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Mansion Value


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Re: mansion value My :moon , its not our fault is it We should be compensated in some way, i have copies of both transcripts and they both say that it is problems their end If they want sympathy after we have potentially lost money they can do one, also sympathy is next to syphallis in the dictionary!

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Re: mansion value "potentially lost money"?? I was 4th with 64 left - in with a great shot of winning the $24,000 first prize!!!! Lets wait and see what they say, but I dont have any confidence they'll do "the right thing"..... I'm guessing I'll have finished in the 11th to 20th bracket again for $850 - which I'll be mega disappointed with :sad

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Re: mansion value Is interesting looking through the hand histories - keeps all the chat comments too.... Mansion were trying to tell me I was the only person affected ..... Current Number of Players: 95 Henryg129 start position: 19,518.00 Telepe start position: 49,368.00 MavidMansky start position: 63,053.00 MHerbie start position: 26,582.00 loolu start position: 22,872.00 BEKMEDL start position: 12,032.00 Evgene start position: 39,724.00 .BoogaBooga. start position: 45,480.00 MavidMansky posts ante (80) (Telepe) posts ante (80) Henryg129 posts ante (80) (.BoogaBooga.) posts ante (80) Evgene posts ante (80) (BEKMEDL) posts ante (80) loolu posts ante (80) MHerbie posts ante (80) (Telepe) posts small blind (800) Henryg129 posts big blind (1600) (Telepe) is dealt down [5s Ks] (.BoogaBooga.) folds Evgene folds (BEKMEDL) folds loolu raises to (4800) MHerbie folds MavidMansky folds (Telepe) folds Henryg129 folds loolu is refunded (3200) loolu wins (4720) loolu mucks .BoogaBooga. end position: 45,400.00 Evgene end position: 39,644.00 BEKMEDL end position: 11,952.00 loolu end position: 25,912.00 MHerbie end position: 26,502.00 MavidMansky end position: 62,973.00 Telepe end position: 48,488.00 Henryg129 end position: 17,838.00 Hand end time: 2007-01-17 06:34:21 I presume everyone in brackets was disconnected - looks like about 33% of the table to me - if that was representative, that's about 30 players overall!!!!

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Re: mansion value Sorry for the late reply, im from Canada. Total bull, what happen to you guys. That's alot of money at stake. Ive played in the first 2 of these tournaments and wanted to give it another couple tries with the new startging chip count, but im not sure i wanna take a chance at the server going down again, especially when its not everyone in the Tournament!

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Re: mansion value Unlucky guys but I do think you can trust Mansion to sort this out, they appear to be a bit more independent than the franchises that operate elsewere. And they are keen to cement their position amongst the market leaders $7900 is a bit optimistic though GaF

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Re: mansion value Pah - another Poker company that lies and passes the buck.....

Hello Telepe,

Thank you for your email regarding your connection problems whilst playing at MANSION Poker.

We have investigated the matter and can confirm that MANSION did not experience any technical difficulties during the tournament you were playing in. No other players experienced any difficulties and we found no errors on our servers. This therefore indicates that the error was due to a connection problem somewhere between your pc and our servers.

Whilst I understand that you did not notice any other connection errors whilst using your internet at this time, this is in fact entirely normal. When playing poker packets of information are sent to and from your pc and the MANSION servers. If connection is lost at any point along the way then this information is lost completely. When surfing the web or using a chat programme this loss in connection is merely seen as a slight delay in the page loading, however, when playing poker any momentary loss in connection proves vital.

On the journey from your pc to MANSION your information can travel through as many as 15 different ISP’s. It is therefore impossible for us to know at which point this information was lost.

I am sorry that we could not be of more assistance to you in this matter but please don’t hesitate to get back in touch if you experience any more issues so that we can again conduct a full investigation.

