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**Poker Thursday 2nd August**


**Poker Thursday 2nd August**  

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    • No Poker
    • 19:00 BetonBet European Leaderboard
    • 19:15 Virgin Festival Freeroll
    • 19:30 William Hill Caribbean Bounty
    • 19:30 Virgin V Roll
    • 19:45 Virgin Festival Sat
    • 20:00 Stan James RH Freeroll
    • 20:00 Betfair WSOPE Freeroll
    • 20:15 Laddies Two Racehorse
    • 01:30 WPEX $5000 Added

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Re: **Poker Thursday 2nd August** Ah well, managed to get away for a few days and was looking forward to getting a game! Out already!:lol What was it that we were ultimately playing for - is it just entry to the Virgin Tourney in Birmingam but without any expenses? :unsure Ah well, I'll give the Willie Hill 8pm Headhunter Tourney a go! :ok Good luck all! :hope TQM

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Re: **Poker Thursday 2nd August**

Got a nice treble up early :clap. the standard hasnt got any better from the other night' date=' just seen an all in preflop 6 2 v 10 3 :loon[/quote'] Nice one :ok What's your username?
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Re: **Poker Thursday 2nd August** I got caught by the fish at my table with this hand. ***** Hand 705926681 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 02 August 2007 20:07:27 Festival Freeroll (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: old.lady (1865.00) Seat 2: break79 (3445.00) Seat 3: ClydeFrog (1935.00) Seat 4: Lorraine15 (2155.00) Seat 5: fisherband (1065.00) Seat 6: Gers No1 (930.00) Seat 7: w117 (3925.00) Seat 8: mufcok!!! (2800.00) Seat 9: tomram1 (950.00) Seat 10: npower (975.00) ClydeFrog post SB 100.00 Lorraine15 post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** old.lady [N/A, N/A] break79 [N/A, N/A] ClydeFrog [Jh, 10h] Lorraine15 [N/A, N/A] fisherband [N/A, N/A] Gers No1 [N/A, N/A] w117 [N/A, N/A] mufcok!!! [N/A, N/A] tomram1 [N/A, N/A] npower [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** fisherband Fold Gers No1 Fold w117 Fold mufcok!!! Fold tomram1 Fold npower Fold old.lady Call 200.00 break79 Fold ClydeFrog Call 200.00 Lorraine15 Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [4c, Jc, 3h] *** Bet Round 2 *** ClydeFrog Check Lorraine15 Check old.lady Bet 200.00 ClydeFrog All-in 1735.00 Lorraine15 Fold old.lady All-in 1665.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [4c, Jc, 3h, 7s] *** River(Board): *** : [4c, Jc, 3h, 7s, 5c] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 3930.00 old.lady [7d, Jd] Two pair jacks and sevens Win: 3930.00 Hopefully we might see W117 and maybe Lorraine joining our happy little band. If so post and say hello.

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Re: **Poker Thursday 2nd August** Hi Sharpe - I'm here! Yer that old lady was a fish - u got unlucky there I came 27th which is annoying coz the top 20th won a seat! - i knocked Lorraine out tho lol - soz Do u no if there is another chance to win a seat without paying any money? W117

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Re: **Poker Thursday 2nd August** :welcome to the Band W117 :ok If you buy Poker Player magazine they have freerolls in the next 2 months, with 10 free seats in each :ok We will also have some exclusive PL seats to "give away", but they will be through games with a nominal buy in.... EDIT If you hunt around, you can get 12 issue subs to Poker Player mag for a fiver :ok

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Re: **Poker Thursday 2nd August** Thanks 4 ur Welcomes! Glad to be in the band - Wot does the band do? Talk about poker anything else? I've got that issue of poker player but i'm out on the day its on - but i think it says there is another 10 seats next so i'll do that! W117

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Re: **Poker Thursday 2nd August** Knew you'd find us W117.So :welcometo PuntersLounge. Lots to do on the forum,as you'll have seen so far there's lots of extra value games noted in this section ,over in PokerChat you can have a good whinge when you get a Bad Beat or even if you give someone else the same.Also in the PokerLive section i'm sure there are another few Yorkies who go to Live card games at the local casino so maybe you can try your hand yourself. Pop over to General Chat and join in some of the fun banter and peruse through Carl's vast amount of Porn,though he has been a bit quite of late but he has had the infamous Jeffers round his place i so he might be having a liver transplant. Also the Sport's banter is a hoot as we've got some right miserable Leed's fans and what's gonna be a laugh between Gaf's Gillingham,Mr V's Port Vale, Gazza's Millwall,Kev's Luton,Meatman's Leeds and Hodgey's Southend(note how i've stayed out of this with my Mighty Yeovil,who beat them all hands down last season:lol) So stick around and enjoy the fun:ok Sharpe(AKA ClydeFrog,MrKitty,FeralBeast)

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Re: **Poker Thursday 2nd August** Saturday, 03 March 2007 Coca-Cola Football League One

Port Vale 4-2 (HT 2-2) Yeovil
Constantine 15 Whitaker 17 Rose o.g. 49 Constantine 80 Gray 37 Stewart 38
Bookings: Hulbert 36 Constantine 77 Bookings: Kalala 41 Cohen 90
:moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon
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