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Bluffing problems


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I'm really starting to feel that people can see my cards. I bluff at a pot not timidly or not too aggressively, making it look like a value bet, but the guy calls with a stupid low pair. It's no problem because I think that when I have a good hand he will call again since I got caught bluffing but he folds. It really started to get annoying. So I have some questions. I'm now playing only in freerolls please keep that in mind. what are the backgrounds of a bluff? what about my stack size, opponents' stack size, is my player tight or loose, how much should I bet for a bluff, is position important in a bluff and how? what do you do once you get called? and the most important of all is bluffing important in MTTs? if it's, I really need advice in that. Cheers.

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Re: Bluffing problems It sounds like you may need to ask yourself what you are representing, and does your storyline throughout the hand match what you are representing? For me, the most important thing about a bluff is that it should be believable, and you achieve this by the hand you are representing being consistent with the story you have portrayed throughout the hand...... At the later stages of a tournament, then stack sizes become more imprtant than storyline - there are times when people can't call you even if they know you are bluffing!!! Also think about who you are bluffing - are they bad players or good players? It can be a lot harder to bluff bad players because they dont know what they should be doing!!! In that circumstance (i.e. v Bad players) I would say DON'T BLUFF at all!!! They'll pay you off when you have a real hand!!! (and this will certainly apply in freerolls!!)

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Re: Bluffing problems Well I think we all experience that, we get called more when we bluff than when we have whet we represent. I think there are 2 reasons A) Your opponent don´t belive you you because of your action, you say you bet the same when you have it and when you doN´t, but as Gaf says there is more to it than that. Perhaps your opponent have noticed that if you have the hand you represent you would have done something different preflop. (Maybe he don´t belive you would play the hand at all, or raised with it preflop instead of calling, or called instead of raising etc). B) With freerolls people often call if they have anything at all, and fold otherwise, so maybe you are wrong when you think they call with their lower pair when you bluff, and fold it when you have a good hand. You don´t know what they fold, so maybe they just didn´t have anything at all, when you had something. So maybe they don`t fold because they have read you right, and have figured that you have a big hand. They fold because they have nothing, not even a low pair, so they might not even be able to win the hand even if you are bluffing. C) A lot of times the best hand is top pair. And there the odds that your opponent have toppair goes up when you are bluffing. Lets say you raise preflop with both AK and AQ from middle position, and raise again on the flop, no matter if you hit the flop or not. The flop comes K83 rainbow. If and you have a AK, then there is 2 K left. If you had AQ, there would be 3 K left. If we asume than your opponent will call with any K on the flop, it will be 50% more likely your opponent will call when you are bluffing (having AQ) than when you when you have AK, simply beause there will be 50 % more K left when you have AQ compared to when you have AK

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Re: Bluffing problems I guess the main reason I can't bluff is because I'm playing in freerolls. I only make outright bluffs when I raise pre-flop. I don't know if this is correct but when I raise pre-flop I want them to think that I have big pocket pairs like QQ KK AA. And I bet again acting like I have those pairs and the board can't bring a better hand (except secret hands like trips). Maybe I should limit this move by doing it just against the ones that could fold by watching the table more carefully. If I have not raised pre-flop I only make semi-bluffs. If I raised pre-flop and am not re-raised, I always bet at the flop to continue showing strength. When I was a beginner I always checked if I missed the flop and the good player would take my chips with a bet. Maybe I need advice with this situation because my only outright bluffs are like these. Cheers.

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Re: Bluffing problems If I raise preflop, and I only get 1 caller, I raise most of the time on the flop, no mater if I have hit or not, but just most of the time not always. I mean if I have AA and flop comes 722 rainbow, whats the point of raising? If i`m ahead there is very little chance my opponenet will catch up he could have a small pair or 7x, and hit 2 pairs /set but he has very few outs, and if I´m behind, why would I build a big pot. Furthermore my opponent can figure out, that this flop can`t have help me much, so if he does have a big hand my best chance to save some money is making him think I got a veak hand ( 2 overcards). Against 2 callers I sometimes makes a continuation bet, but much fewer times than against 1 opponent. Against more than 2 oppoenents I very rarely bet the flop unless I got something.

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Re: Bluffing problems I've been playing quite a few freerolls and very low cost MTT's the last couple of weeks. I've come to the conclusion that its not worth bluffing at all early on, as there's too many people seeking thrills from going all-in with A7o. After the game starts to settle down, I find that watching how the other players check/raise/fold gives me a good idea of how and when and who to bluff. For the same reason, I rarely bluff when I've just been moved to a new table. Generally, I'd say playing from the right position and table image help a lot. I normally try to play tight and aggressive. So, if I find myself in late position, up against a couple of low stacked players who appear to be trying to pair an overcard, I'll put in a bet. I'm not suggesting I'm successful on each and every occassion, but then again its very rare that I make such outrageously expensive bluffs that if I get called and lose, I'm out of the game. (I normally manage to get myself knocked out just before the second break, with a stupid hand like A7o :lol )

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Re: Bluffing problems a big part fo bluffing is table image. in my opinion you have to set this image up on a table before you can bluff at a pot. show yourself raising with a big hand, show yourself re-raising and takign down a pot with a big hand. once you've done this about 3 or 4 times, people leave your re-raises alone :)

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Re: Bluffing problems

I'm now playing only in freerolls please keep that in mind
Freerolls are great fun and we've all been there - but you don't play any real poker until the business end of the game. If I were to play a freeroll and I had a pair - I'd just chuck the lot in early doors - thats the kind of thing your up against.
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Re: Bluffing problems

I NEVER bluff. Honestly!
I don't believe you :lol
I didn't either Ian, until Dodger raised my blind. I'm holding Q10 and thought he was at it so played. I hit top pair and pushed, and Dodger turned over AA...:$ I hit with my kicker to get 2 pair.
a big part fo bluffing is table image. in my opinion you have to set this image up on a table before you can bluff at a pot. show yourself raising with a big hand' date=' show yourself re-raising and takign down a pot with a big hand. once you've done this about 3 or 4 times, people leave your re-raises alone :)[/quote'] This is 100% true as far as I'm concerned, but you also have to spot the player who isn't paying a lot of attention and calls the all ins, and what with. There is no point in trying to bluff the guy who will go all in when his Q 10 hits top pair.
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Re: Bluffing problems IMO you can only bluff good players. In my experience a bad ( or less experienced) player will continue to call when hitting a pair regardless of kicker when there are all sorts on the board. For example I have represented chasing for the flush and pushing when its "made" on the river, only to be called by mid pair on the flop. Other times, I raised and reraised somebody with AKJ on the board whilst holding 45o as I represented the Q10 and made them fold AK - ( Ive got an excellent story about playing in the MGM in Vegas and getting somebody to fold their 2 pair AJ withmy king high - K8o), only a good player again IMO would be able to fold there. So, as others have stated above, if your going to bluff, choose your opponent wisely, make sure their clever enough to react and unerstand what else is out there. Mike

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