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Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers


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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers

Can't decide whether I need to "get back in it" or whether to maximise my position...... 605 chips and the blinds are 50/100 ..... I'm 68 out of 77 .... can probably get to 60 odd risk free ..... Team orders captain ??
Think you should probably try to get some chips if you can. Doubt 60th will be enough. Um, especially since I've just gone out in 57th. :sad
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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers

Think you should probably try to get some chips if you can. Doubt 60th will be enough. Um, especially since I've just gone out in 57th. :sad
42 left - the sit outs just going out..... I have barely played a hand - just wasted time - surprising how far you can go with no chips :loon 80 chips left and the blinds are 150/300!!
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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers :lol :lol Thanks guys, it feels strange winning an mtt and getting nothing.:eek But really enjoyed it anyway. Even though things went my way a bit, i think playing with the pressure off really helped. I should try to play like this more often in future. And well played Runa.:clap

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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers

Hang on! just had a look at the tourney lobby and it says special next to my name.:D Wonder what it could be. :nana EDIT: Nothing on the website about 1st place so maybe i'm jumping the gun.:unsure
Was about to post something along the lines of your edit. No mention of it but would be nice - and might have helped the tourney - if you get a place in the main satellite for winning. I say it would have helped the tourney 'cos we had that one guy who started going all-in every hand after the first break because the rest of his team were out. He sucked out at least one guy, before you took him out, instead of doing the decent thing and just sitting out. :@ for 'him' :hope for you
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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers It would have been a very different game if there was a 1st place prize:hope:lol There was a lot of loose play from players who knew their team had no chance, especially the all-in guy. And a lot of people would have been playing for 1st aswell.

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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers

any1 know if dave 488 is reg'ed dont see his usual alias
Sorry guys had a bit of a nightmare, I registered or should I say thought i had on Saturday before i went to the PL poker night at Birmingham.:beer I was out on the beer most of the day yesterday, but came home at about 12.30am to play in this, watched a bit of TV and then came up to play just after 1. I logged on and it brought up the table where i was playing, apart from i wasn't on that table, so went back to tourney lobby to find which table i was on and then go from there, but couldn't find my name, which was slightly confusing and wasn't helped by the fact that I had been out on the hoy all day.:( Anyway eventually realised what I had done, my brother has been on holiday the last 2 weeks and asked me to try and get him in a team, which is did, but i also had to log into his account to make sure the money had been deposited so that he qualified, which i did. Unfortunately i had never been back into the software since and it had kept Mark's details, so i had regged Mark instead of myself, but never realised it at the time.:$ So once again apologys to MCFC, fenners and BurnleyJoe for letting the team down, will buy you all a pint the next time i see you guys.:ok
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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers Have to say this was great fun and would be a great idea for a pl event with a moderate buy in perhaps run over a few weeks:unsure Wd rich getting first have to agree should get something for 1st. If it is possible to do something similair on pl would have to make it an earlier start for the lightweights.:lol

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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers

Graeme , Thank you for taking part in our WSOP Team Freeroll.
PT-Newsletter_30.gifhttp://www.ptnow9.com/images/pokertime/PT-Newsletter_10.gif height=31>


http://www.ptnow9.com/images/pokertime/PT-Newsletter_28.gif rowSpan=2>http://www.ptnow9.com/images/pokertime/PT-Newsletter_27.gif rowSpan=2>
Well done to the team that came 1st and scored 82. Team members Gunit_66, Kaye10, mckay3434 and segui all win seats to a WSOP Multi Table Finals on June 3rd @ 13:00 ET. The team made up of babyblue77, LJN, smitty1001 and sodlicker came 2nd with a score of 85. They win seats to a WSOP Weekly Satellite on June 2nd @ 14:00 ET. In 3rd place with a score of 107 we have team members blacksun2, MissChloeee, sadieaces and stumilty. They win seats to a WSOP Daily Satellite on June 1st @ 20:30 ET
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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers

Graeme , Thank you for taking part in our WSOP Team Freeroll.
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Well done to the team that came 1st and scored 82. Team members Gunit_66, Kaye10, mckay3434 and segui all win seats to a WSOP Multi Table Finals on June 3rd @ 13:00 ET. The team made up of babyblue77, LJN, smitty1001 and sodlicker came 2nd with a score of 85. They win seats to a WSOP Weekly Satellite on June 2nd @ 14:00 ET. In 3rd place with a score of 107 we have team members blacksun2, MissChloeee, sadieaces and stumilty. They win seats to a WSOP Daily Satellite on June 1st @ 20:30 ET
I'm guessing 114 got us 4th
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