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Mansion Value


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Attention poker players - Major overlay value in MANSION $100,000 Guaranteed Tournament series throughout January. Over $240,400 in overlays in the first 5 days alone.

Everyday this month MANSION is running an exclusive $100,000 Guaranteed Tournament at 03:00 GMT. To play in these daily events you can buy-in directly for $100 or alternatively you can enter our $10 Re-buy or $20 Freeze-out super satellites.

$240,400 in overlay value in the first 5 days of the series alone!

3 Jan 2007 – 498 Players ($50,200 Overlay) – "kuj0" wins $24,000

4 Jan 2007 – 531 Players ($46,900 Overlay) – "Shipitrighnow" wins $24,000

5 Jan 2007 – 532 Players ($46,800 Overlay) – "reteps" wins $24,000

6 Jan 2007 – 541 Players ($45,900 Overlay) – "mortens221" wins $24,000

7 Jan 2007 – 494 players ($50,600 Overlay) - "amarkf" wins $24,000

There are still 24 days left to play. Download the MANSION Poker software client and open the tournament tab for more details of how to get your share of the added value today.

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Re: mansion value I've played in pretty much all of these - it's playing havoc with my sleep!!!! And my bank balance :sad Is a terrible structure, no time at all, and not really had a good game yet :sad I'm $700 down in them :loon :loon, but keep telling myself that they are good value really :loon :loon (not as bad as it sounds - still had the £500 they gave me for an Am Football bet, and won $750 at SpOdds last week - can I pretend I'm up?)

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Re: mansion value Man I went out as nr 57, the money started with nr 54. I had a tough decision, I had 8300 in chips BB 800 SB400 40 ante. Average about 14000. The cutoff was a complete maniac, he had gone all-in 6 times in a row prior to that hand, Had beeen called couple of times and had shown hands like Q5o, but won some both times he was called. I´m BB and I have A5o maniac have me covered should I fold, for a very good chance to advance 3 spots and take down 500 $ or go for it? A5 is about 57% against all other hands, and since maniac has gonve all-in 5-6 times in a row he will make that move with anything in cutoff. If I call the pot will be 8300*2+ 400SB+ 7*40 (antes form the players) = 17240. So in terms of chip EV I get 17240*0,57=9827. I will have 8300-800-40 =7460, left if I fold, So calling is 2367 +EV in terms of chips, about 30% of what I will have left if I fold. Is it worth giving up so much Chip EV, for a place in the money? I called he showed T7o, he ended up with a full house!!!!

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Re: mansion value No - it's 1500 starting chips and quite a fast blind structure....... I'm too embarrassed to say how I went out last night - I feel my "natural" game doesn't work with such a fast structure, so have been trying to compensate and playing a game I'm not very good at :$

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Re: mansion value well the blind structure is fast to begin with start at 1500 chips and 12 min levels for the first hour then it slows down to 15 min levels and there is 2 levels with 200/100 the second with 10 antes. So you need to get lucky the first 1 hour-1½ hour and double up, but if you can do that the structure is ok. I don`t know why it just says 2500 starting chips with 15 min levels on the site. Or maybe they will change the structure tonight.

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Re: mansion value well, it is a bit expensive to put in 100 $ a day, but here is both good value from the overlay, plus there must be some value in all those player coing allin with crap alltime, and those who call with it, those fish can`t get lucky all the time. I think I will try it a few times more.

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Re: mansion value Hmmmm ..... have to say my impression is slighly different - I get the feeling I'm just being totally outclassed in this tourney :unsure I just seem to be being outplayed and outthought in every hand I enter (whether they have a hand or crap, they seem in total control of me) :unsure I wish they were just "players going in with crap all the time"......

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Re: mansion value

Hmmmm ..... have to say my impression is slighly different - I get the feeling I'm just being totally outclassed in this tourney :unsure I just seem to be being outplayed and outthought in every hand I enter (whether they have a hand or crap' date=' they seem in total control of me) :unsure[/quote'] What? Even when I'm not at your table? :tongue2 I've only played in two of these (soon after I'd got back from abroad and was "naturally" awake at 3am), and although I did pretty badly in both of them, I didn't get the feeling I couldn't do well. But you've played a lot more of them, so you may have a better idea of the standard. So have they changed the blind structure? And does it make a big difference?
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Re: mansion value These games are such great value,its just a pity the start time is 3.A.M I'm tempted to finish early off a night shift and give one a go :loon It won't be to far in the future when it will be worth while taking your laptop in to workl ;)

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Re: mansion value 14th of 21 at the 4th break :loon :loon Gtd $600 :ok (though still a loss when my other entries are considered :sad - need Final Table for a profit) I'm on 46k, Average stack is 64k and chip leader is 149k. Blinds are 3000/6000 with ante's of 300, so it's very crapshooty at this stage .... but one double up and who knows :loon :loon

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