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GB(U): some hands for review


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todays hands are on playing AK. one good and one bad in VERY similar circumstances. first is my biggest losing hand in the session (-$125 net) the second is my biggest winning hand (+$54.25 net) overall in the session i was $222.25 up over 387 hands first: BAD: i bet out on the flop because the caller is very loose, 63% vpip. after the flat call i figured the ten was a distinct possibility but was hoping that i might be able to back up the queen. with my nut straight to fall back on. Game #3605647453: Hold'em NL ($0.50/$1) - 2007/03/26 - 12:10:33 (EST) Table "Vihuela" Seat 3 is the button. Seat 1: LuckDoc ($42 in chips) Seat 2: M_Man79th ($125.25 in chips) Seat 3: Debbiekim ($157.25 in chips) Seat 4: SchutzIla ($56.32 in chips) Seat 5: Serway sits out Seat 6: MrBlizzar ($139.25 in chips) SchutzIla: posts small blind $0.50 MrBlizzar: posts big blind $1 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [Kc Ad] LuckDoc: folds M_Man79th: raises to $4 Debbiekim: calls $4 SchutzIla: folds MrBlizzar: folds ----- FLOP ----- [Td Jd Th] M_Man79th: bets $8 Debbiekim: calls $8 ----- TURN ----- [Td Jd Th][Qs] M_Man79th: bets $16 Debbiekim: calls $16 ----- RIVER ----- [Td Jd Th Qs][Qc] M_Man79th: bets $97.25 and is all-in Debbiekim: calls $97.25 ----- SHOW DOWN ----- M_Man79th: shows [Kc Ad] (A Straight, Ace high) Debbiekim: shows [Tc Ac] (A Full House, Tens full of Queens) Debbiekim collected $249 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $252 Main pot $249 Rake $3 Board [Td Jd Th Qs Qc] Seat 1: LuckDoc folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: M_Man79th showed [Kc Ad] and lost with A Straight, Ace high Seat 3: Debbiekim (button) showed [Tc Ac] and won ($249) with A Full House, Tens full of Queens Seat 4: SchutzIla (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: MrBlizzar (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS**** GOOD: almost the same again, except against a relatively tight opponent, 34% vpip. after hitting the nuts on the turn i'm giving a free card by flat calling for 2 reasons: 1: i hide my made hand 2: they might need to improve in order to get the chips all in, so by giving it i increase my odds of getting all their chips in. in this instance she had made her hand on the turn, and cearly viewed my river all in as a bluff steal, she took a long time to make the call byut i got them in the end. Game #3605556033: Hold'em NL ($0.50/$1) - 2007/03/26 - 12:21:12 (EST) Table "Zeus" Seat 4 is the button. Seat 1: Sofiepige ($56.75 in chips) Seat 2: M_Man79th ($109.50 in chips) Seat 3: Vanheden ($148.25 in chips) Seat 4: blomstret ($131.40 in chips) Seat 5: Randori ($100 in chips) Seat 6: tzeaces ($85.75 in chips) tzeaces: posts small blind $0.50 Sofiepige: posts big blind $1 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [Ad Kh] M_Man79th: raises to $4 Vanheden: folds blomstret: folds tzeaces: folds Sofiepige: calls $3 ----- FLOP ----- [8h Td Qd] Sofiepige: checks M_Man79th: checks ----- TURN ----- [8h Td Qd][Jc] Sofiepige: bets $4 M_Man79th: calls $4 ----- RIVER ----- [8h Td Qd Jc][4c] Sofiepige: bets $8 M_Man79th: raises to $101.50 and is all-in Sofiepige: is all-in $40.75 Returned uncalled bets $52.75 to M_Man79th ----- SHOW DOWN ----- M_Man79th: shows [Ad Kh] (A Straight, Ace high) Sofiepige: shows [7h 9c] (A Straight, Queen high) M_Man79th collected $111 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $114 Main pot $111 Rake $3 Board [8h Td Qd Jc 4c] Seat 1: Sofiepige (big blind) showed [7h 9c] and lost with A Straight, Queen high Seat 2: M_Man79th showed [Ad Kh] and won ($111) with A Straight, Ace high Seat 3: Vanheden folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: blomstret (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: tzeaces (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS****

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Re: GB(U): some hands for review

I cant for the life of me see why you went all in on the first hand' date=' even if you were trying to represent a bluff what exactly could anyone call you with, an ace high?[/quote'] Agree with this one, if you wanted to scare him off it i think you should've went all in on the turn, you'd have been a big favourite to take down the pot then. 2nd one was beautifully played though ;) Brings the term "Reelin' 'em in" to mind.
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Re: GB(U): some hands for review

I cant for the life of me see why you went all in on the first hand' date=' even if you were trying to represent a bluff what exactly could anyone call you with, an ace high?[/quote'] i had a suspicion he might have the ten, i wasnt representing the bluff. i was MAKING the bluff. i did NOT want a call. i gave the free card on the turn on the first reason for the same reason i did on the second hand. the river was the scare card (for us both if my inkling about the ten was right), so my all in was meant to represent it. the idea of showing both hands is specific. i had the best hand on the turn in both cases and gave away a free card. in the first instance it cost me. in the second it worked well.
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Re: GB(U): some hands for review Sorry I still dont get it. If he has a Q or a 10 he calls and you lose any thing else he folds and you win nothing. It had to be a check on the river. I doubt if he would have charged you what you charged yourself

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Re: GB(U): some hands for review

Sorry I still dont get it. If he has a Q or a 10 he calls and you lose any thing else he folds and you win nothing. It had to be a check on the river. I doubt if he would have charged you what you charged yourself
its based on fold equity. if he has a hand that will fold to my all in ($97 into $57 pot) 2 out of any 3 times, remember that the ten is now nowhere near any nuts and may well be foldable. then the decision is correct.
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Re: GB(U): some hands for review I Doubt very much if 2 out of 3 players would fold a hand that was beating you or am I missing something. A wee something that is'nt in too many books regarding a check here is you might get your opp to have a pop at the pot with a hand you have beat. Passive river play seems to work with effect against the modern idea that aggression is the be all and end all of poker. Dont tell any one else that, I'm going to Write a book on passive passive post flop play to contradict all the ones based on fold equity Any way your doing great, keep it up.

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Re: GB(U): some hands for review

its based on fold equity. if he has a hand that will fold to my all in ($97 into $57 pot) 2 out of any 3 times, remember that the ten is now nowhere near any nuts and may well be foldable. then the decision is correct.
Just looked this hand over a bit more, I cant really put you on a Queen here though. Preflop - standard raise: could have a range of hands. Flop - pot bet (double the raise) on a TJT board, could be a follow through bet from AK/AQ/KQ (maybe, if you'd normally raise with it in the game). Could also put you on 77/88/99 once again following through your raise. Turn - bet out again, and once again double the last bet. Not trying to have a stab at you or anythng, but it looks like you've already planned what you're betting on each street regardless of the board. $4 - $8 - $16... The all in looks kind of out of desperation, though if you actually had the Q it would've been a nice steal. One thing though, had you taken note of the player playing previously? Cant jump to conclusions after seeing 4 moves by him, but looking at the hand his actions were Call - Call - Call - Call, trend no? Might've been a station and there was no way you were going to make him fold...
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