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Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent


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Just a little mention for this months Inside Poker - I must say this magazine gets better and better each month. :ok There are 5 really excellent Strategy Articles this month from Alex Scott (very thought provoking) ,Phil Shaw,Annie Duke (I even understood what she was on about this month !),Julian Thew and Marc Goodwin. Plus all the news and reviews are as upto the minute as possibly can be. Align this with the monthly Freeroll offers and you have a must get magazine. I had my subscribtion as a Birthday present,much more useful than socks and hankies - and must go down as the best £10 I've never spent. And I will be giving subscriptions for my other Poker friends who don't subscribe, when their birthdays come around. Congratulations again Alun and the Team :clap :clap

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Guest gazza271

Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent Yeah we've pretty lucky on subs deals on PL :ok Quick question tho, do you get any reminder when its due to run out ? I have various subscriptions running and have not got a clue when they all started :$

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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent

Yeah we've pretty lucky on subs deals on PL :ok Quick question tho, do you get any reminder when its due to run out ? I have various subscriptions running and have not got a clue when they all started :$
If you log into www.subsinfo.co.uk you can enter your password (which is on the envelope the magazine it comes in, so save it next month !) and it gives you all your subscription details. You get the info on Poker Player through the same site also if you subscribe.
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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent So you got that £20 I sent you then? :lol In all seriousness though, thanks a lot mate you have made my day. We're always looking to make the mag better though, so if you or any of the other PL'ers have any comments or suggestions for strategy articles you want to see then feel free to email me on [email protected] Cheers Alun

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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent I'd have done it for £10 :lol Just had a peek on the site and the H.O.R.S.E. freeroll into the WSOP tickles my fancy some. Alun do you know if Inside Poker is available in Irish retail stores? Or would I need to subscribe to recieve it? Btw I do love seeing when owners/partners come onto the forum and voice their expressions/offer support/take note of opinions. I think it shows a good relationship between the service & the customer and shows a great product.

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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent The mag is available in Ireland, although the easiest, and cheapest, way is to subscribe. Follow the links from other PL'ers for cheap deals or try the ones on our site. If you don't get your mags in time for Monday's HORSE freeroll - just email me your subscriber details and I can send you that password after I check with our subs people. Nade, the magazine is aimed at anyone who loves poker. There are interviews and columns with star players from the US and UK, but more importantly there is loads of strategy advice. We deal with all aspects of the game from hold'em to Omaha to stud, tournaments and cash games. And the advice is written by pros and leading strategy writers, and not some idiot journalist! :lol The first ten people to email me at the address above can have a free copy of this month's issue. One time only offer :ok Advert over. Cheers Alun

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Guest gazza271

Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent

The first ten people to email me at the address above can have a free copy of this month's issue. One time only offer :ok Advert over. Cheers Alun
I won't email as I already subscribe but top offer mate :ok How about some polo shirts instead ;) :lol
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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent InsidePoker is the magazine that used to be known as Inside Edge :ok (But now it's (almost) exclusively poker - the Sports Betting has gone....) I haven't looked recently, but you used to be able to get the subs for £7.50 for 12 issues quite easily (a quick search on Google should yield results :ok) This way they are delivered by post before in the shops ..... Why pay £2.50 per issue, and have to go down the shops for it and get it later?

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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent

InsidePoker is the magazine that used to be known as Inside Edge :ok (But now it's (almost) exclusively poker - the Sports Betting has gone....) I haven't looked recently, but you used to be able to get the subs for £7.50 for 12 issues quite easily (a quick search on Google should yield results :ok) This way they are delivered by post before in the shops ..... Why pay £2.50 per issue, and have to go down the shops for it and get it later?
£1 for 3 issues, no obligation magazine group.co.uk
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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent

So you got that £20 I sent you then? :lol In all seriousness though, thanks a lot mate you have made my day. We're always looking to make the mag better though, so if you or any of the other PL'ers have any comments or suggestions for strategy articles you want to see then feel free to email me on [email protected] Cheers Alun
No problem Alun - You can use the title as a Tag Line for your adverts if you wish :lol
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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent

Just a little mention for this months Inside Poker - I must say this magazine gets better and better each month. :ok There are 5 really excellent Strategy Articles this month from Alex Scott (very thought provoking) ,Phil Shaw,Annie Duke (I even understood what she was on about this month !),Julian Thew and Marc Goodwin. Congratulations again Alun and the Team :clap :clap
Just wanted to echo what VoiceofJoe is saying here. I was reading my copy of Inside Poker on the train last night and decided to try out the article on Minimum Buy-in Strategy (Alex Scott's I believe) when I got home last night. Initial results are extremely promising. I sat down at the 10/20c table first of all with $20 before remembering to try out the Minimum Buy-in Strategy. I then sat down at 2 more tables with $4 each. When I cashed out an hour or so later, the $20 had turned into $30 :ok , but the 2 tables I sat down at with only $4 I cashed out $18 and $32 :nana Far, far, far too small a sample to prove anything - but certainly gave me something to think about. I've always previously bought in with the maximum allowed, but I'll be trialling the min buy in approach for a bit now.
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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent I don't get the minimum buy in policy as when you hit a good hand (not too often) your stash has been eaten into so your profits are not so great. And also i target low stacks, by waiting to be heads up in a pot and work the play so i know if they haven't got a great hand then they'll fold because they don't want to lose the rest of their money or it's piss easy to slow play and take their cash when i have the nuts. Personally i go for $15, as it's not too much of my total but is still a healthy amount for me to manouveur with.

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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent I always go for the maimum buy-in in Omaha cash games for the same reason as you said Nade, as it's easier to hit the nuts and double up. And although I dont play Hold'em cash games, I have a friend who plays $1/$2 & will continually buy-in with the minimum. I believe it's better to do this in Hold'em as you're not risking a whole lot of your bankroll, and if you come over the top of a raise, Nade as you said you target the lowstacks. People will feel they can push him in so they can risk minimal chips to double up, but if you do this with a monster as shortstack then you're doing well to double/treble your starting stack in one swoop then cash out. IMO it's like putting the whole lot on Red/Black in Roulette, but the odds are swaying towards you.

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Re: Inside Poker - The best £10 I never spent

I don't get the minimum buy in policy as when you hit a good hand (not too often)
Havent read the article in question yet..... I presume the main advantage of low buy ins is that there are no reverse implied odds so you want to be playing made hands(like medium to high pairs, maybe Aces) a lot more than drawing hands (like suited connectors). This article has teaked my interest now though - will have to find it....
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