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November SO STT League

Guest gazza271

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Guest gazza271

well done to all PL'ers in the money last month :clap :clap :clap Shawy, top result mate :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy and here we go again in November, same format etc SportingOdds STT League In October Shawy just edged ahead of daz vegas to win the league but they both pocketed four figure wins in the process. The next league will run throughout the whole of November and there will be a $5000 prize pot! As previously the League positions will be calculated on total table profit (that's all winnings minus all table buy-ins). The 5 handed $5 table can be found in the 'Single Tourney' section of the SportingOdds Poker Room and there will always just be seat waiting for you. Prizes 1st Place = $2500 2nd Place = $1000 3rd Place = $500 4th Place = $250 5th Place = $125 6-10th Place = $75 11th-20th Place = $25

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Re: November SO STT League Well I usally throw $11 at this and stop once I'm $11 down, so after last months 4th place for $250 I decided to allow a $50 drop this month. form so far stt league november 1st- +$20.50 1;=+12.00 2;=+12.00 3;=-5.50 4;=-5.50 5;=+12.00 6;=-5.50 7;=+12.00 8;=-5.50 9;=-5.50 +$20.50 november 2nd =$-47.50==$-27.50 1;=-5.50 2;=-5.50 3;=-5.50 4;=-5.50 5;=-5.50 6;=-5.50 7;=-5.50 8;=-5.50 9;=-5.50 10;=+2.00 november 3rd 1;=+2.00 2;=-5.00 3;=-5.00 4;=-5.00 5;=-5.00 So one more for me and then I give up 11 consecutive with out a payout and 17 since a win, guess I'm not very good at this

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Guest gazza271

Re: November SO STT League STT League Table STT League Top 20 - November (midnight 2nd)

PositionNickname Profit
1stS.T.B! $65
2nd AlexoGeo $48.50
3rdfiremanuk $24
4th SSpiersey $20.50
5thesso1 $16
6thpotbelly11 $14
7thpossie $12
7thJOSEPH999 $12
7thHIGHLAND63 $12
7thNJay123 $12
7thRB5 $12
7thOdonke $12
7thMotown53 $12
7thkatonkal $12
7thwidgy $12
7thcube1 $12
7thMooroe $12
17thmarksaces $6.50
17thCurler $6.50
17thdriznerp $6.50
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Guest gazza271

Re: November SO STT League STT League Table STT League Top 20 - November (midnight 4th)

1st S.T.B! $122.50
2nd AlexoGeo $74.50
3rd hobbo thre $34
4th SSpiersey $32.50
5th raycool $25.50
6th firemanuk $24
6th lennypasta $24
8th the croc p $20.50
8th Graz6 $20.50
10th gazza271 $15
11th possie $14
11th jack001 $14
13th RB5 $12
13th MrTricky $12
13th Motown53 $12
13th NobbiesNut $12
13th czapinho2 $12
13th cardshak10 $12
13th JOSEPH999 $12
13th cube1 $12
I've not played for 3 or 4 days because of work, need to get me arse back into gear :ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: November SO STT League STT League Table STT League Top 20 - November (midnight 6th)

1st S.T.B! $168.50
2nd AlexoGeo $86
3rd the croc p $53
4th NobbiesNut $36
5th SSpiersey $32.50
6th gazza271 $25.50
7th marksaces $24
8th firemanuk $24
8th eg007 $24
8th cube1 $22
11th raycool $22
11th esso1 $20.50
13th lennypasta $20.50
13th jack001 $16
15th crazybam $14
16th possie $12
17th RB5 $12
17th Stuka $12
17th Motown53 $12
17th loj999 $12
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Re: November SO STT League

