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Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands?


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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? I really don't understand this thinking at all (not just you staffy) with AA you don't need to improve on the flop - your opponents do, this is really negative thinking from people and something I just cannot grasp at all why people constantly harp on about it. you are at least a 4:1 fav PF (HU) with AA, so why is it obvious that sometimes you will be behind on the flop - what flop would make that obvious? (multi-way pots are waaaaaaaaaaay more tricky :lol - I am taliking HU here) re people catching - well that is down to them making bad calls (if you bet enough) or bad play by you by not betting enough - if you make them make bad calls then in the long run you win re lay down of AA - yes too many times we all don't lay it down against multiple players when the board is really shocking Damo

I am surprised people say that your best hands should be AA and KK. OK yes they are the best starting hands available but at the end of the day they are just a PP. If you dont hit after the flop then its obvious sometimes you will be behind or people will catch when chasing striaghts and flushes. I am aggressive when playing AA and find that it is my worst hand. I think it is the same problem as a lot of people you have to be prepared to lay it down. Check your stats of what your best winning hands are. I bet 1 pair is not your best hand so why would AA win for you.
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? errr actually I am yes (assuming HU) - unless the board is really crap then I believeing I am still at least a 4:1 fav on the flop against a single opponent - why would I think otherwise if the flop is 10 6 2 rainbow? (assuming I have made a decent raise PF etc) multi-pots are a different kettle of fish - but HU I am ahead on the flop 80%+ of the time and will endeavour to make the villian pay to chase Damo

I don't think anyone is suggesting that AA and KK are the best hands once the flop has been dealt :unsure
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? well thats because A10 is shite :) its a limp in from late position hand after 4 more limpers and hope to hit the nut straight - otherwise from EP/MP it should be in the muck or its a folded to you in the CO/Button and raise hand hoping to collect the blinds or get HU harrington describes it quites nicely in HoH vol I as "a car that has not only just crashed but fallen off the cliff" (or something similar) - ("AJ is a car that has crashed") Damo

ATs AT moment(although AT is already looking dodgy:$)
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands?

errr actually I am yes (assuming HU)
AA or KK are SELDOM the nuts (best hand after the flop). If there is no A or K on the flop then it is certain that they are not the best hand!!!!! Pre flop they are the best hand, post flop, unlikely and you need to work out where you stand against your opponent(s)......as you still have a good chance of being ahead of them, even without the best hand....
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands?

AA or KK are SELDOM the nuts (best hand after the flop). If there is no A or K on the flop then it is certain that they are not the best hand!!!!!
They may not be the nuts, but if you've narrowed the field to one other player, there's still a fair chance you're ahead IMO. The chances of someone missing the flop are something like 68% (IIRC an article in a magazine a few months back, which I probably don't!) so there's a pretty good chance you've both missed, and therefore you stay ahead.
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? let me get this right you have AA and are HU on the flop and AA is seldom the best hand at this point - so that means that your 80/20 favourite (at least) is now a dog, because the villian has caught and is ahead? can I ask why the villian is now ahead - and why only villians improve and the Aces don't? I am not trying to be argumentative here but to understand this general obsession that people seem to have that Aces are great PF but shite on the flop if no ace comes - aces don't need to improve other hands do - this is a fact and a basic concept people should realise - yes obviously if the flop is co-ordinated then your aces are vulnerable, I am not disputing that, but they are in the vast majority of cases still ahead. Even if the villian hits part of the flop he is no better off in most cases for instance you raise Ad As and get called by KhQc (not unreasonable) so PF you are a 86/14 fav flop: Jh 8H 6d you are now a 91/9 fav Kc 8s 5d you are a 81/19 fav - hey the villian hit and is still a 4:1 dog Kc Jh 10s you are now a 70/30 fav - and without flopping 2 pair or trips or a made straight it doen't get much better for the villian than that as a flop so why the worry? re you second paragraph - this is the same regardless of the cards you have - unless you really do flop the nuts and cannot be beaten regardless of the turn and river, then you never know 100% that you are ahead and need to bet to find out, its just that some cards are (as said previously) ahead of the race already and if you are ahead PF then you are more often than not going to be ahead on the flop as well, its how you play at this point which determines if you stay ahead or whether you give folks chances to outdraw you (more folks = more chances of losing, so its best to make they pay PF and the flop to play their hands) Cheers Damo

