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Re: Sharkscope

These are the default settings - so over 100 games needed...
Define Classes shark.gifshark.gifshark.giffish.gif
Games Played > >
Av. Profit ($) >
Av. ROI % >
Total Profit ($) >
So by changing the settings, you can be a shark. :tongue2 I only have 65 games recorded at present, so I guess I'll have to play another 35.
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Re: Sharkscope

Nice :clap :clap :clap Which alias? No idea what level you're playing :unsure But if you are beating a level comfortably enough to be a shark, would it not be more profitable to move up a level? Even if you aren't a shark, it could pay more.... Anyone else on PL lay claim to being an official Sharkscope shark?
the croc p (ipn) playing mostly at $50+5 now :ok
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Re: Sharkscope

There are issues with Boss their claim of 95% accurate is wrong its got me down as having played 29 games where I have played 45 games but it still gives me a good idea.
mines been pretty accurate up to last night,had 2X2nd places($150 each)which are not listed and 1 no placing(-$55) still a shark tho :nana:nana:nana
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Re: Sharkscope

Just paid the money for 1 months sharkscope. Well worth the money. Just to see how good of shite your opposition are.
post your thoughts on it mate,considering it myself as i seem to be going back to sng's more and more nowadays.also gaf i believe you gave it a 30 day trial,what did you think?
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Re: Sharkscope Well worth the money mate. OK boss miss a few games at the moment. my last 7 games since having it.
































































It gives you a slight edge over some players as you can see that they call with anything so you can be more aggressive knowing that they will chase.
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Re: Sharkscope I thought it was mildly interesting, but not worth the subscription fee.... However I only used it on Boss - Where I feel it MIGHT pay for itself is in game selection (not supported on Boss yet) I dont use it any more, but the trial is still running - happy to share it around if anyone wants to trial it (will give people exclusive use for 3 or 4 days, then change the password and let the next person use it) - PM me if interested.... One of my biggest criticisms is that for $15 month, 150 searches a day isn't that much - 17 ish 10 seat STTs or so - if you play a heavy day/multitable ..... You are also "charged" a search every time you re-search on a player, or update stats etc....

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Re: Sharkscope Has anybody used it for game selection? My impression was that on sites like PokerStars the table would have filled up by the time you checked it out on Sharkscope, and on sites like Virgin there just aren't enough tables unless you're going to sit around all day waiting for a good table every few hours.

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Re: Sharkscope It also costs a search EVERY time you refresh - if you're waiting for a table, you'll be wanting to refresh every 15 to 30 seconds? - might be 5 mins, or longer before you find a suitable candidate? that's 10 to 20 of your searches for the day gone.....

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Re: Sharkscope played 2 games using gafs trial.finished 7th in 1st one my qq beaten by jj. 2nd game showed 2 fish,3 big losers,2 newish players,1 i have played against a lot and 1 pretty decent player,so confidence was pretty high from the start. untitledfu8.jpg

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