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Poker Stars WCoOP


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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP

As well as which champs do? Phil Hellmuth?
The exception that proves the rule ;) Another name i forgot about is 'belowabove' Kevin Saul, who stands atop of the pile in the 2mill at the moment with 46k, this guy has won hundreds of thousands online and beat Matusow to the Bellagio Cup :notworthy. He alsocame something like 60th in either Omaha or 6seat HE WCOOP the other day can't remember which one. Out of all i've mentioned this guy is probably the best bet to watch for many hours (because he should still be there!)
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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP At the 3rd break. Moneymaker busted not long after last post. He had JJ flop came 7high, raising war ensued with fishbones11 a guy who's got far in the sunday million more than once. All the money went in on the flop (56k) Bones had a set of 3's and Moneymaker was toast. Noah went out in 2700th. Humberto on 35k Samh on 25k BelowAbove on 92k Jcamby33 on 25k Chip leader: G.C.King on 132k Still many many hours to go yet!.....

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP The person who knocked out Raymer earlier (Hush Hush999) is obviously running good as is one of the chip leaders with 145k. Was about to mention they're on the same table as Luca Pagano when all of a sudden they locked horns with board reading J94Q Hush bet 13k, Pagano re-raised all in (45k) Hush folded and is down to 130k, Pagano one of the last PS pros left is up to 75k. Belowabove down to 50k, Below flopped 2 pair with K8, all money went in pot on flop (86k) opponent had KQ, turn and river both Q's. Jcamby up to 41k Humberto on 50k

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP

Good stuff Nade! i know how it is posting up when you think no ones reading lol! Keep up the good work!
Lmao, too true, but it's giving me another excuse for watching it too ;) I won't be up for much longer as the final table will be many hours away yet anyway!! :lol
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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP 4th break and i'm off to bed. But as it stands... Chip leader is domadoma1972 with 238,000 The leader at the last break G.C.King is in 22nd with 151k Belowabove one of the best and most exciting players in the tournament was on the green mile, down to 15k but in the very last hand before the break there were 2 re-raises to him on the button he pushed his last 15k one called, he had JJ vs 'Backdoorovic's' 910h, the flop brought Qd Jh 6h and Backdoorovic had a tonne of outs, but another 6 on the turn sealed it for Above and he has a manageable stack with the blinds about to go to 500/1k after the break. Humberto is on 48k Luca Pagano has been disconnected for about 5mins but is up to 83k Jcamby33 is on 57k Samh winner of the 6seater WCOOP went out 1584th So 1348 left out of 6025... that means they'll still be playing in hours time still plenty of time for sleep :D Edit; the top 900 get paid at least $600 with the winner barring deals will recieve a cool $433,197,50

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP Oops a big my bad on my part as i look at the last 35 runners and see gobboboy playing, yes Jimmy fricke is still in one of many online stars who i've watched a bit of, came 2nd in the aussie millions is in on well it was 500k but.. Ukgatsby with 3mill in chips raised gobboboy raised all in gatsby instacalled with AK, gobboboy had AJ and in typical Fricke style won his race when miles behind after hitting two Jacks! and is up to 1mill. 35left all guaranteed 10k Belowabove came 204th for $2,400 Luca Pagano came 732nd for $602 Jcamby33 in 634th for $903 Humberto in 820th for $602 The chip leader at the break is glynda with 5,000,000 in chips, personally i would then fold my way to the final table... let's see what they do!...

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP Right 30players left. Gobboboy is my main focus and has just gotten up to 3mill with a horrid play (again). Flop came 9c 4h 5h a raising war ensued on the most innocuous of boards with Tissemannen who went all in for 3mill in chips, Fricke called with his last 800k and flipped over A8hearts i.e all on the the flush draw, Tisseman had A9o, a poor hand but a good play as he was ahead, the 9 of hearts on the turn completed Fricke's flush but no 9 or A on the river and gobboboy is up to 3mill. The hand after Tisseman went all in pre flop with JJ against..... A9s held by tpreston.. the board spaded up and Tisseman must have felt sick as a parrot going from over 2mill to out in 2hands one with A9 one against A9 :(. Glynda is now up to 6.5mill in chips so they ain't folding to the final and i guess that's why i'm sat here and they are there ;). They won an 3.8mill pot with a board reading 5,4,6 Kieker Jan bet the pot 200,000 and glynda called the turn came the 7 and Keiker re-raised glynda all in. Glynda had 88 for a straight and Keiker had KK - they just couldn't let them go and they were busto as a result. Westmenolaa a guy who's won the sunday million before is still there with 2.5mill chips and Bill Ivey who is around the top of big tourns usually is up there also with 3mill in chips Will try and find other well known players still in ..

