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Joint losers on the bubble.


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Just played $10 Turbo 6 seater on betfair. 3 left in, 2 to be payed. Leader has 5000 chips, I have 550, other lad has 450. We 3 are all in on the next hand and the chip leader wins the pot. Now... I got payed for 2nd place due to having more chips going into the hand...BUT...the 3rd place player had my hand well beaten...just didn't seem fair to me that I should get 2nd when I had an inferior hand. Obviously these are the correct rules, but I bet whoever that 3rd player was is really peed off right now!

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Re: Joint losers on the bubble. Not really they must know the rules, I've sometimes pushed in this situation with a marginal hand, knowing there is a good chance I'll lose, but will get paid due to the chips I had going in. I tihnk it's a good rule.

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