AA or KK are SELDOM the nuts (best hand after the flop). If there is no A or K on the flop then it is certain that they are not the best hand!!!!! Pre flop they are the best hand, post flop, unlikely and you need to work out where you stand against your opponent(s)......as you still have a good chance of being ahead of them, even without the best hand....
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? spot on - two random non paired cards in the hole - you will pair about 30% of the time on the flop Damo

They may not be the nuts' date=' but if you've narrowed the field to one other player, there's still a fair chance you're ahead IMO. The chances of someone missing the flop are something like 68% (IIRC an article in a magazine a few months back, which I probably don't!) so there's a pretty good chance you've both missed, and therefore you stay ahead.[/quote']
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? Rebuilt my machine yesterday - didn't bother keeping my rather limited database, so started again...... Just 332 hands now, so really wont bother reposting my best an worst hands - here's my AA with a new strategy :tongue2

** Game ID 653712243 starting - 2006-12-31 01:32:54 ** Fleetstar [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - allthatjazz sitting in seat 1 with $9.03 - Telepe sitting in seat 2 with $20.00 - 550110-6933 sitting in seat 3 with $29.49 - Master-Pea sitting in seat 4 with $27.34 - silverC sitting in seat 5 with $8.63 [sitting out] - mark6440 sitting in seat 6 with $11.47 [Dealer] - igotbeer sitting in seat 7 with $28.81 - nutcase sitting in seat 8 with $11.40 - diver sitting in seat 9 with $8.71 - MIDASMAN sitting in seat 10 with $44.90 igotbeer posted the small blind - $0.10 nutcase posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Ace of Clubs, Ace of Spades diver called - $0.20 MIDASMAN folded allthatjazz folded Telepe went all-in - $20.00 550110-6933 folded Master-Pea folded mark6440 folded igotbeer folded nutcase folded diver went all-in - $8.51 ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Diamonds, 3 of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: 10 of Hearts ** Dealing the river: 3 of Diamonds diver shows: Queen of Spades, King of Spades Telepe shows: Ace of Clubs, Ace of Spades Telepe wins $16.87 from the main pot End of game 653712243
** Game ID 653729102 starting - 2006-12-31 02:02:33 ** Gold Star [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - CDBDii sitting in seat 1 with $9.71 - GizmoGB sitting in seat 3 with $5.43 - adadan sitting in seat 4 with $17.14 - Centaurus sitting in seat 5 with $26.86 [sitting out] - Telepe sitting in seat 6 with $20.07 - nutcase sitting in seat 7 with $7.03 [Dealer] - mark6440 sitting in seat 8 with $9.50 - Bigskins sitting in seat 9 with $17.25 - t0b1a5 sitting in seat 10 with $9.07 mark6440 posted the small blind - $0.10 Bigskins posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds t0b1a5 folded CDBDii folded GizmoGB folded adadan folded Telepe went all-in - $20.07 nutcase folded mark6440 folded Bigskins folded Telepe mucks: Telepe wins $20.37 from the main pot End of game 653729102
** Game ID 653735718 starting - 2006-12-31 02:15:04 ** Mayflower [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - DOUG100 sitting in seat 1 with $12.72 - TMoney sitting in seat 2 with $9.20 [Dealer] - ProSwoop sitting in seat 3 with $20.63 - Noog sitting in seat 4 with $45.83 - bazzer1965 sitting in seat 5 with $9.57 - malcrow1 sitting in seat 6 with $19.80 - annrankin sitting in seat 7 with $18.86 - Bboy33 sitting in seat 8 with $22.67 - Telepe sitting in seat 9 with $21.93 - misterging sitting in seat 10 with $4.21 ProSwoop posted the small blind - $0.10 Noog posted the big blind - $0.20 DOUG100 posted to play - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Ace of Spades, Ace of Clubs bazzer1965 called - $0.20 malcrow1 folded annrankin folded Bboy33 folded Telepe went all-in - $21.93 misterging folded DOUG100 folded TMoney folded ProSwoop folded Noog folded bazzer1965 folded Telepe mucks: Ace of Spades, Ace of Clubs Telepe mucks: Telepe wins $22.63 from the main pot End of game 653735718
2 out of 3 I just picked up the blinds, but was I really called (for 85 BB) by KQs??????? This is certainly not the optimal way to play Aces, however I think it's an interesting experiment for now and will persevere to see just how often I do get calls!!!!
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? I think you will find, GaF, that you will get callers going all-in, especially if you are relatively new to the table. At this level, there are players who are afraid of post flop play and will push with 10's or better AK, AQ, possibly less and therefore people with a decent hand will call (and regret it instantly when you turn over your Aces!). As you say, long term, this is not the way to play Aces (IMO), but at $0.10/$0.20 level may be an interesting strategy if you are new to a table.