Kindest regards, Sarah MANSION Member Services
This is my reply to them, but it seems clear they dont care!!!
Thank you for your reply Sarah, However I absolutely cannot accept that the problems were not your end. Whilst you claim that my message may travel through 15 ISP's en route to you, the problem would not have been an intermediate point - the internet was designed by the military as a decentralised tool to maintain communications in the event of nuclear attack - the loss of one (or indeed numerous) connections along the route would not stop communication. In addition, it is clear that numerous people were affected. I am in direct communication with Burnley Joe who was also still in the tournament. He lost his connection at exactly the same time as me, and was reconnected at precisely the same time as me - this could only be happening if the problems were your end. I was told in the chat log that they were aware that a server was down, but it was outside of Mansion control. This sounds to me like it is a server operater for Mansion, but which is sub contracted to a third party? This, in my opinion, remains your responsability. On a forum, I asked others to try. One other person attempted to connect during this period and was also unable to. He was in Canada (Burnley Joe and I are in the UK) I have also reviewed my hand history and it seems that 3 of the 9 players (33%) on my table were disconnected. As I was moved to other tables, I came across other discons. It appears to me, that approximately 20 of the remaining 65 players were impacted by this (though few were in the strong position I was at the time!!) As you will be able to see from my playing history, I have played in most of these $100,000 tournaments, generally unsuccessfully and last night was my shot at redressing the balance - I was robbed of this chance by system failures your end and am clearly meeting lies and a cover-up from Mansion to avoid any responsability for the situation - is this really the kind of company Mansion are?
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Re: mansion value I'm very disappointed in Mansion. I thought of them as one of the good guys. Even if they'd just apologized and given you token compensation like a free entry into another of these tournaments that wouldn't have been too bad, so long as they also seriously looked into the problem. Expecting to be paid for fourth place because that was your position when you were disconnected is probably a bit optimistic, but $250 (or whatever you were guaranteed to win) plus a proportion of the remaining prize pool (after giving everybody $250) based on your chip count would have been reasonable, and wouldn't have cost them that much compared to the added value of almost $50,000 that they're already giving every night, even if they had to do this for all the 30% or whatever proportion of the field that were disconnected. And it would have bought them more in goodwill than the original $50,000-ish added value.

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Re: mansion value Here was my response GAF, as you can tell the diplomatic service is never gonna come knocking at my door Hi I have now just spoken to a manager at mansion who explained that it was not mansions fault that the sever went down as it was not their server. I would like to say that as your email states "it indicates that the error was due to a connection problem somewhere between your pc and our servers". I tried on 3 seperate PCS and could still not get through, also on the hand history I can see that there were three other players who could not connect on my table alone. I have also spoken through a forum to one of the moderators who was playing at the same time (Telepee) and he had the same problem and his history shows that 1/3 of his table could not get on and were blinded out as well, so how many people did this affect and for how long as we could not get back in to the site. To say I am upset is an understatement, as you can see this is my 5th go at this torney and to then finally get in to the money and then this happen, trust me you do not know how upset i am. Whn I do finally get back in to Mansion at about 7.45 and to see that I only finished 34th for $450 is sickening. This is not a $200 torney, we are talking about potentially $24,000 if you win it, but your response below you would thing this was nothing! Therefore, I would like a thorough investigation of what happened and a thorough explanation. Also if it was not your fault why were the responses below given in live chat? MANSION Franz: We had a technical glitch MANSION Franz: Are investigating at the moment burnley joe: SO what happens about the 100K MANSION Franz: Sorry for the inconvenience burnley joe: I know i was in the money, but this is pathetic, its 100K not $200 MANSION Franz: We will let all affected players know as soon as we can THEN LATER I SPOKE TO SOMEBODY ELSE WHO STATED THAT MANSION Andy: There is a server issue that is outside of MANSION's control, it is effecting only people in certain areas. We have forwarded a request to our Poker department and asking them to investigate To say your staff have their finger on the pulse is a joke! I am disappointed and completely unsatisfied with your stansdard response to what is a very serious situation. Finally, Telepee who was also playing and finished 14th after being blinded out is also waiting a response and I will keep him updated of the situation as he is also affected by your decision. Yours Joe Geraghty Burnley Joe

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Re: mansion value

On the journey from your pc to MANSION your information can travel through as many as 15 different ISP’s. It is therefore impossible for us to know at which point this information was lost.
You're certainly right that this is bollocks of the highest order. If A can't get through to B on the internet, then it is 99.9% certain that it is either a fault with A's connection or B's. Do they really think that there are a specific 15 intermediate nodes, and that if any one of these fails then there's no connection? :eyes
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Re: mansion value

You're certainly right that this is bollocks of the highest order. If A can't get through to B on the internet, then it is 99.9% certain that it is either a fault with A's connection or B's. Do they really think that there are a specific 15 intermediate nodes, and that if any one of these fails then there's no connection? :eyes
If they stick to this "excuse", I suggest you ask them to give it to one of their technical team and see how long it takes for them to stop laughing.
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Re: mansion value It's strange that at the SAME TIME they are talking to Burnley Joe about the problem, they are telling me noone else is impacted..... It is also clear from the Hand Histories that a lot of people WERE impacted!!! WHY THE LIES MANSION?????

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