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Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday?

Pocket Lady

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? i,m gonna be there for sure,i should be there for 5pm. I,m gonna be playing the 6pm tourney+may stick around for the 9.45pm one :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana i,m sure i can stretch to buying you and andy a anniversary :beer :beer :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? what time is this likely to finish? and scalps? wassat then Damo EDIT hang on - it got to finish by 9:45 right? DOH!! 12K in chips in 3 hours? wow - short blind levels - or do they just move the final couple of tables elsewhere and start up the 9:45 event?

Here is March's Stanleys Circus Casino tourney schedule courtesy of UK poker info: http://www.ukpokerinfo.co.uk/index.php?news=483 The Circus are holding a £20 double chance freezeout with £5 scalps on Sunday 11th. Mr V and I plus Jones123............. are interested. Anyone else fancy coming along?
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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday?

I'm not sure, but I think it means that Mr V has promised to shave his head if Sam wins.
Spot on. :ok :D No hang on... :wall It means that all players get bounty chip. You knock a player out and win their chip, so if you knock 5 players out but finish outside the money you have practically got your money back as once they have been won by you no one else can take them off you. It will probably mean 20 minute blinds tbh which does mean faster than ideal action. I asked the card room manager why all there tournies have a part where it seems to turn into a crapshoot as the blinds bite and he honestly said its necessary to thin people out and help the tourney progress. However, even though there's another tourney later I will be very surprised if he doesn't let the first one run its course.
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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? Thanks V - so 25/50 to start then 50/100, 100/200 etc hmmmm need to square this with the missus however...... I AM VERY VERY KEEN TO PLAY hmmmm need a decent bribe - anyone got any ideas? Damo ps more questions! how many players normally - how many get paid etc and - if I do turn up maybe we should have a side bet - first PL'er out has to get their head shaved!!!!!!!!! :lol am sure we can get some cash of everyone and give it to comic relief - what do you think folks?

Spot on. :ok :D No hang on... :wall It means that all players get bounty chip. You knock a player out and win their chip, so if you knock 5 players out but finish outside the money you have practically got your money back as once they have been won by you no one else can take them off you. It will probably mean 20 minute blinds tbh which does mean faster than ideal action. I asked the card room manager why all there tournies have a part where it seems to turn into a crapshoot as the blinds bite and he honestly said its necessary to thin people out and help the tourney progress. However, even though there's another tourney later I will be very surprised if he doesn't let the first one run its course.
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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? I would but at my time of life hair is a privilege not a right! :$ I'd imagine there'll be about 70+ there (guessing) with top 8 or so paid. Saying that the freezeouts are getting more popular so there could be more. Decent bribe? Half of any potential winnings? ;)

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? Jeez I go every week on my own and then a week I cant make it half of PL turns up :lol:lol Have a good night guys:ok Cant make the following Sunday either but the 25th looks good :cheers

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? Hair: HAHAHAHA had noticed HAHAHAHAHAHA (dunno why I am laughing - i think I'll be indulging in the comb over in a couple of years!) Bribe - A-HA, excellent choice - though might make it, if i finish ITM we will go out for a meal (cheaper that way etc ;) ) my good lady is (very) slowly coming round to it - so need to be a good boy tonight and tomorrow and reckon i am there! Damo

I would but at my time of life hair is a privilege not a right! :$ I'd imagine there'll be about 70+ there (guessing) with top 8 or so paid. Saying that the freezeouts are getting more popular so there could be more. Decent bribe? Half of any potential winnings? ;)
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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? I have managed to negotiate an agreement with senior management so I'll be there!!! :ok Is there parking on site - or is it on the road? Grub - yes/no - and any good etc? is it self deal - or do they provide dealers? It will take a couple of hours to get there (coz i am bound to get lost) - am aiming to get there for around 4-30 - 5pm to get registered as a member and then signed up for the game - so if any of you are early, I am the chap witht he stange foreign accent........ :tongue2 Look forward to playing later :ok Ta Damo

