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Jennifer Tilly - a little bit too tight a player


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Re: Jennifer Tilly - a little bit too tight a player no - someone out of their depth would have shoved the flop after hitting trips and not tried to get more chips out of the other player. She raised PF and he called? and she puts him on KK........ this is a perfect time to shove the flop/bet the pot etc if she believes he has KK - why get cute? he will (probably) call. She doesn't believe he has KK at all IMO - she realises that she made an error on the flop and turn and is concerned she has given him two free cards to outdraw her with a Kx FH perhaps when she was ahead on the flop? I take it that Phil Laak is not with her for her poker playing prowess..... (am just wondering how she won a WSOP bracelet?) Damo ps agreed - shocking play - I don't mind (that much) the check on the flop with position - but you can't check the turn as well:eyes

That is exactly how someone who is out of their depth would play, surely? Terrible, truly terrible.
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Re: Jennifer Tilly - a little bit too tight a player Remember hearing somewhere that her WSOP bracelet was won in a ladies only event, and that their was quite a finanancial reward for the players on the final table to let her win, due to the fact of all the publicity that it would attract. Anybody else hear something similar?

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Re: Jennifer Tilly - a little bit too tight a player Looks to me like a lapse in concentration. She saw the runners go KK and was worried his trip K's beat her trip J's. Basic mistake and got a bit flustered. Looked a right numpty making that excuse though.

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