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Mansion Value


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Re: mansion value Unlucky Gaf, im confident there was a final table and who knows what more to come, if you were to win the coinflip. Still you more or less made your $$$ back overall now eh? Typical to I show up and then youre in against my signature hand 66 and it holds :( I swear wherever I go it wins

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Re: mansion value Absolutely shattered mate!!!! Out in 15th for $850 ...... Had AJo on the button - I was down to 37k - utg raises to 18k, figured I had to play - all in for 36k, got my coin flip, but his PP held up....... Was on the verge of giving up on this tourney, but have won a few more tries :loon :loon Cheers for support Viggo and Mr M :ok

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Re: mansion value Good result Gaf, at least got your money back and can have another couple of goes now.:clap :clap Well done Viggo as well for getting in the money.:clap :clap Think I will have another go at this myself, didn't think I got outplayed too much, but was a bit card dead, used all my cards up in focus game i think. Best hand i got was Jacks and ran into aces!:sad Just wondering what you opinion is now on the players after you have had a cash Gaf, seemed as if you were getting a bit dis-heartened mate before last night?

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Re: mansion value

Nice result GaF. You can win one of these.
Yep - I no longer believe it's as impossible as I did before last night!!! :loon :loon
Just wondering what you opinion is now on the players after you have had a cash Gaf' date=' seemed as if you were getting a bit dis-heartened mate before last night?[/quote'] Yeah, I was totally disheartened before last night. It seemed as if every time I raised, then I was reraised and had to fold (unless I had the nuts, in which case they folded!!!) - when I did put my foot down without the nuts, my opponent always had something better.... But last night things seemed to go my way and I'm far less "scared" of my opponents now!! Also I think my game is FAR better suited to the new blind structure. I should never have pumped so much money into it when the structure was worse... :loon I was disheartened, more than anything, because of the amount of money I'd pumped in!!!! (even though it was coming purely from past poker winnings) - but thinking about it - if 10% of the field hit the money, then I should only get in the money 1 game in 10, so now I'm on that target!!! (and I believe with the new structure I can make the money more often than 1 time in 10!!) I assume it was him, but dont know.....he went out in 12th in the end IIRC. The guy in 3rd (for over $10,000 :loon :loon) was down to less than 1 BB with about 40 players left!!!!!! With a bit of thought (and a couple of hours sleep ;-) ) I think I made an error with the hand I went out with. If the other guy had gone all in, I would have folded my AJo. I went all in, because I thought I had some fold equity, but in reality I didn't, the other guy was committed. I got a coin flip, but could easily have been ahead (or dominated) - at the end of the day, it was a pure gamble. I would have been better off waiting and going all in with 32o and some significant fold equity!!!!
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Re: mansion value I'm in live chat at the moment, but it's gone quiet - been through the "restart the software", "reboot your machine" - now they're stumped!!!!! Just been told: MANSION Andy There is a server issue that is outside of MANSION's control, it is effecting only people in certain areas, Please try again in a few minutes.

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Re: mansion value When a tournament fails to complete, we use a set formula to determine how much each of the active players receives. This formula is tried and tested and is the fairest method of paying out incomplete tournaments for all players. Firstly, we split the remaining prize pool in half. This prize pool is made up of the entire buy ins, any re buys and add-ons which have been made, and any added value which we ourselves add to the tournament. We then subtract any winnings which have already been paid to players who have gone out. The first half is split equally amongst all of the players who were still in the tournament when it crashed. The second half is paid out to all remaining players dependant upon the percentage of chips that each player had when the tournament stopped running.

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Re: mansion value It might be a server out of Mansion's control, but I suspect that just means it's a sub contracted service of theirs - so they SHOULD still be responsable (though you can guarantee they wont accept responsability)

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