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Started this post in Poker Chat, but with the 2nd hand - I think they were linked, so come to strategy instead ;) First hand - why oh why oh why oh why do I do this??? :wall :wall :wall I just dont learn my lesson!!!! Not sure how my opponent could call, but cant criticise - however they came to their decision, they were right!!!!

----------------------------------------------------- Game #1832110146 - Tournament Paradise Poker League - 100/200 No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2007/01/09-14:44:59.3 (CST) Table "PPP League 2" (MTT) -- Seat 5 is the button Seat 1: joeygera1 (5,935 in chips) Seat 3: RookyOne (2,255 in chips) Seat 5: AvonGirl (1,800 in chips) Seat 6: Telepee (5,865 in chips) Seat 7: luvu4 (4,105 in chips) Seat 8: mcarthur11 (1,340 in chips) Seat 10: millbet (1,780 in chips) AvonGirl said, "gg" Telepee : Post Small Blind (100) luvu4 : Post Big Blind (200) Dealt to Telepee [ 8d ] Dealt to Telepee [ 7s ] Fat8oyFat said, "gl y'all" mcarthur11: Fold millbet : Fold joeygera1: Fold RookyOne: Fold AvonGirl: Fold Telepee : Raise (500) luvu4 : Call (400) *** FLOP *** : [ Ks Jh 8h ] Telepee : Bet (700) luvu4 : Call (700) *** TURN *** : [ Ks Jh 8h ] [ 5c ] Telepee : Bet (1,200) luvu4 : Call (1,200) *** RIVER *** : [ Ks Jh 8h 5c ] [ 4c ] Telepee : Bet (3,365) luvu4 : Call All-in (1,605) *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 8,210 | Board: [ Ks Jh 8h 5c 4c ] joeygera1 didn't bet (folded) RookyOne didn't bet (folded) AvonGirl didn't bet (folded) Telepee bet 5,865, collected 1,760, net -4,105 (showed hand) [ 8d 7s ] (a pair of eights) luvu4 bet 4,105, collected 8,210, net +4,105 (showed hand) [ Ac Jd ] (a pair of jacks) mcarthur11 didn't bet (folded) millbet didn't bet (folded) -----------------------------------------------------
Got me thinking that that player was a bit of a calling station though, which I was able to milk with this hand a few minutes ago!!! Without remembering that first hand, I would have played Hand 2 very different....
----------------------------------------------------- Game #1832123513 - Tournament Paradise Poker League - 200/400 No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2007/01/09-15:05:57.8 (CST) Table "PPP League 2" (MTT) -- Seat 5 is the button Seat 2: PLTQM (3,115 in chips) Seat 3: RookyOne (3,515 in chips) Seat 5: AvonGirl (1,900 in chips) Seat 6: Telepee (2,585 in chips) Seat 7: luvu4 (9,460 in chips) Seat 8: mcarthur11 (890 in chips) Seat 9: lousaban (12,770 in chips) Seat 10: millbet (2,585 in chips) RookyOne: Ante (25) AvonGirl: Ante (25) Telepee : Ante (25) luvu4 : Ante (25) mcarthur11: Ante (25) lousaban: Ante (25) millbet : Ante (25) PLTQM : Ante (25) Telepee : Post Small Blind (200) luvu4 : Post Big Blind (400) Dealt to Telepee [ Kh ] Dealt to Telepee [ Ts ] mcarthur11: Fold lousaban: Fold millbet : Fold PLTQM : Fold RookyOne: Fold AvonGirl: Fold Telepee : Call (200) luvu4 : Check *** FLOP *** : [ 6c Th Tc ] Telepee : Bet (600) luvu4 : Call (600) *** TURN *** : [ 6c Th Tc ] [ 7d ] Telepee : Bet (800) luvu4 : Call (800) *** RIVER *** : [ 6c Th Tc 7d ] [ 6d ] Telepee : Bet (760) luvu4 : Call (760) *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 5,320 | Board: [ 6c Th Tc 7d 6d ] PLTQM lost 25 (folded) RookyOne lost 25 (folded) AvonGirl lost 25 (folded) Telepee bet 2,585, collected 5,320, net +2,735 (showed hand) [ Kh Ts ] (a full house, tens full of sixes) luvu4 lost 2,585 [ 6h Qd ] (a full house, sixes full of tens) mcarthur11 lost 25 (folded) lousaban lost 25 (folded) millbet lost 25 (folded) -----------------------------------------------------
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Re: Fightback Not sure what kind of feedback you're looking for here - you definitely misplayed the first hand but you're well aware of that. As far as the second hand goes, I think you're right to suspect he might be a calling station - he may just have had a fantastic read (and is true you have to give him the benefit of the doubt in judgement) - but it's much more likely he's just loose passive. With that in mind I like how you played the 2nd hand, I wouldn't mind it even without that information - on the one hand you want to give a tight player a card to catch up with, but on the other hand betting a flop that you've hit like this is actually kinda counter-intuitive, especially if you backtrack on the turn, so you may well get called (or raised) by pp's, high cards etc that would be dumped later if the board devalues them and the pot isn't built.

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