Played STB in a few games in my ill fated attempt at the league and he said there was only 2 or 3 decent players in it and that he would win it easy. Confidence obviousley breeds success
I just had my first encounter with him - he played tight and then doubled up by taking the 'table idiot's' chips. (not me) Was sitting hoping for a hand and here it came! Hand #457945892 at table: SportingOdds STT Lge Started: Thu Nov 09 19:27:08 2006 hobbo thre is at seat 1 with 1590.00 S.T.B! is at seat 3 with 2110.00 SSpiersey is at seat 4 with 1563.00 donnaPL is at seat 5 with 2087.00 S.T.B! posts the large blind 100.00 hobbo thre posts the small blind 50.00 hobbo thre: --, -- S.T.B!: --, -- SSpiersey: Ah, As :nana donnaPL: --, -- Pre-flop: SSpiersey: Raise 200.00 donnaPL: Fold hobbo thre: Fold S.T.B!: Call 200.00 :) Flop (Board: 7c, Jh, 3c): S.T.B!: Check SSpiersey: Bet 300.00 S.T.B!: Raise 700.00 SSpiersey: All in S.T.B!: Call 1363.00 Showdown: S.T.B! shows: Js, Kh (a pair of Jacks) SSpiersey shows: Ah, As (a pair of Aces) Turn (Board: 7c, Jh, 3c, 10c): River (Board: 7c, Jh, 3c, 10c, Jc): :cry S.T.B! shows: Js, Kh (three of a kind, Jacks) Mainpot: S.T.B! wins the pot of 3176 with three of a kind, Jacks And of course he went on to win!! :lol
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Re: November SO STT League

i have been playing quite a few of these' date=' would really like to now how i get to see the league table on SO, can anyone please advise, would be most gratefull[/quote'] Donna, Just go to the Sportingodds.com website (not poker site) and click on the Poker Tab, then hit the 'tourney' tab, select STT League - it's only updated around every 3 or 4 days though! TQM
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Guest gazza271

Re: November SO STT League STT League Table STT League Top 20 - November (midnight 9th)

1stS.T.B! $192
2nd AlexoGeo $92
3rdthe croc p $71.50
4th crazybam $41
5thNobbiesNut $36
5theg007 $36
7thboozola $30
8thmarksaces $25
9thfiremanuk $24
10thesso1 $22.50
11thBurnJoe $20.50
12thCurler $19.50
13thcube1 $18.50
14ththe cid $18
15thraycool $17.50
16thSSpiersey $16
16thlennypasta $16
16thGraz6 $16
19thOdonke $15
19thMooroe $15
I've had a horrendous couple of days, not been able to play to much but the games I have played have only had 1 win and 1 2nd :wall and now dropped right off leaderboard :sad
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Guest gazza271

Re: November SO STT League STT League Table STT League Top 20 - November (midnight 16th)

1stS.T.B! $262.50
2nd AlexoGeo $111.50
3rdthe croc p $101.50
4th esso1 $65
5theg007 $36
6thcrazybam $28.50
7thmarksaces $25
8thlamby321 $24
8thfiremanuk $24
10thOdonke $21.50
11thMooroe $21
12thtbok1 $20.50
13thNobbiesNut $19.50
14tht00ts $18.50
14thstgeorges $18.50
14thcube1 $18.50
17thBoneidle $18.50
18throbbie1960 $17
18thGraz6 $17
20thEBlock68 $16
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Guest gazza271

Re: November SO STT League

No one is ever registered to play on this when I am on-line Rubbish.
well there's a table open now with 4 of us on it, waiting for 1 person if you fancy it :ok
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Re: November SO STT League

well there's a table open now with 4 of us on it' date=' waiting for 1 person if you fancy it :ok[/quote'] Cant remember if I joined this. How do other people find this? I find it difficult to get players for a table. usually tables fill up on other types of stt's. Do you think having a 10 seater tourny would attract more? or take even longer?
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Re: November SO STT League take even longer to fill up,thing is people play for the same stakes/prize money and dont touch the stt league because they dont know what it is and what extra money they could win.the plus side of having the low numbers is its easier to make the top 20

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Re: November SO STT League Just play STB in, what a CNUT. I won he was 3rd, cos he didnt win he was moaning, complaing calling me lucky. OK hes top, well done, he must be quite good, but jesus dear say if anyone played every game they would have a high score

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Re: November SO STT League

He must play a lot. I saw him playing in the league and on the waiting list and when I went over to Poker.co.uk he was on my $10 STT as well. (He must have 2 PCs). He went out first hand when his Kings were busted by a rag ace. Some very choice words. He's not the nicest guy.
No not nice at all. poker.co.uk is on the same network, so he was probably still on SO cos they are the same tables shared across the network.
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