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Re: Goa Me and Mole's Indian experience got off to a bad start. Arrived in Mumbai airport at 00:05 on the 1st of March, we were meant to be getting picked up by Jet Airways coach to take us the 5km drive to the domestic terminal to catch the flight to Goa at 06:30. Couldn't see any signs or mention of connecting coach so we decided to have a wee look outside, big mistake! Outside the building was just a mass of frantic people running round, begging, generally making a helluva racket bearing in mind it was the middle of the night. Immediately felt unsafe so decided to re-enter the airport, not to be as one of the guards ushered us away from the door with the end of his rifle. Anyway, some bloke approached us and asked us about our flight etc, we told him Jet Airways/06:30 to Goa. Come with me he said, quick quick it's not safe here. Rather foolishly we assumed he was the Jet rep who was taking us to the coach to go to domestic terminal, wrong! Next minute we're in the back of a taxi speeding away from the airport wondering if all was well. Told us he would take us to the hotel and we could get some sleep before the morning flight, he said domestic airport closed through the night and like a pair of mugs we believed him. So after driving at crazy speeds through very busy traffic, passed a couple of hundred people asleep at the sides of the roads, herds of bloody great cows scavenging the bins, we arrive at this no star hotel. Told £50 for a room and we would be picked up in the morning to get lift to catch our flight. Now as it turned out that was exactly what happened but it has to be the longest 4 hours of my life, not really sure if something bad was going to happen in the coming hours. Even wondered at one point if our lives could be in jeopardy. Couldn't exactly run screaming into the streets either, if the big cows hadn't trampled us to death surely the locals would've had some terrible fate for us. At 41 years old I have never wanted my mammy more. Apparently it is a very popular scam and thankfully that's all it was, cost us about £70 in total. Anyway, enough of that, things soon perked up. Connected to Goa at 06:30 and landed around 45 mins later. 2 hour bus drive with lots of interesting sights to see out the window, finally we pull up at the majestic looking electronic iron gates of the Intercontinental Grand Resort. Entered into a different world when we went through those gates, has to be seen to be believed I suppose, all I had expected a hundred fold (excuse the dliberate pun). I have never seen luxury like it, was like something from a James Bond movie, fountains, hedges shaped like elephants etc etc etc. Got welcomed and taken to our suite, again amazing, marble floors, luxury furniture, sunken bath and much more which I won't bore anyone with. Got unpacked and showered and headed out into I reckon close on 40 degree heat, this was the point when I decided it would be strictly staying in the shade for me. Short time later and probably inevitably we landed in the Feni Bar to get started on the Kingfisher lager. A bit later Helen, Duncan and Richard came through the door to meet us. I did ask how they knew it was us and apparently mole's glasses gave it away. Helen and Duncan, an amazing pair of folk, looked after us very well, arranged tables at meal times with beer already waiting when we arrived, absolute diamond couple and a pleasure to meet. Big Richard Tricky Ricky Shoulders Scott, what a bloke. It is with great sadness that I have to concede the fact that not only could he keep up with the Scots on the boozing front, but even managed to out-do us mostly. Great to meet you big guy, will look forward to the next time. Try to get some snooker practice in pre meet up though. Had a phone call from Joe Legge from SportingOdds on the Thursday night, he told me one of the qualifiers wasn't coming and his seat was mine if I wanted it. So, to cut a long story short, next day at 1pm I was sat at my table and the cards were dealt. All very nerve racking for someone of my novice status, televised so a lot of bright lights and people rushing round with cameras trying to catch the action. My 2nd hand of the tournament was 33, nothing heroic I though and managed to limp in to see the flop, A38 comes out which pleased me no end. Turn and river brought nothing great and my trip 3's took the chips from AA, my 10k had quickly become 14k. When I was tidying up the chips the dealer had pushed my way my hands were shaking almost uncontrolably, thankfully I managed to settle myself down pretty quickly. Had 99 a bit later, put a bet in with only 1 caller, flop came out showing high card J, I put in a pot sized bet and the guy folded. Fair bit later and no cards in between I picked up 77, some betting and calling to see a flop of QQ7, very nice, won a fair bit on that and now my original 10k had doubled. Again nothing for a couple of hours and I pick up AQ, called a small bet from a guy before me, was never going to re-raise with that but was keen to see the flop. Flop was Q,10,3, I put in a large bet and after some consideration I get a call, turn brings the 2nd 10 on board which concerned me greatly, so basically about half my chips are now in the middle, from there in it was checked down, thank christ as after the turn I was pretty sure I knew what he had and his check was an attempt to make me throw in a big bet, so, he turned A,10 which now left my stack very vulnerable. Half way through level 6 when down to about 5k I doubled up when my AJ held out against KQ. Last hand of level 6 whilst on 6-7k I get my best hand of the day by a mile in the shape of QQ in late position, guy on 2k and early goes all in, all fold till me and I put all mine in also prepared to hopefully be ahead and take his 2k. I was ahead of his A2 and the 5 cards to come didn't help him, nor unfortunately did they help me as the guy on the big blind with all the chips at our table had called both our all ins with his bloody KK!! That was that and out I went, hopefully I can take something out of my 6 hours playing with the big boys and hopefully I've learned a lot. Was a tremendous experience which I will never forget. Only had 3 small beers in 6 hours and now it was time to drown my sorrows. Next 2 days were fairly predictable, far too much booze and nowhere near enough sleep. Finally, once again, Helen, Duncan, Richard, many thanks for everything and for being a huge part in making the trip as good as it was. Met a lot of new friends too and all really nice people. Dave from BOSS media, biggest piss head I ever met and provided us all with many laughs. Joe Legge, so much has been said about Joe and once again he's came up with the goods, top top bloke and a living legend, thanks a million Joe.