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? I'm wondering whether it will be profitable to shove with AA, KK, QQ, AKs AND 72o ...... not showing any, EXCEPT 72o ..... if I shove a couple of times with 72o, everyone folds and I show, should lead to some looser calls with the premium hands :unsure (and some tilt?) Or maybe a hand like 87s instead of 72o, so I at least have a chance if called :unsure

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? Its an interesting strategy guys (you will get some donkey calls for sure) but it wont help you with playing AA on other streets for the future so I dont suggest you carrying out the strategy for too long. I would suggest against fairly shortstacks who have already called or raised this is a more reasonable move.

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? Sounds like good advice Mr M :ok Have to be honest - isn't really working for me anyway - more than anything, I seem to have turned into a calling station with all my other hands!!!! :loon :loon

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? aces and kings yes not QQ or AK IMHO - to vulnerable to either an A or K (QQ) - or a PP (AK) as you have demonstrated, someone called AI with KQ, so your QQ is dodging a King I see no problem with this strategy - especially if you are someone that can't lay Aces down as you will call AI on the flop/turn anyway - it also removes the chance of someone bluffing you off your hand if you make a standard play and the flop comes 10 10 5 etc and someone bets big (have they got the ten etc?) I can't see why this wouldn't work at any level - especially at a fulltable as someone is likely to have a PP or AK AQ AJ KQ etc and may fancy their hand - especially if they are short stacked I quite like this brutal approach to playing aces good luck :ok Damo

I'm wondering whether it will be profitable to shove with AA, KK, QQ, AKs AND 72o ...... not showing any, EXCEPT 72o ..... if I shove a couple of times with 72o, everyone folds and I show, should lead to some looser calls with the premium hands :unsure (and some tilt?) Or maybe a hand like 87s instead of 72o, so I at least have a chance if called :unsure
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? Had AA twice - but no callers either time. All in once with AKs, but no callers. All in twice with AKo, but no callers. All in with QQ 3 times - called twice - ahead both times, but won one and lost one

** Game ID 654021120 starting - 2006-12-31 16:05:25 ** Black Shadow [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Kelsoon sitting in seat 1 with $34.18 [Dealer] - Bish74 sitting in seat 2 with $17.30 - billyb78 sitting in seat 3 with $23.15 - LEKA sitting in seat 5 with $7.15 - bragi sitting in seat 6 with $16.69 - gjh sitting in seat 7 with $44.23 - patch300 sitting in seat 8 with $4.26 - goldfishboy sitting in seat 9 with $15.43 - Telepe sitting in seat 10 with $17.04 Bish74 posted the small blind - $0.10 billyb78 posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Queen of Spades, Queen of Hearts LEKA called - $0.20 bragi folded gjh folded patch300 folded goldfishboy called - $0.20 Telepe went all-in - $17.04 Kelsoon folded Bish74 folded billyb78 folded LEKA went all-in - $6.95 goldfishboy folded ** Dealing the flop: 6 of Spades, 9 of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Clubs ** Dealing the river: 10 of Hearts LEKA shows: 10 of Diamonds, Jack of Spades Telepe mucks: LEKA wins $14.10 from the main pot End of game 654021120
** Game ID 653979327 starting - 2006-12-31 15:10:48 ** Atlas [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - daveyboyegan sitting in seat 1 with $5.20 [sitting out] - shasharankin sitting in seat 2 with $27.32 - wayner76 sitting in seat 3 with $22.56 - CS-Strike sitting in seat 4 with $34.77 [Dealer] - patch300 sitting in seat 5 with $29.47 - DW1976 sitting in seat 6 with $43.65 - HmmmQ2 sitting in seat 7 with $3.16 - wolfrace sitting in seat 8 with $28.78 - Telepe sitting in seat 9 with $19.70 - Noog sitting in seat 10 with $30.46 patch300 posted the small blind - $0.10 DW1976 posted the big blind - $0.20 wayner76 posted to play - $0.10 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Spades HmmmQ2 raised - $0.40 wolfrace called - $0.40 Telepe went all-in - $19.70 Noog folded shasharankin folded wayner76 folded CS-Strike folded patch300 folded DW1976 folded HmmmQ2 went all-in - $2.76 wolfrace folded ** Dealing the flop: 2 of Clubs, King of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Clubs ** Dealing the river: 6 of Diamonds HmmmQ2 shows: 4 of Diamonds, 4 of Clubs Telepe shows: Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Spades Telepe wins $6.77 from the main pot End of game 653979327
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? Is there anything like PokerTracker/Office that works on Boss? I'm interested to see what garbage makes me the most money. Since the range of hands I play is a bit messed up (hence why I play short-handed tables), it'd be a laugh seeing that 8-9 suited is something that makes me more money than Aces or Kings. However, I'll be moving to Full Tilt in the new year so I'll have some fun stats around the end of January. Btw, the technique with Aces and Kings I like. A-K and the like, not so much. A-K is a drawing hand and, as we know, people with Q-Q to 10-10 will call most of the time and they're ahead pre-flop and usually post-flop. Still, an intersting idea.

