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Notes on Players-Burnley Joe??


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Re: Notes on Players-Burnley Joe??

Go on you know you want to. Everyone tell me their notes(if any) on me and I'll tell you my notes(if any) on you. Burnley Joe on Mansion is PP>p- its a secret code Probably be far more informative than all the software on the market.
i would but i never know what to right about people,there is only muppet, muppet or........................muppet:loon :loon no-one on pl tho,:dude
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Re: Notes on Players-Burnley Joe??

Easy With PL players i just put notes about what they have won or where they are in the league etc For you mate I just have that won the SO league last year
BJ? Dont get involved in a drawing hand heads up against Joe when hes betting, usually has high or mid pair.......a goal poker note i made months and months back
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Re: Notes on Players-Burnley Joe?? In my notes on Burnley Joe the p's are for when he stole my blinds and the > is for when I stole his. Heres my notes on Teazz PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP>PPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP>PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Just to complete your records Joe I won a $5 STT on Paradise in 1999 and a £5 freezeout in the Chevalier in Glasgow in 1994 or dont they count unless you are in them

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Re: Notes on Players-Burnley Joe?? I've just started taking notes properly and my favourite is ''CJ'' followed by a number. This is the number of times a player is caught with his hand in the cookie jar...you know, raises 3xBB to steal then promptly folds when the raise is itself raised. So far none on PL, but reckon I may give Jaded half a dozen just to start off with!

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