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Cash Games - Playing Middle Pairs on the Button

Crouch Potato

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Just played a hand in a cash game and it got me thinking. There were two limpers and I had TT on the button. After playing the hand it got me to thinking as to what's the best play here? Is it optimal to limp in and hope to hit a set, or stick in a raise and hope to use the button to take down the pot if the flop misses you?

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Re: Cash Games - Playing Middle Pairs on the Button you're most likey ahead, reasonable raise of say 5 or 6 x BB is the correct play. If your not raised hard, post flop put in a pot sized bet and try and take it down, if you encounter serious resistance like a reraise to your pot size bet, with a scary board (Aces or King) walk away

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Re: Cash Games - Playing Middle Pairs on the Button It's 50/50 if I raise or just call here. It would depend on who the limpers are and that would determine whether I raise or call. You are probably in front but I think the past betting patterns of the limpers would determine whether I raise or call here. I agree if you raise should make it about 6 x bb.

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Re: Cash Games - Playing Middle Pairs on the Button I actually played it the way AJ suggested, though I think I only raised 3-4x BB. Three callers and there was one overcard (Q), I bet at it and took it down. However, immediately after playing the hand I couldn't help but feel that long term GaF's way seemed the better option. Everyone that limped had at least 30 more BBs.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Cash Games - Playing Middle Pairs on the Button I always limp in with middle pairs and hope to make a set, if not then its much easier and cheaper to get away from. :ok

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