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? Still no calllers for any of them although did win $18 profit in one hand with a HUGE stroke of luck - I had TT and limped, flop of AAx which we checked, checked the turn, river a T, he shoved with AK, and walked straight into my boat! :roll

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands?

Is there anything like PokerTracker/Office that works on Boss?
Not yet, but now they have compatible hand histories, is only a matter of time :ok My thinking behind AKs is that: 1) If your opponent has AA you are a long way behind. If your opponent has KK you are behind but have the A as an out. 2) If your opponent has a pair below KK then you are behind, but only just - it's not far from a coin flip. 3) If your opponent calls with a non pair (and not AK) then you are quite a long way ahead. I am thinking that Category 3 at these tables will generate more profit than Category 1 and 2 put together will cost you.
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? Just had Aces for about the third time today and I'll share even though nothing much happened.

***** Hand 497696839 ***** 0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 31 December 2006 17:57:17 Table TH 147 (Real/Cash Game) Seat 1: reggie3209 (72.25) Seat 2: -feikko- (241.32) Seat 3: Mantaur (234.94) Seat 4: niNJ7878 (97.97) Seat 5: TryHard (126.95) TryHard post SB 0.50 reggie3209 post BB 1.00 ** Deal ** reggie3209 [N/A, N/A] -feikko- [N/A, N/A] Mantaur [As, Ah] niNJ7878 [N/A, N/A] TryHard [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** -feikko- Raise to 4.00 Mantaur Raise to 12.00 niNJ7878 Fold TryHard Fold reggie3209 Fold -feikko- Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 9.50 Mantaur By default Win:9.50
I think the thing is, I'll never slow play Aces in a cash game. The problem is, although you might not get any callers andwill win nearly all the time, you don't profit as much as you could.
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? 8793 hands in my database. Most Profitable JJ ... 4.99 BB/Hand AA ... 3.21 BB/Hand QTs ... 3.07 BB/Hand 99 ... 2.72 BB/Hand AJs ... 2.71 BB/Hand Most Expensive 88 ... (2.67) BB/Hand T8s ... (2.49) BB/Hand 76s ... (1.88) BB/Hand J6s ... (1.52) BB/Hand K8s ... (1.44) BB/Hand i'm just oging over my plays now after another losing session on the tables. (PT auto-rated me fishy) - i was shocked. but at least overall i'm winning more than i'm losing. just gotta plug the leaks and i'll be fine. thought you might want to see stats from a larger range

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? Found these stats on a site which must not be named. The statistics are based on 122,031,244 pair of pocket cards dealt in the real money tables. The unit for EV is average profit in big bets. After A2s they are all zero or minus

AA 2.32 550,632
KK 1.67 551,878
QQ 1.22 549,570
JJ 0.86 550,948
AK s 0.77 367,870
AQ s 0.59 368,178
TT 0.58 550,156
AK 0.51 1,106,047
AJ s 0.43 367,811
KQ s 0.39 366,191
99 0.38 552,062
AT s 0.33 367,393
AQ 0.31 1,101,249
KJ s 0.29 365,921
88 0.25 550,710
QJ s 0.23 368,213
KT s 0.20 368,086
AJ 0.19 1,103,946
A9 s 0.18 368,279
QT s 0.17 365,398
KQ 0.16 1,103,231
77 0.16 553,492
JT s 0.15 367,811
A8 s 0.10 368,982
K9 s 0.09 367,736
AT 0.08 1,105,376
A5 s 0.08 367,900
A7 s 0.08 369,231
66 0.07 549,696
KJ 0.07 1,105,604
A4 s 0.06 367,553
Q9 s 0.06 367,923
T9 s 0.05 367,750
J9 s 0.04 369,223
A6 s 0.03 366,998
QJ 0.03 1,102,901
55 0.02 550,840
A3 s 0.02 367,269
KT 0.01 1,103,705
K8 s 0.01 369,893
A2 s 0.00 366,466
And the bottom of the table shows that 72o is not the worst hand
72 s -0.15 368,039
A2 -0.15 1,106,519
83 s -0.15 368,814
94 s -0.15 367,617
32 s -0.16 369,182
Its actually in th middle of the table
72 -0.12 1,104,285
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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? My new database seems a bit more conventional ;) 1834 hands in my db.... Most Profitable KK 9.54 BB/Hand AA 8.28 BB/Hand 76s 7.44 BB/Hand 99 6.69 BB/Hand QQ 5.64 BB/Hand Least Profitable AQs (8.08) BB/Hand K8o (2.43) BB/Hand JJ (1.94) BB/Hand 43s (1.9) BB/Hand JTs (1.71) BB/Hand