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Re: Goa hi all i still have no internet connection in my new house so im at my sisters, i will have to keep this short, but will give a more in depth tale when im up n running again. we met some fantastic people richard, duncan and helen tx for a great time. still a bit tired as i refused to sleep in goa. as for the poker finished between 48 - 50th in the main event ul not to have made day 2 in the main event. i bought into the 1k side event and finished 28th so no disgrace went out both with bad beats but thats tourneys for ya all in all had a blast and made some great friends will post more later cheers mole

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Re: Goa Ed's post was right in that our flight was delayed by just over 24 hours as the plane which was supposed to come out from Gatwick was hit on the ground by a service vehicle of some kind. Two coaches arrived to take the flight only people including us to a 5 star hotel north of the airport. There was room on the first coach for us but not our cases so we waited on the second one, only to be kept waiting for over an hour whilst some passengers tried to insist on being flown to Mumbai instead (as had happened to the full package holidaymakers). Only when finally the coach driver was persuaded to leave them behind did they decide to get on - delaying us by a further 20 minutes. Worst of it was that when we get to the hotel there are not enough rooms for everyone so the single travellers including Richard were taken to a different hotel. Helen and I get the last room in the first hotel which turns out to be what I assume is their best suite with two tellies and two loos ! So sadly 24 extra hours in Goa - I can certainly think of worst places to be stuck ! Helen and I arrived home at 6 this morning after a stop for us both to sleep for an hour or so, and were in work at 9. Threads to catch up on here and then emails and then sleep ! Richard, Ed and Stef - I'm sure Helen will post herself later and echo this (been out picking up Avon books) but from me thanks guys for making a great trip even better. When we go on holiday we usually keep our own company and it was fantastic to have the three of you to share the whole experience with. I look forward to meeting you all again, hopefully soon and hopefully in the sun again ! http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/8804/rimg0046se8.jpg

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Re: Goa

nice reports guys :clap:clap it sounds like I should have been there :eyes If we had to send out 'five best of British' to represent us in India then you five are ideal. We have Ed, Mole and Wishy trying to drink their way into a capital share of Kingfisher, tempered by the ever wonderful Runa and ding dong. That picture is class Runa, it is like a Beach Boy's album cover (from 2020 ;)) look at wishy looking over at the bar checking he's not missing out on anything :lol and mole looking like he is actually trying his best to stay awake :rollin:rollin

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Goa I've been really conscious of the fact that I'd not added a post on here and thought I'd maybe left it too late, so :ok to Richard for resurrecting it for me. Been flat out working since getting back, only just managed to squeeze in a couple of PL games whilst on kitchen duties and keeping up with the Paradise league table, so not been as active as usual on here, despite being my anniversary day (yesterday now :eyes ) Fantastic pictures and memories of a fantastic experience. Me and Duncan definitely the lightweights of the drinks tournament, me in particular, but at least I'm a cheap date. :tongue2 However, I make up for it in meal consumption and ensured I got full value from the breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets every day, without fail, and on my own if necessary. :lol I managed to not play one hand of poker, including the ones played with sundry booty from the concierge, and was only a little jealous when the boys all sat down to play on Day One. So went for lunch ;) and back out to the poolside, popping back in at break times to check on chip stacks. Anyway, wasn't on my own for too long. :moon Unbelievable hands to go out on, although having lost out to AA twice, Duncan should have known the odds were against them then holding up for him on their 3rd appearance. And I will never agree with anyone who thinks river cards on-line are fixed compared to live. Couldn't have wished for better companions to be there with, Richard, Ed and Stef, all 3 absolutely brilliant. Would like to think I've learned a lot (about poker, not beer) from listening to and watching everyone, especially the very generous, down to earth and ludicrously talented Mole. Also enjoyed meeting various poker royalty - Poker Player Dave, Shelley and the lady (Melissa?) doing the PR, Jack Daniels Dave from Boss (have you got your money yet Richard?) and the guy from PokerStars who assured me there will be absolutely no problem with sites buying in internet qualifiers for the WSOP, somehow. Came back resolving to invest a bit more money playing and less time fiddling around with freerolls, however not yet had chance to embark on my new strategy. Watch out when I do. :loon And an extra big thank you to Richard for looking out for us, (despite being slightly under the weather for some reason the last couple of days. :rollin ) And now this cold weather is playing havoc with my (not very much of one anyway) tan. :wall Goa is definitely in the diary for the same time next year and having seen the photos hopefully a few more of you will join us. :drums

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Re: Goa Well done guys fantastic photo's i didn't even no there was a camera there! not enough sleep and too much king fisher. as i mentioned before the company made it a great time. I'm off to the irish open in a couple of weeks wondering if anyone is going? Helen what can i say but will you be in charge of my epitaph when i pass on? ( very kind words) ps, i would also like to draw some attention to the photo 3 up i see Ed's had 1 kebab too many . And finally richard i thought we had a deal you must pm me with the necessary details.

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