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Couple of hands to review


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was there any way out of these? first: 6 handed. Game #4253197294: Hold'em NL ($0.15/$0.25) - 2007/01/22 - 13:15:02 (CET) Table "DOUBLEDECKER" Seat 6 is the button. Seat 1: aZeeer ($30.70 in chips) Seat 2: masterpla ($27.85 in chips) Seat 3: Mcpher001 ($25 in chips) Seat 4: Pjw525 ($10.70 in chips) Seat 5: Ric0102 ($29.08 in chips) Seat 6: afsd ($31.35 in chips) aZeeer: posts small blind $0.15 masterpla: posts big blind $0.25 Mcpher001: posts big blind $0.25 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to masterpla [Ad Ac] Mcpher001: raises to $1.50 Pjw525: folds Ric0102: folds Ric0102 sits out afsd: folds aZeeer: folds masterpla: raises to $5 Mcpher001: calls $3.50 ----- FLOP ----- [9s Th 5d] masterpla: bets $10 Mcpher001: raises to $20 and is all-in masterpla: calls $10 ----- TURN ----- [9s Th 5d][2s] ----- RIVER ----- [9s Th 5d 2s][7c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Mcpher001: shows [Td Tc] (Three of a kind, Tens, Nine high) masterpla: shows [Ad Ac] (A Pair of Aces, Ten high) Mcpher001 collected $47.65 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $50.15 Main pot $47.65 Rake $2.50 Board [9s Th 5d 2s 7c] Seat 1: aZeeer (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: masterpla (big blind) showed [Ad Ac] and lost with A Pair of Aces, Ten high Seat 3: Mcpher001 (big blind) showed [Td Tc] and won ($47.65) with Three of a kind, Tens, Nine high Seat 4: Pjw525 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Ric0102 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: afsd (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) second: 3 handed. Game #4253198764: Hold'em NL ($0.15/$0.25) - 2007/01/22 - 13:29:20 (CET) Table "DOUBLEDECKER" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: aZeeer ($32.15 in chips) Seat 2: masterpla ($28.85 in chips) Seat 3: Mcpher001 ($68.83 in chips) Seat 4: Pjw525 sits out Mcpher001: posts small blind $0.15 aZeeer: posts big blind $0.25 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to masterpla [Qs Qh] masterpla: raises to $1 Mcpher001: raises to $5.75 aZeeer: folds masterpla: raises to $28.85 and is all-in Mcpher001: calls $23.10 ----- FLOP ----- [Tc Jc 2s] ----- TURN ----- [Tc Jc 2s][9h] ----- RIVER ----- [Tc Jc 2s 9h][3c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- masterpla: shows [Qs Qh] (A Pair of Queens, Jack high) Mcpher001: shows [Ah As] (A Pair of Aces, Jack high) Mcpher001 collected $55.95 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $57.95 Main pot $55.95 Rake $2 Board [Tc Jc 2s 9h 3c] Seat 1: aZeeer (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: masterpla (button) showed [Qs Qh] and lost with A Pair of Queens, Jack high Seat 3: Mcpher001 (small blind) showed [Ah As] and won ($55.95) with A Pair of Aces, Jack high a simple yes or no will do :)

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Re: Couple of hands to review No way out of the first hand in my opinion MP, but 2nd you did make a big move when only holding QQ. It's a big hand yes, but the raise suggested he had a big hand too, so maybe you should have seen the flop first. However, had you seen the flop, only JJ would have worried you, but would it have been sufficient enough worry to make you fold? Personally, I'm quite aggressive and I would have probably played both those hands very similar to how you played them. You're not having much luck with AA, I took you out of Virgin with that last night too! :$

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Re: Couple of hands to review Both look fine to me mate. Hand 1 Preflop is spot on. When he reraises all in its VERY ominous, cos I put him on a PP most likely preflop and I would say hes probably flopped a set. But for 4/1 odds you have to call, its possible he could have JJ, QQ, KK, top pair or QJ, lots of things you beat. And you had to bet out on the flop for sure so meh, just one of those things. If the flop comes 9 high or lower you probably get all his money playing it exactly the same way so there you go. Hand 2 3 handed QQ is a fcuking monster hand. His raise is VERY large over yours id actually probably put him on a medium pair as his most likely holding, or just 2 high cards or could just be fooling about etc. As you are OOP against him I think its fine to put it all in there and neutralise your positional disadvantage that you would incur by calling. Id say a lot of the time hed fold to you and youd pick up his 23bb (good result) and hed call with a worse hand most of the rest of the time so no worries.

