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Represent PL in London: Saturday 24 February


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I'm posting this here in case people haven't seen this thread in Poker Live: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41316 PL have been invited to enter a team of five in a live event in Clapham on Saturday 24 February. So far only two of us have expressed interest. It looks like fun, especially for those of us who enjoy playing "different" types of poker. Have a look at the thread, and post there if you're interested. Thanks.

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Re: Represent PL in London: Saturday 24 February Was interested But only just started playing the other games so can only put forward for NL Holdem. Plus Dont live in London so would have to come down for the weekend. Am available for the NL Holdem in anycase

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Re: Represent PL in London: Saturday 24 February

Was interested But only just started playing the other games so can only put forward for NL Holdem. Plus Dont live in London so would have to come down for the weekend. Am available for the NL Holdem in anycase
The format (if I understand it) is that everybody plays two variants (and also HORRSE if they get to the final). Apart from Holdem, Omaha H/L and Stud, I doubt any of us have a huge amount of experience of any of the games (especially RRP!), so "only just started playing" is not a good excuse! :tongue2
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Re: Represent PL in London: Saturday 24 February

The format (if I understand it) is that everybody plays two variants (and also HORRSE if they get to the final). Apart from Holdem, Omaha H/L and Stud, I doubt any of us have a huge amount of experience of any of the games (especially RRP!), so "only just started playing" is not a good excuse! :tongue2
Ok I've Been told Gives Me a goal to work towards then count me in:ok
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Re: Represent PL in London: Saturday 24 February

so is the team as: slapdash teaulc mcfc washman rosco
Looks like it. I'll send a PM to check all the above are definite, but if so, seems fair that the first to express interest get to play.
suggest slap as captain
That means it's my fault if we lose? Oh, OK then.
and how are the games going to get picked for who?
I'll contact all the team to get their preferences. Of course, there may be some unpopular games, but hope nobody minds if they don't get their first choice of games?
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Re: Represent PL in London: Saturday 24 February

Looks like it. I'll send a PM to check all the above are definite, but if so, seems fair that the first to express interest get to play. That means it's my fault if we lose? Oh, OK then. I'll contact all the team to get their preferences. Of course, there may be some unpopular games, but hope nobody minds if they don't get their first choice of games?
Put me down as 1st reserve :ok I'm only 20 mins from Clapham
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