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10,000 Hand Review


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My latest database (I regularly restart them!!) for laddies 10c/20c NL tables has broken through 10,000 hands, so thought I'd have a look :) First an overview..... I have made a profit of $402.37 which equates to 19.46 BB/100 hands. I can comfortably say I'm crushing this level!!! I am winning 9.8 BB per table per hour .... I am now typically playing 8 tables at a time ..... that's about 80 BB per hour profit ($16). I think that this is conservative as I have experimented with some different strategies within those figures as well ....... Dead chuffed with those figures ..... I SHOULD be testing the next level up - but it's difficult at laddies - there are never many tables available at other levels, and 8 tabling (10 handed) simply isn't an option ...... might need to start playing elsewhere with a bit more liquidity...... My best hand is AA - it holds up 86.54% of the time for an average profit of 17.12 BB. Next best hands are (in order): QQ, KK, AKs, T9s, 99, TT, 76s My worst hand is 98s where I lose an average of 2.54 BB hand (In reality, that is accounted for by one big loss!!!) Next worst hands are (in order): J9s, 55, 43s, 77, K8o, A6s, J9o I'm going to try and really get something useful out of my database in the next few days - when I get a chance (not this time of night) I'll have a good prod around my data!!!

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Re: 10,000 Hand Review Question GAf - 8 tabling - this must restrict playing with 'creative' - (non premium) hands, so do you find you are only actually playing ABC Poker - and if so then is Multi Tabling a positive thing as opposed to playing too many non-premium hands on a single table. Hope that makes sense - ?

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Re: 10,000 Hand Review 8 tabling :loon I really struggle when I try to play on 4 different tables at the same time. How you manage to play twice that number at the same time is amazing. Does it come with practice? Does anyone else play more than 8 tables at the same time? McG :unsure

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Re: 10,000 Hand Review

8 tabling :loon I really struggle when I try to play on 4 different tables at the same time. How you manage to play twice that number at the same time is amazing. Does it come with practice? Does anyone else play more than 8 tables at the same time? McG :unsure
I remember watching a buildup to the WSOP, about 2-3 years ago. They were doing a take on Scott Fischman & his online poker. He multitables with 16 tables. Crazy as hell! :loon Think he was using 2-3 monitors at the same time, anyone here have dual monitors or more for online poker???
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Re: 10,000 Hand Review

Though for individual hands' date=' it's still a fairly small sample (around 90 72o and 30 AKs).[/quote'] Yes - I've started having a look and it is clear that breaking it down is tricky ..... need a LOT more hands, to start looking at specific hands in specific positions for example :loon
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Re: 10,000 Hand Review Great stats GaF :ok

BUT I don't believe creative play is profitable at this level ..... they're bad players, they dont fold - so you cant bluff them!!! I dont try and do anything "tricky" at all ..... just rock solid ABC TAG poker. When I get big hands, I overbet them (and get called). When I'm drawing, I tend to check. When I have nothing/miss the flop, I check. When I hit, I bet big!!! It's simple. It's effective!!!
I'll try to stick to your advice... BTW, 23" rocks :tongue2
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Re: 10,000 Hand Review Thanks GaF - I've hit a levelling off at the minute with my cash games, and it may be that because i'd been doing so well, that I was trying to steal on the Btn a little to often, bluff on the river etc. I think i'll take your advice and get two/three tables going (plenty for me !) and play a little more ABC as I'm sure I used to when I was winning more regularly. BTW we all now need 2 monitors to read this thread :tongue2

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Re: 10,000 Hand Review Nice stats GaF and you know that my advice would be to step up at Laddies. Whilst there isn't as many tables, and definitely not as much action on them, I regulary saw 8 $30/$50 games going last month, and there was more action than normal on the $100 buy-in as well. Not dropped in yet to see how much action there is this month. One question, my stats from the $20s are below (tracked in PT, whereas I presume you used PO) and I did about $450 profitover 7,500 hands. My BB/100 was ~ 15 and I didn't think to question it until I saw your stats. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us On doing some calcs I think I was beating that level for more like 30BB/100 or am I being daft? If I am right any idea why PT is getting this stat wrong? Cheers, and hope [not] to see you on the $50 tables with me. FBF

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Re: 10,000 Hand Review

If I am right any idea why PT is getting this stat wrong?
There's an option in preferences to "Treat "BB" for NL/PL as Big Blind Amount" - this should be ticked (otherwise I think it is Big Bet, which halves the BB/100 :unsure I use Poker Tracker for my cash games, but Poker Office for tournaments ..... will put my PT equivalent up in a sec (not as good as yours when you change your preferences)
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Re: 10,000 Hand Review Interesting - I'm more aggressive on the flop, then get less so on the turn and again on the river ..... whilst you're less aggressive on the flop, but more so on the turn and river.....

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Re: 10,000 Hand Review

Interesting - I'm more aggressive on the flop' date=' then get less so on the turn and again on the river ..... whilst you're less aggressive on the flop, but more so on the turn and river.....[/quote'] Put the both of you together and that's 1 scary poker player to come up against :loon :lol Congrats on both your stats btw :clap Edit: Btw, that is one FREAKISHLY large screen shot GaF
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Re: 10,000 Hand Review

There's an option in preferences to "Treat "BB" for NL/PL as Big Blind Amount" - this should be ticked (otherwise I think it is Big Bet, which halves the BB/100 :unsure I use Poker Tracker for my cash games, but Poker Office for tournaments ..... will put my PT equivalent up in a sec (not as good as yours when you change your preferences)
Thanks for that GaF, I've gone and revised my stats now and even happier than I was before :) Image Hosted by ImageShack.us It would be interesting for us to look into the reasons as to why I am more agressive on the turn and river as I am not certain it is a good thing. It may be that I am folding the winning hand too easily to any resistance, as my won at showdown is a few points higher than yours. Alternatively, you could be making more crying calls on the river and lowering your W$SD%. We go to showdown about 21% each, but over these 10k hands I have been winning about 6% hands more. I don't think 10k hands is anywhere near a big enough sample size as this extra 6% equates to less than 50 extra hands won and could be as low as 20. Other points IMHO :- I don't steal enough and need to add this to my game, and we are both pretty passive PF with less than 5% raises. Given your propensity to steal more we are probably raising with a similar range of hands. One question, when you face a RR to your limps with middle pairs are you calling if the agressor is deep stacked and you think they will pay off a set? How much of a RR would you be willing to call? I'm playing slightly looser out of the blinds than you. Not sure which stats are more approriate here, but I think that folding 75% of your BB to a steal may be giving up some +ve EV chances, even though you are OOP. Probably marginal anyway in terms of BB/100. We've both tightened up as we moved up the levels as well. GL. FBF.
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Re: 10,000 Hand Review

One question' date=' when you face a RR to your limps with middle pairs are you calling if the agressor is deep stacked and you think they will pay off a set? How much of a RR would you be willing to call?[/quote'] If the raiser is deepstacked and you feel he'll pay you off when you hit a set then I think the implied odds will cover any substantial raise. Was watching some more poker earlier on youtube and seen this from Sammy Farha; calls a 20*BB Raise out of position with 3-3 since he knew that if he hit his opponent would pay him off... Sammy busting Aces
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