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What happens next????


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Full Tilt Poker Game #1307340396: Table Spanish Lavender - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 8:02:37 ET - 2006/11/26 Seat 1: Gecko999 ($117.65) Seat 2: hehku ($56.10) Seat 3: FettKenneth ($48.65) Seat 4: melinao ($63.50) Seat 5: Disco Hal ($24.55) Seat 6: cloud71 ($19.25) Seat 7: SteveLighters ($58.50) Seat 8: fhotze ($55.05) Seat 9: -4WS-Madman ($51.20) SteveLighters posts the small blind of $0.25 fhotze posts the big blind of $0.50 The button is in seat #6 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to cloud71 [8s 6s] -4WS-Madman folds Gecko999 folds hehku folds FettKenneth folds Disco Hal folds cloud71 raises to $1.50 SteveLighters folds fhotze calls $1 *** FLOP *** [7h 4h 5s] fhotze checks cloud71 checks *** TURN *** [7h 4h 5s] [4d] fhotze bets $2 cloud71 calls $2 *** RIVER *** [7h 4h 5s 4d] [9d] fhotze bets $5 cloud71 raises to $10 FettKenneth adds $1.35 fhotze raises to $51.55, and is all in cloud71 calls $5.75, and is all in Uncalled bet of $35.80 returned to fhotze

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Re: What happens next????

:lol :lol :lol Unlucky Cloud but that's the beauty of mid pocket pairs. The thing that stood out for me was the 4xBB raise with 86s. I'm not sure that I'd make that play myself.
Yeah, that's not a usual play - but I find myself very confident at the moment whilst playing in position (on the button). I was going to put this in the strategy section - to see if I had played it badly (both me and my opponent slowplaying monsters!!) - but it's one of those hands that I don't think me or my opponent could have got away from.
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Re: What happens next???? I think Amarillo Slim mentions something near the end of his book when talking about a relative of his that they, "get scared with the nut flush when the board pairs on the river." It's something along those lines. Fact is, you can't be scared of your opponent hitting their FH every time you have the nuts on either the flop or the turn. Anyway, unlucky with the hand.

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