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP GambleAB sat with 1.8mill chips caught my eye being from Vegas, it turns out it's Aaron Bartley a fairly well known pro on FT and has 7 cashes in the WSOP. We could have a story emerging with ronaldgrauer who was down to his last 50k with the blinds at 25/50k antes 5k. They's doubled through a few times and are back up to 1mill in chips. That could be some comeback... Having just said that they're back down to 400k after going AI pre flop with A9o(that hand again) v KK which held up.... and then as i say that has gone out lol... with J6clubs v A8o... flop brought top pair and flush draw for Ronald.... however an 8, 9 or A not clubs and he was out, an A of diamonds on the river sent him to the rail and that's one story out of the window...

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP Jimmy Fricke just put the pressure on westmenloaa who bet 400k on the flop, Fricke re-raised 2mill all in and westmenloaa folded under the pressure of the last 2 table bubble. Meanwhile Alex10620 just won a 4mill pot with big raises between them and ceuta who went all in on the river, after a wait Alex called with K7, hit 2pair with a 7on river and Ceuta had just one pair with A7 and is down to 500k and is now out after they went in with AK v KK. Down to final 2 tables with everyone guaranteed at least $13,800 2tablesrc0.jpg

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP It's been an epic HU with taktloss leading for most of the way but AB came back to 45-15mill up then lost a couple of all ins and was reversed quite quickly. Pesonally i really don't want taktloss to win as they gave an uber suckout to Fredmainiac calling millions with nothing and hit a backdoor flush, a big reward for such bad play they should have gone out, but AB made a bad call on the final table with pocket 9's someone had top pair and AB hit a miracle 9 on the turn. So they've both had luck but obviously have played excellently i just hated the bad calls by taktloss as i seem to be on the end of that shit every day :wall

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP For tonights entertainment i suggest watching Belowabove in the PLO WCOOP, currently on 40k and flying, the guy is a machine. Also still in are Raymer with Roothlus on the same table, BoostedJ and Genius28 on the same table, Negreanu is still in also. Plus many others..

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP I thought to myself 3hours ago that i'm watching Raymer till he goes out, even if it's all night.... well.. it's half 2 and he's sat in the top 20 with 100 left on a stack of over $130k... so it could be a long one, but he's mighty entertaining chatting with the rail and playing good poker. The rest of the field? well there's too many usual faces to name, it's incredible how the same people get so lucky tournament after tournament ;). Having just scrolled through the list of 100 i see Vicky Coren still in, didn't even know she was on PS nevermind playing.... time to rail her... in the online poker sense.... :unsure

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP Decided to have a few shots to qualify for one of the big finals. Entered a double shootout. First leg I was bad beating everyone, twice hitting 2 outers on the river. Final leg just never got a playable hand till pushed with 66 and got whipped...got my money back so will try again later on. PokerStars Tournament #61152825, No Limit Hold'em Super Satellite Buy-In: $25.00/$2.00 53 players Total Prize Pool: $1325.00 Target Tournament #70000014 Buy-In: $1050.00 1 tickets to the target tournament Tournament started - 2007/09/18 - 02:10:00 (ET) Dear DodgerPL, You finished the tournament in 5th place. A $26.00 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP Raymer totally ran over the final table and especially HU with that guy complaining Fossilman knew he was toast just a matter of time, played like a total legend and i watched him 90% of the way :loon He only got 1 re-buy and the add-on, just accumulated chips steadily, got lucky a few times and unlucky a few times but when he needed chips he always got them and deserved the win :notworthy Oh yeh and i remember what else i was gonna say. The guy arguing with Raymer HU saying it was rigged when the Fossilman called with a better hand must have been really tired as every single time the play was actually checked down to Raymer on the river who only had to make fairly small calls or the play was totally checked down through the river too, yet the guy was saying Raymer could see his cards 'how else can he call'. There was one hand when i did think it looked fishy as Raymer had rags and made a gut shot straight on river, the guy was complaining so i looked at the HH and even though the guy had an over pair in pocket aces he checked it all the way down to the river gifting the hand to Raymer who in fact didn't have to call once, so there was nothing fishy at all, just purely rubbish HU play by the guy.

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP Heads up tourn at the moment Greg Raymer has been drawn out of 1800 people with Luca Pagano :lol This tourn could go on for about 3 days with 10k starting chips and 15min blinds with 1800 people :loon. I entered a $3 HU tourn on Stars the other week with either 1500 or 3000 stacks only 180 people entered, i came 8th and it took over 3hrs :lol

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP Fossilman saw him off pretty easily, i can see Raymer going very far as he's on form and obviously a class player - should be a good watch! Hevad Khan (big bear man from 07 WSOP final table) went out 1st :lol And Hachem got a by so will look forward to seeing him in the next round...... in about 6hrs time ;)

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Re: Poker Stars WCoOP

Hardly!!! He called an all in with AT against his opponents 99 for 90% of the tournament chips - he was slightly behind in a race for practically his tournament life.....
I wasn't completely watching but i thought the stacks were 15k - 5k :unsure Fossilman like the legend he is stalling on every hand against a sit out to give them as much time possible to get back with big stack :notworthy (they just turned up) Hachem just made a sick 2.5k river call call with a pair of 5's too :ok
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