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Good Luck Joe Legge


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It's come to my attention that Joe Legge will be leaving Sporting Odds for pastures new with Virgin Poker at Easter. (It seems he just cannot escape Boss :tongue2) I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking Joe for all he has done for PL in his time at SO and pass on your very best wishes for his new challenges at Virgin. Good Luck Joe :ok

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Re: Good Luck Joe Legge Best of luck Joe, If you saw my responce on the "Best of British" thread then you'll know how much I appreciate that you will be moving to a company where you will "Stand out". You were wasted at S.O. My very best wishes to you - Thanks for sticking with us here too as we can be a bunch of moaning b@stards at the best of times but we ALWAYS repay faith and we most certainly have that in you.. :ok:ok:ok

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Re: Good Luck Joe Legge all the very best in your new job joe, dont forget us all here....... look forward to seeing you on virgin`s tables.. many thanks for all your hard work and listening to all the gripes and being a top-man:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Re: Good Luck Joe Legge Guys, Thanks a lot for the good luck messages. We all know Boss has it's flaws and i have questioned my sanity for going to another skin but I believe that there is lots of scope to develop the Virgin poker room into a very player friendly environment. I'll be available to help with any Sportingodds/Paradise queries until Easter and then i'm sure i'll be in touch again from my new location, hopefully with some good offers for you guys. All the best, Joe

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Good Luck Joe Legge Funny you should ressurect this thread today - Joe Legge's been in touch this afternoon and is putting something together for us that looks tremendous ...... We're still working on some of the detail, so no info yet, I'm only posting it cos I'm a tease!! :tongue2

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