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SO Paradise MTT League January


SO Paradise MTT League January  

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Re: SO Paradise MTT League January Password sent :ok For anyone wondering - it IS the same as last month :ok Am deleting the password requests here as they are being sent - makes it easier to make sure everyone has been sent them :ok

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Re: SO Paradise MTT League January I did kinda let you hang yourself there - bit naughty of me really :) If I had re-reraised you PF (shove) would you have called?? Damo

guess I missed this ! Not an auspicious start defending my title - out first when my overplayed KK ran into Damo's AA. Good luck all still in - which is everybody ! :ok
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Re: SO Paradise MTT League January

I did kinda let you hang yourself there - bit naughty of me really :) If I had re-reraised you PF (shove) would you have called?? Damo
Yep I'd have called. In a $1 game I'm only folding if an Ace appears (and perhaps not even then :lol ) :ok
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Re: SO Paradise MTT League January Hello Lion we have a rule regarding newbies - you need a certain amount of posts before the tourny is announced the get the password - so unfortunately you miss out for this one but stick around, make some positive posts, get involved and get playing in next months tourny :) cheers Damo

I Would like to play in this event would someone be kind enough to tell me how I get the password Thanks:hope
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