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Womens Poker Tour Courtesy of BetFred


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Re: Womens Poker Tour Courtesy of BetFred Blinds are now at 800/1600 Table 6 1. Nikki Short - 63,400 2. Alessia Kabbaj - 6,200 3. Danielle Allen - 24,200 4. Elena Kaluging - 28,200 5. Louise Saban - 7,900 6. Elisabeth Thatcher - 17,300 7. Carol Popcorn - 14,500 8. P Millanta - 9,900 Table 2 1. Tracy Plummer - 4,700 2. Karen Warton - 36,100 3. Dawn Wood - 31,100 4. CarLA Goddard - 12,200 5 Sandra Ainsworth - 11,300 6. Kate Langshaw - 9,000 7. Debbis Witcombe - 20,900 Table 5 1. Lynne Beaumont - 21,500 2. Kim Jagger - 9,500 3. Enid Musson 10,000 4. Linda Blundell - 13,600 5. Sharon cook - 17,900 6. Rosie Bensley - 17,000 7. Mel Lofthouse - 20,000 8. Susan Adams - 24,100 We'll fill in the blanks when we get confirmation icon_smile.gif Hope this helps everyone out there Confirmed prizepool - £8,100 71 runners, £1,000 added prize breakdown: 1. £2,500 2. £1,600 3. £1,200 4. £950 5. £570 6. £400 7. £320 8. £240 9. £180 10. £140

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Re: Womens Poker Tour Courtesy of BetFred thanks all for your well wishes mike was keeping me updated all night. im just about recovered , had a really long day yesterday, and a nightmare of a drive home, got in about 0200 and was ready to torch the car :wall :wall :wall and satnav:wall :wall :wall i really enjoyed the tourney and felt i held my own against some really good, experienced live players. not too disappointed with the result, i never really accumulated a load of chips, i got above average a few times but when ever i got decent cards , no one else did so never really got into any huge pots. as mike said before, lucy rokack was on my table for the most of the tourney until she went out . james browning from poker night live was there , his partner was playing. hopefully i will get to play in a few more of these :hope and maybe even make the money.

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Re: Womens Poker Tour Courtesy of BetFred Well done Lou on getting so far in the tournament :clap , and, by the sound of it, finding your way home! Have to admit to not paying too much attention to the subject of this thread since it was belittled by some of the male population of this forum.:eyes Can I ask how you qualified - did you just do the buy-in on the night (presume £100 (or $?)) or qualify via an on-line sat? What's your plan for the next one? I'm getting a bit more confidence playing live (having now played all of 4 times!) and am wondering if I should be trying to play in one of these. After all, I think that's the whole point of ladies only tournaments, to give those of us who would be put off from playing with a load of beer swilling blokes the chance to play in a less intimidating atmosphere. Any time after smoke-free 1st July would suit me!

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Re: Womens Poker Tour Courtesy of BetFred

Have to admit to not paying too much attention to the subject of this thread since it was belittled by some of the male population of this forum.:eyes
Ahem ... that be me, methinks :sad If I'm honest, it does irk me - I just dont see the need for it - discrimination (whether it be sexism, racism or any other ism) is wrong!! There is no reason at all why women are unable to compete on a level playing field with men when it comes to poker - for me tournaments like this really are saying - "women aren't good enough to play with men, so need their own tournaments" - obviously that's complete cobblers!!! If it is wrong to discriminate against women in every day life (it is), then surely it is wrong to discriminate against men too? Why? Because discrimination is wrong - everyone deserves to be treated as an individual!!
After all, I think that's the whole point of ladies only tournaments, to give those of us who would be put off from playing with a load of beer swilling blokes the chance to play in a less intimidating atmosphere.
So if I were to say that I was put off playing live tournaments by the constant whine and shriek of the female players present, would that be justification to run a Mens only tournament? If there is an issue with the atmosphere putting players off, then surely there should be an attempt to tackle the atmosphere, to the benefit of all players? What about men who wont play live because they are intimidated by the "load of beer swilling blokes" (the pathetic pansies :tongue2)?They're excluded from the regular events and the ladies events!!! However I don't want to hijack Lou's thread, cos regardless of my views on the tournament, it sounds like Lou had a great game against some quality opposition and did herself proud :ok
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