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Re: Couple of hands to review Actually youd have position on him on the second one there looking at it again there as its 3 handed. Hmm still dont think theres anything wrong with the play though but you could also just call and put it all in on a non A or K flop when he bets into you on the flop (which he would regardless of holding most of the time), either way is fine. If you were OOP then youre way is defo best though.

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Re: Couple of hands to review First Yes, his reraise screamed two pair or a set. Given that you'd have to put him on pocket pair, based on his 6 x BB intial raise, followed by calling your larger reraise, you must put him on trip 9s or 10s. I don't understand the bet of $10 on the flop, it's too high to be pot building, if you want the fold why not just put him all in ?? It looks to me like you were giving yourself room to fold, if he came back with a reraise suggesting he had the nuts. He did so, then you called ? Don't understand the play at all. I suppose you could have put him on another overpair like KK or QQ, but it seems to me like you feel in love with your Aces and couldn't lay them down, despite evidence you were behind. Second 3 handed is different QQ is a very strong hand, depends on your read of the player, he could easily push with 99 1010 or JJ, perhaps even AK. All the action is preflop, see nothing wrong with your play this time

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Re: Couple of hands to review that bet served 2 purposes. the first was meant to induce him to go all in with his JJ/QQ/KK/AK by looking like i was trying to buy the pot. the second was to try and win the pot right there, because if he did have a draw or a pocket pair i didnt want to give him enough pot OR implied odds to call it.

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Re: Couple of hands to review agreed Game #4264726314: Hold'em NL ($0.15/$0.25) - 2007/01/23 - 14:42:57 (CET) Table "Alwaysapleasure" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: Daryl2807 ($32.46 in chips) Seat 2: tchekebam ($13 in chips) Seat 3: _Tuva_ ($24.85 in chips) Seat 4: Choko999 ($24.60 in chips) Seat 6: masterpla ($30.50 in chips) _Tuva_: posts small blind $0.15 Choko999: posts big blind $0.25 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to masterpla [4d 6d] masterpla: calls $0.25 Daryl2807: calls $0.25 tchekebam: folds _Tuva_: folds Choko999: raises to $1 masterpla: calls $0.75 Daryl2807: calls $0.75 ----- FLOP ----- [5d 5s Qd] Choko999: bets $3 masterpla: raises to $6 Daryl2807: folds Choko999: calls $3 ----- TURN ----- [5d 5s Qd][3d] Choko999: checks masterpla: bets $8 Choko999: raises to $16 Skirmishe joins the table at seat #5 masterpla: raises to $23.50 and is all-in Choko999: is all-in $1.60 Returned uncalled bets $5.90 to masterpla ----- RIVER ----- [5d 5s Qd 3d][3c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- masterpla: shows [4d 6d] (A Flush, Queen high) Choko999: shows [Kc Ks] (Two Pairs, Kings and Fives, Queen high) masterpla collected $47.85 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $50.35 Main pot $47.85 Rake $2.50 Board [5d 5s Qd 3d 3c] Seat 1: Daryl2807 folded on the Flop Seat 2: tchekebam (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: _Tuva_ (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Choko999 (big blind) showed [Kc Ks] and lost with Two Pairs, Kings and Fives, Queen high Seat 6: masterpla showed [4d 6d] and won ($47.85) with A Flush, Queen high ****HAND ENDS****

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Re: Couple of hands to review Biggest problam a lot of people have is they can't fold pocket aces, they'll call anything all the way to the river. They get smitten the second they glance down and see them, I think mentally some people (not MP) consider the pot won. If the board pairs, or you get 3 or 4 of a suit on the board, and people are betting hard into you. Then you've gotta put yourself up against trips or a flush. I've won so much money from people that will not lay down their high pocket pair in these circumstances. Having said that, I won a $10 STT last night with pocket aces, the board came out A 7 4, I pushed out 5 x BB, he raised me hard, I put him all in, not understanding what he could have, he called and turned over A 7.:D for 2 pair and no outs.

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Re: Couple of hands to review Aj: his play screms trips/2 pair? why? - people will be shoving their K10 at this point hoping you either fold your AK/AQ etc or they get lucky and hit trips why shove a set against someone who might only have AK? I can't see why you wouldn't call hand 1 at all MP *************** hand 2 - tricky, I would say his overraise is buying the pot hoping you bluffed - I would have just called, checked the flop and then reriased AI if no A or K hit (assuming he cont bets) I can't see how you could fold QQ 3 handed unless you have a rock solid read on the chap shite just happens sometimes :\ Damo

First Yes, his reraise screamed two pair or a set. Given that you'd have to put him on pocket pair, based on his 6 x BB intial raise, followed by calling your larger reraise, you must put him on trip 9s or 10s. I don't understand the
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