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? Hehe - Free parking on site Dealers provided foc as always. :notworthy Food is supposedly good but pricey Damo you are a member of Circus Birmingham - shouldn't be a problem signing in at Stoke.:ok And don't forget we know what you look like :tongue2

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? i remember you Sam - not sure about the others tho...... :tongue2 food pricey? - might need a pack up then - just need some kind soul to make me one...... (am a veggie BTW, so Cheese is dandy ;) ) yeah a member there - I just remember waiting half an hour or so for them to decide whether I could join, despite being a member of a stanley's here in leicester - hence why i just missed the PL tourny (tho it was VERY nice to play the STT instead :) ) Damo

Hehe - Free parking on site Dealers provided foc as always. :notworthy Food is supposedly good but pricey Damo you are a member of Circus Birmingham - shouldn't be a problem signing in at Stoke.:ok And don't forget we know what you look like :tongue2
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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? nice to catch up with Sam, Andy, Aaron and Jones's tonight (and nice win on the footie for Sam :clap ) out in about 25th or so, so beat half the field - Top pair and nut flush draw vs top two pair on the flop - oh well no flush for me! - Sam out before me and the other 3 going strong. nice casino, good structure and very friendly - well worth a visit if you get a chance (and dead easy to get to from the A50 as well - only took me an hour) Just so you know - from next Sunday its going to be a £40 buy-in rather than £20 to generate 'something worth winning' as the boss put it so I'll probably play only 1/month now (unless i have a good week online!) Cheers Damo

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? In the scalp tourney I came 3rd for £140, and Sam finished 2nd in the £20 turbo for £70. :cow :cow :cow It was a good night and a good tourney and nice to meet up with Arran, Karl and Damo again, although the four of us were stood at the bar looking out for Damo only to find out he was up t'other end of the casino watching footy. :eyes :lol The scalping idea along with it being a double chance freezeout was a good one as a lot of people cashed in £5 or £10 to get something back, although I felt for the guy at the final table who managed to get there without knocking anyone out AND he ended up finishing outside the money. :lol

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? Great Night guys :clap even if it went on longer than I anticipated - hoping for a quiet day at work so I can catch up on some sleep. Well, I was the lucky one as originally only the Top 5 were getting paid. When we got down to the last 6 the offer of paying the Top 6 was put before us, and, as the short stack, I was first in there with my vote of yes! Everyone agreed and I thought it would loosen the table up a bit but there didn't appear to be much bluffing going on. Eventually the blinds started to bite and I had to make a couple of 'loose' moves in order to keep a stack worth anything. Got away with it once (sorry Andy :spank) but when dealt A9 in early position I was called by AK, and I couldn't administer another bad beat to pull it out of the hat. What a great casino! For our £2 tournament fee they give you dealers on every table, free drinks brought to your table and a free buffet. It really must cost them money to put on these tournaments. All credit to them. Nice to meet old faces and new. And Happy Anniversary Mr & Mrs V - a nice profit for the day for both of you :D (Sam, when are you going to start posting your football tips???)

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? Just like to say what a great night i had again at stoke,went out in tourney in 19th but at least i collected 1 bounty :ok. A big thanks to andy and sam turning up again to keep me company and also met aran(daftpegasus)and damo.Just like to agree what aran said the place is brill food and dealers it was super. PS oh yeah brian we did you proud drunk the place dry (lattes):lol :lol :lol :lol a big hug and happy anniversary for tomorrow SAM&ANDY:beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :spank :spank :spank :nana :nana :nana :ok :ok :ok

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Re: Anyone up for poker in Stoke on Sunday? I think Saturday is a £15 freezout? - not sure on numbers though Damo

Hi... Sounds pretty expensive now....especially for a cheapskate like me...was thinking of going Sunday but think I will give it a miss!!!!!! good luck to all that may be going hope you all cash in....:beer
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