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The Big Blind, is it a problem?


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Finally decided to get poker tracker and was happy enough with most of my findings and think I can explain most of the flaws The program found 5000 hands of fixed limit at prima to look at. My position stats show my losses as the bb at, I would imagine, an unacceptable level, in all other positions including the wee blind I show a profit.(ableit small ones). Mind you I guess it could be my bb losses are o.k it's the profits in other positions that are too small. I lose 0.25 bb for every hand as the bb and win 0.05 for all hands overall confirming what I always knew that I am a very small margin winning player. Any suggestions? For all the big hand knockers I have had pkt aces and kings 57 times and they have both won over 85% of the time and thats at 10 seater fixed limit tables. 2/7 off is only showing a profit of 0.02 per hand but I guess that will improve once the sample gets a bit larger

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Re: The Big Blind, is it a problem?

For all the big hand knockers I have had pkt aces and kings 57 times and they have both won over 85% of the time and thats at 10 seater fixed limit tables
Congratulations, very good winning odds there!!! I'm not sure what the stats are but I think it's around 70% on 10 seaters??
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Re: The Big Blind, is it a problem? I haven`t played fixed limit for a very long time. But I can send you screenshot of my position stats from the last 2 month on party NL. Btw 5000 hands is a very small sample. What level are you playing? I think at small stakes, you win much more in NL than in FL. partyposstatpg3.jpg

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Re: The Big Blind, is it a problem? Its nearly all 0.50/1.00 with a few hands at 1/2. Its the easiest way to clear bonuses and make raked hands for restricted freerolls NL is something I cant keep in control off when I dabble, so I stick to limit most of the time. I guess due to the % of the pot that the bb is in no limit the figures dont really compare. Perhaps at limit it is just a fact that the one hand you have to play as a calling station will lose you money. My profit in comparison, is about half that of yours per hand so its not really that far away.

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