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Rebuy Strategy


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Just been browsing 2+2 forum a little ...... they have this advice on rebuys....

15. How should I play rebuys? There is no set in stone way, here are a few guidelines: 2+2ers generally like to take an immediate rebuy (double your stack before you play the first hand) but many don’t do this. Taking the add-on however is all but compulsory, the only real time you shouldn’t be taking it is when you have very few chips at the end of the rebuy period and have given up on cashing in the tournament. In other words, passing on the add-on is tantamount to giving up on the tournament completely. When considering playing a rebuy, realize that you need to be budgeted to spend 3-4 times the buy-in at least, playing a rebuy as if it were a freezeout and quitting if you lose your chips is extremely ill-advised. In terms of how you want to play during the rebuy period, you shouldn’t depart from your regular game too much, some players like to slightly adjust their thinking and pretend their M is actually < 10 when it isn't. The main thing to do is take into consideration the way other people are playing and adjust accordingly, a lot of people play very loose/bad poker during the rebuy period determined to come out of it as the chip leader, you need to take advantage of that. Also, Party Poker has a 'bug' affecting it's rebuy tournaments which allow players to rebuy whenever they are all-in (regardless of the outcome of the hand). The bug is pretty much common knowledge and used by many players. Whether or not you want to use it, it's something you should know about.
Now I'm quite interested in the first paragraph (especially in relation to the BetonBet leaderboard rebuy) ... the rebuy at the first opportunity is what I do ..... but the add on being all but compulsory surprises me a little .... any thoughts? The strategy I usually employ is to rebuy if my stack is less than average, but not to rebuy if I have a greater than average stack ...... In No Limit (I wonder if that is key .... do you get fixed limit rebuys? Maybe 2+2 are focussing on that :unsure) is there really much difference (to the tune of a complete buy in) between having say 10,000 chips or 11,500 chips? :unsure
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Re: Rebuy Strategy I suspect a deeply detailed mathematic answer from Slapdash because I actually think there can be a proven link between the chips you add-on and how many times you could expext to multiply them in order for you to cash in the rebuy tourney, but personally I don't. If I've 10k in chips after an hour I'm confident enough in my ability to believe that its either a buy in wasted cos I'm rubbish or its $10 I don't need to spend cos I'm going to win. :unsure

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Re: Rebuy Strategy I seem to remember James Browning off poker night live saying that it isn't worth the add on if it is less than a certain percentage of your stack, not sure what the figure was but think 30% can't be far off. Defiantely not rebuying if have 10k and add on is 1.5k.

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Re: Rebuy Strategy

Not saying I agree or disagree. But why wouldn't you rebuy if everyone else is. Surely it means you are giving them free chips.
I think it depends on your performance so far. Lets say you've bought in for $xx, built up your stack to 5*starting stack without being knocked out & now it's time for addons. Ill opt not to addon, reason being ill let the other players build up the prize pool for me. I dont like to addon here as im paying double my original $xx for 16% more chips. I dont find value in this and will continue in the tournament without the addon. In my opinion, entering a mtt is backing yourself e/w at (# of buyins)/4 - 1 & dont find it necessary to addon here.
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