap:clap
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Re: APAT European Event - On Sale 7pm

That well known 'amateur' poker player who knocked Duncan out and ruined my shopping day. :eyes
Actually Mr Dale didn't knock me out although he was the recipient of my overplayed Jacks - as much as anything because he had already lost to jacks twice and I wanted to make it three times - how pathetic is that ! I got what I deserved.
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