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**Poker Sunday 8th July**


**Poker Sunday 8th July**  

  1. 1.

    • No Poker
    • 10:00 Betfair WSOPe 1c Qualifier
    • 15:00 William Hill Grand Prix
    • 16:00 Blue Square Bubble Tourney
    • 16:00 William Hill £7500 Added
    • 18:30 Stans Sunday Roast
    • 19:30 Virgin V Points
    • 19:30 Boss Barcelona Weekly Final
    • 20:30 Pokerstars $100,000 Gtd
    • 20:30 Betfred Best of British

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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July** I tracked the 2.00 Betfair game to the end also, Aliando was oh so unlucky not to win a seat in the final tonight. Forced to go all in with 47 against 23, I thought ''oh yes, he'll double up here'', but beaten by two pair I think. Must agree with the comment that it seems daft to have a ''fun'' super turbo qualifyer for such a competition. The ability to play poker is not required due to the speed of the blind increases, then you qualify for the weekly final and the ability to play good poker becomes paramount, last weeks game being so tight it was almost suffocating to play in it. However, at least it gives us all a chance at getting to London for almost no cost at all (in fact on my account on Betfair , in stirling, it showed up as 0.00 so I reckon it really costs nothing to play)

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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July** Didn't manage to register for the focus game tonight. Been out for a few beers and Mrs Red wanted an extra drink so we didn't get home until 28 minutes past 7. :beer This was too late to register so she's now in for a frosty night. :@ Good luck to all those in it. :hope Red.

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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July**

Didn't manage to register for the focus game tonight. Been out for a few beers and Mrs Red wanted an extra drink so we didn't get home until 28 minutes past 7. :beer This was too late to register so she's now in for a frosty night. :@
Don't blame the mrs. Reg normally opens about 1.30 so do it before you go out next time. :spank ;)
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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July**

Don't blame the mrs. Reg normally opens about 1.30 so do it before you go out next time. :spank ;)
But what if it was a LONG lunchtime session that just carried on and on and on? :beer
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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July**

Don't blame the mrs. Reg normally opens about 1.30 so do it before you go out next time. :spank ;)
Hmm, we were out shopping for a wedding dress all afternoon (not our wedding of course, as that was 8 years ago). Then we went for a 'couple' of drinks, but she just didn't want to stop. :@ She's locked herself in the Bedroom now.....GOOD! :rollin Playing the Poker Utd game at 8.30 now. Don't speak to me. :unsure Red.
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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July**

Didn't manage to register for the focus game tonight. Been out for a few beers and Mrs Red wanted an extra drink so we didn't get home until 28 minutes past 7. :beer This was too late to register so she's now in for a frosty night. :@ Good luck to all those in it. :hope Red.
I've no time for that drinking malarky at all Red!! I'ts not big and it's not clever - get yourself sorted out NOW!! TQM
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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July**

Hmm' date=' we were out shopping for a wedding dress all afternoon [/quote'] Actually mate, that's above and beyond the call of duty and no man should be expected to do that. I take back the :spank and give you a :notworthy instead! Next time, leave her to the shopping (she'll enjoy it so much more without you anyway), reg for the tournament, then join her for a relaxing drink later. :ok
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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July**

I've no time for that drinking malarky at all Red!! I'ts not big and it's not clever - get yourself sorted out NOW!! TQM
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ Don't speak to me Quiet Man. It's Mrs Red that has the drink problem. :spank You better watch your blinds in the Poker Utd game as I'm going to steal em. :tongue2 Red.
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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July**

:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ Don't speak to me Quiet Man. It's Mrs Red that has the drink problem. :spank You better watch your blinds in the Poker Utd game as I'm going to steal em. :tongue2 Red.
Mrs Red_Fear's lovely!! :ok You start being nice or you'll be taken out in the Poker Utd one! :moon Beware of IMACRAPFISH - surprised that's not your username Red! :lol TQM
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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July**

Actually mate, that's above and beyond the call of duty and no man should be expected to do that. I take back the :spank and give you a :notworthy instead!
Thanks AG, she's re-appeared from the Bedroom but I'm still not taking her on. :\ She tried on about 10 different outfits and I gave her my honest opinion on them all. I was due a couple of drinkies afterwards but she just didn't know when to stop. :beer I've got a nice bit of Salmon cooking in the oven, so maybe she'll speak to me again after I dish it up. :eyes WOMEN! Red.
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Re: **Poker Sunday 8th July** :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall Just realised I forgot to register for tonight's focus game :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall

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