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? After 5.5k hands at 0.1/0.2 NL :- Best 5 QQ - 8.67BB KK - 6.54BB 66 - 4.85BB TT - 4.79BB AA - 3.85BB Worst 5 AKs - (6.64)BB A9s - (1.46)BB K5s - (1.26)BB J7o - (1.18)BB 77 - (1.18)BB AKs includes one misplayed hand by me, otherwise pretty happy with my worst hands. Too big a RR on flop and I should have knew I was beat when I faced the RR from the cold caller. ** Game ID 656749834 starting - 2007-01-04 12:50:46 ** Aero [Hold 'em] (0.10|0.20 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - ProSwoop sitting in seat 1 with $29.58 - Lillemor sitting in seat 2 with $21.14 - Ed__Fdob sitting in seat 3 with $19.63 - t0b1a5 sitting in seat 4 with $14.85 - Mad_Fer_It sitting in seat 5 with $51.32 - deepster sitting in seat 6 with $13.82 [Dealer] - Bleys sitting in seat 7 with $29.01 - qwaszx sitting in seat 8 with $16.50 - suzz27 sitting in seat 9 with $4.03 - christina2 sitting in seat 10 with $10.00 [sitting out] Bleys posted the small blind - $0.10 qwaszx posted the big blind - $0.20 ** Dealing card to Mad_Fer_It: King of Hearts, Ace of Hearts suzz27 folded ProSwoop called - $0.20 Lillemor folded Ed__Fdob called - $0.20 t0b1a5 called - $0.20 Mad_Fer_It raised - $0.40 deepster folded Bleys folded qwaszx called - $0.40 ProSwoop called - $0.40 Ed__Fdob called - $0.40 t0b1a5 called - $0.40 ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Spades, Queen of Hearts, 9 of Clubs qwaszx checked ProSwoop bet - $2.10 Ed__Fdob folded t0b1a5 called - $2.10 Mad_Fer_It raised - $8.40 qwaszx folded ProSwoop folded t0b1a5 went all-in - $12.35 Mad_Fer_It called - $14.45 ** Dealing the turn: 4 of Hearts ** Dealing the river: Queen of Spades t0b1a5 shows: 9 of Diamonds, 9 of Spades Mad_Fer_It mucks: King of Hearts, Ace of Hearts Mad_Fer_It mucks: t0b1a5 wins $31.45 from the main pot End of game 656749834

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? I've been playing quite a lot of cash recently and it's gotten so bad with AA that I just chuck everything in and close my eyes. Had KK 4 times on Sunday and didn't win a hand, it was horrible when I realised that the reason I lost is because I played them so badly. Just when you think you have a grip on the game you realise that you've just gone up another level and that you still have so much to learn. I'm an averagely decent tournament/STT player and got my arse kicked all over the place on 0.25/0.50 NL If anyone can recommend some cash play books then that'd be great.

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? Poker - the more you learn, the more you learn there is to learn :loon :loon I think there are a shortage of (No Limit) Cash Game books out there .... I havent found one yet that jumps out at me ..... most are focused on Limit, which is just too different....

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Re: Cash Games - Best and Worst starting hands? "World Poker Tour": In the Money (World Poker Tour) (Paperback) by Antonio Esfandiari (Author)

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0060763051.02._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg This follow-up to "WPT: Shuffle Up and Deal" from poker professional Antonio Esfandiari with contributions from other stars of the World Poker Tour provides the next level of poker strategies and insights for today's poker players. Cash Games are the most commonly played version of Texas Hold'em; in fact at this very moment thousands are playing this non-tournament style of Hold'em in casinos, home games and online. This will be a must have for all poker enthusiasts.
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