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Speed STT Video


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Re: Speed STT Video Small sample but very nice results fella. Would be interested in your hourly earn on these . Given that you appear to be single tabling I reckon about $20/hour; which is excellent single-tabling. Is it worth multi-tabling as you shouldn't see a significant decline in your earn/STT and your hourly arn could get up to daft rates. Good luck running the BR up to the higher buy-ins. FBF

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Re: Speed STT Video Ta mate :-) Had a bit of a poor run straight after posting this last night .... all this time I've been defending online poker - but it is fixed afteralll - I was wrong ... it knew that I'd posted and gave me a few losses :tongue2 Am typically single tabling, though have tried dual tabling a few times (starting about 8 mins apart)..... Not confident multitabling at this level (yet). Am flirting with the $50 game level..... am looking forward to being able to play my first game there :loon :loon My profit is $5.71 per tourney or $22.36 an hour (after the bad run last night)

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Re: Speed STT Video

Small sample but very nice results fella.
Played 27 of these today :loon :loon And not very good :sad My overall stats now are Played 54 - Won 10, 2nd 18. ROI 4.4%, $/hr $7.12
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Re: Speed STT Video As I imagine your killing the MTTs it is probably negative EV for you to single table these crapshoots GaF. If you could get rakeback (adding about $1/tourny) and 4 table, then even with a 4.4% ROI you are probably looking at approaching $30/hour (assuming no diminishing returns on your ROI), which is not to be sniffed at. With these crapshoots I would imagine a lot of the time it is fit or fold anyway so you will prbably have greaer variance in ROI and wou need about 500(?) SNGs to have a reasonable confidence in your earn rate. Would 4 tabling, from an hourly earn perspective, at least reduce the amount of variance you would experience? Variance per STT doesn't change, but per hour it does (not sure if I'm talking shit here but the kids have had me up since 5 this morning). Also, are these fun GaF? They have never appealed to me and I would have thought you would have a bigger edge in deep stack slow structures where you have the chance to outplay, and make better decisions, post flop. If I started playing these I think it would be the beginning of the end of my love affair with poker. FBF

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Re: Speed STT Video I do quite enjoy them - and I feel that they are very beatable (that, more than anything is what makes poker enjoyable for me - there's no fun in losing!!!) In a fast game, you actually need a smaller edge than in a deep stacked game - because you get through them that much more quickly. My opponents are either playing so far above my head that I dont understand what they are doing, or they are playing so incredibly poorly it's unbelievable!! They just dont seem to be adjusting their game by where they are at at that time, they just think "Turbo? - play fast!!" ...... for example with blinds at 15/30, you'll see people opening the betting pre flop to 600 with hands like 55 - I mean WTF? What do they want? Everyone to fold and make 45 chips? Or to get a call and have a race at best? (in fact worse - overcards on the flop, then having to decide what to do) I totally believe that you can outplay your opponents in these!! My post flop game is pretty weak - maybe that is why I like these?

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Re: Speed STT Video

With these crapshoots I would imagine a lot of the time it is fit or fold anyway so you will prbably have greaer variance in ROI and wou need about 500(?) SNGs to have a reasonable confidence in your earn rate.
Although they're both forms of variance, the short term luck involved on a hand-to-hand basis in a "crapshoot" has little to do with the variance you experience in your earn rate, which only depends on how often you come 1st and 2nd. If you come 1st 25% of the time and 2nd 25% of the time over 100 hyper-turbo short-stacked 5-player STTs, and you have the same record over 100 ultra-long blind level, deep-stacked 5-player STTs, there's no reason to think the turbo record is a statistically less accurate reflection of your true ability.
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Re: Speed STT Video It's funny how these things go in trends - more than anything, that probably indicates the importance of mindset and concentration....... Have played 5 games today and won 3 of them :loon Here's my profitability graph which shows the trends ..... spot yesterday? :loon :tongue2 20070610profitix6.jpg

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