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I am an F King Tosser


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Played in the Betway freeroll this morning. I was pleased with my game until this hand. I make this mistake again and again. :wall:wall:wall Can someone please drum into my head why I should not be risking a slow play with trips so I never ever make this mistake again. :spank:spank:spank Here's the hand along with my thinking at the time. ** Game ID 1008108798 starting - 2006-10-28 12:47:32 ** Happy Saturday Freeroll[631264]:Table 12 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (1000.00|2000.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - vegar22 sitting in seat 1 with $15565.00 - Pit_Klos sitting in seat 2 with $30906.25 - basoo sitting in seat 3 with $28742.50 - _Vitos_ sitting in seat 5 with $10400.00 - Ledycz sitting in seat 6 with $3120.00 [Dealer] - ColU_FC sitting in seat 7 with $17443.75 - peterneinei sitting in seat 8 with $9865.00 - Scurto sitting in seat 9 with $5303.75 - Gotroch sitting in seat 10 with $2595.00 ColU_FC posted the small blind - $500.00 peterneinei posted the big blind - $1000.00 ** Dealing card to ColU_FC: Queen of Clubs, Queen of Hearts Scurto folded Gotroch folded vegar22 folded Pit_Klos called - $1000.00 basoo folded _Vitos_ folded Ledycz folded Lovely ladies, lets keep him with us, just a little raise I think ColU_FC raised - $2500.00 peterneinei folded Pit_Klos called - $2500.00 ** Dealing the flop: 9 of Hearts, Queen of Spades, 8 of Diamonds Trips, yeeessss, now I don't want to lose him, I wonder if I can induce him to try buying it? ColU_FC checked Pit_Klos checked ** Dealing the turn: Jack of Clubs Foook, surely he hasn't got a Ten? ColU_FC checked Pit_Klos bet - $3000.00 I hope he's trying to buy it, I think I'm being a tosser ColU_FC called - $3000.00 ** Dealing the river: 5 of Clubs ColU_FC checked Pit_Klos bet - $5000.00 Foooook, don't call, you're beat, but I could still make a FH, don't be silly, throw them away ColU_FC called - $5000.00 Why did I do that? Am I mad? Pit_Klos shows: 10 of Clubs, Ace of Clubs ColU_FC mucks: Queen of Clubs, Queen of Hearts Pit_Klos wins $22000.00 from the main pot End of game 1008108798

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Re: I am an F King Tosser In all honesty ColU I think the problem here is the flop, you should have been cagey really as 10 J on that flop already had you almost drawing dead. I can't really criticise the call on the turn BUT you really shouldn't have called the river bet. :spank Sometimes making good folds can be as satisfying mentally as winning large pots. If you focus on that then you may get away in the future. :ok

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Re: I am an F King Tosser Initially my pre-flop bet would have been bigger, make it a real mistake for A-rag or K-rag to call. On a flop like this I'd bet about 3-4k because I don't want any draws in. Thinking about what sort of starting hands may call a raise preflop a T and/or J are likely to be one of the cards. I wouldn't want to be calling inside straights for 3/4 pot bets. I know you wanted to keep him in, but there's 6k in the pot now and looking at the stacks that's worth taking down. Regardless this hand is far from wrapped up and an extra card to let him catch up could be the card that beats you. If it was Q94 or even QJ6 I'd think about checking, hoping he'd caught something and made a move at it. Then if the turn came scary pot bet to drive him out. I almost always play trips strongly because they're still quite vulnerable, yet you don't get them often enough. Never be worried about being paid off, online's full of people willing to do just that.

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Re: I am an F King Tosser

If you have flopped trips what size bet do you normally make? This is where I feel I'm getting it wrong. I'm trying to trap and succeding in trapping myself.
I dont think it's possible to have a single "fits all" formula - it depends on so much...... In general though - trips is vulnerable to a lot of hands - I would say you should be betting enough that your opponent is making a mistake in calling you with the cards he is drawing to..... In this case you are happy if he calls - so long as he is paying the correct price for his draw!!!! So ideally you price it as high as you can (above the odds of him hitting, but below the price that will make him fold) - so you need to use your knowledge of your opponent!!!! Of course this is general ....... in tournament play, you may be more likely to be happy to "take it down" (and price it where you think your opponent will fold) Pre flop - your thinking is "keep it cheap - keep him in" - HOWEVER remember you are in the small blind and out of position for the rest of the hand
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