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Governments response to UK Poker Petition


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Poker-uk - epetition reply 29 June 2007 We received a petition asking:

"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to classify Poker as a prescribed game under the 2005 Gambling Act, in line with the games of Bridge and Whist."
Details of Petition:
"Making Poker a prescribed game would allow regulated Poker to be played outside of a casino environment in private members' Poker clubs. This petition has been laid by the UK Poker Club Association (UKPCA). The UKPCA has been set up by 13 of the UK's leading private members' Poker clubs to assist Poker players and private members' clubs who are concerned by aspects of the regulations laid out in the Gambling Act 2005."

Read the Government's response The Government is currently implementing the remaining provisions of the Gambling Act 2005 which comes into force on 1 September 2007. The Act introduces tough new standards of social responsibility to gambling regulation to ensure that gambling is fair, crime free and that children and vulnerable are protected. In implementing the new measures introduced by the Gambling Act the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) has been engaged in a comprehensive public consultation exercise on regulations for the control of gaming in clubs and miners' welfare institutes. The DCMS consultation document proposed that bridge and whist should be prescribed gaming, but that equal chance poker should not. The Government considered that prescribing poker would open up the prospect of large numbers of clubs, devoted to gambling and able to offer poker for unlimited stakes and prizes, but operating outside the operating licence regime, with its associated requirements and protections. This, the Government felt, would not be consistent with the Act's underpinning objectives. The majority of respondents to the consultation agreed with these conclusions, but the United Kingdom Poker Association (UKPCA) argued that there was a strong case, on regulatory grounds, for poker to be added to the list of prescribed games. DCMS officials have met with representatives of the UKPCA and other stakeholders to discuss the issues arising from the consultation. DCMS Ministers are now considering officials' recommendations for the final content of these regulations, which are expected to be laid before Parliament for approval in July. Further Information


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